Early raspberries.
By Sarraceniac
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have a late cropping variety but I would love some early (July) ones. Any recommendations as to variety? My favourite fruit.
1 Dec, 2008
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I wonder why? LOL. Hate strawberries but do love rasps. I'll look those 2 up and inform you.
1 Dec, 2008
Heritage Red is an everbearing...might want to check that out.
2 Dec, 2008
Thanks Lori. I looked it up but can't find a UK supplier. So I Googled it and all the information is from your side of the pond. Guess it's an American favourite that hasn't got here.
2 Dec, 2008
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Hi John,
I remember Lloyd George and Malling Promise, these days it's Malling Jewel.
My favourite fruit is Strawberies Cambridge favourite. Often only found 2 in the punnet instead of it being full.
1 Dec, 2008