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what is the best way to prune rhododendron kluis sensation


By Outsie

United Kingdom

i have a rhododendron and have been told its a kluis sensation, but am not sure how and when to prune it

On plant Rhododendron



In the UK it is recommended to prune plants like Rhododendrons, Camelia, and Azalea (Ericaceae family) after they have flowered which is Mid Spring to Late Spring. After flowering the plant will use its energy to produce growth, you can prune the flowering stems quite hard down to a leaf node (half the flowering branch) and they will use their growth energy to produce new leaves and this will encourage flower production for next year on this years wood. Remove any dead or congested branches as this will encourage growth, air circulation and prevent disease. Give it a good feed with ericaceous plant food and top dress with ericaceous compost

29 Dec, 2008


Hi there Outsie, i agree with Andrea, on the time of year - after flowering, and removal of all dead and damaged bits, Feeding every year is a good idea but is best done before flowering around Feb time, sorry Andrea but hard pruning,is usually not necessary. and to be honest they are not fond of it either. if your plant is well established and it is really necessary to hard prune then by all means, but you may find that it will sulk for a year or two. but if you just want to maintain it, you only need to remove the dead flower spikes - take care though as the new growth buds are just at the base of them, and you don't want to damage them.

29 Dec, 2008

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