How to plan Physalis Edulis in a professional way?
By Parisa
Iran, Islamic Republic of
I want to plant Physalis Edulis(Cape Gooseberry with sweet,yellow fruit)in greenhouse for a complete business.My city has hot & dry summers & snowy winters.I need to know all details about how to plan it.But in my country,there is no source for getting the information & no source for buying seeds or plant itself.I want to know how I can access to the details of planting & also buying the seeds.I wonder if anyone could help me.

9 Jul, 2011
I grew this very successfully in the UK from seeds from fruit I bought in the supermarket. It was very easy. They were planted directly into the ground. The greenhouse was kept just frost free in the winter and the plants grew back every year with great enthusiasm and bore prolifically. We don't have your high summer temperatures though.
11 Jul, 2011
Parisa, can you access this?
The main difference that I could see is that you will probably need to provide cooling for the greenhouse, in summer. Here in Phoenix, AZ, we usually use some form of evaporative cooling. In your climate, you could probably save water by using a geothermal cooling and heating system at least part of the time. Try googling "passive geothermal cooling" for more info--there are more sites, mostly commercial, than I could list here!
10 Jul, 2011