Sick Rhododendron? or just the variety?
By Majeekahead
i bought this dwaf Rhododendron from ebay last year, i can't rember the variey i seem to have mis placed the label. it's flowers are pale pink and in the picture on the label the leaves are quite a dark reddy green, very small leaves like a Japanese Azaliea, but i know it is not one of thoughs. anyway i have noticed that its leaves have a sort of mottled effect on them, i was wondering if this is a virus or just normal for this type of Rhododendon? it seems to be growing ok and it looks as if it is getting ready to flower, it is currently in a pot, but will be planted into a bed in the front garden soon with lots of other types of Rhododendrons so did'nt want any viruses transferred to the others. also if anyone reconises this variety would be good to know which it is - so i can do some more reasearch.
On plant

3 Feb, 2008
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spring colour plants
thanks debs, but i'm not a member, i do have 6 other rhododendrons, 2 azailea, and hords of other acid loving plants and i do make the effort with there soil and feed regually. it has had the same treatment, the only difference is that this one is in a pot, i have one other in a pot which is a different variety and an azailea in a pot, they are waiting to be planted in my new flower bed. but it only seems to be this one, with this markings on the leaves, it does'nt look right does it.
3 Feb, 2008
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I am not sure what type this is without looking through my RHS books but my standards are the same and I think it mainly due to the fact that they are acid loving. I usually given them a feed and they are beauties when they flower. If you are a member of the RHS they have a free service to identify plants and diseases.
3 Feb, 2008