What paint to use for tyre plant pots?
By Jazzminton
Anglesey, North Wales,
United Kingdom
Hi all, i'm helping the school get gardening and we're starting by using re-cycled tyres, turned inside out to use as planters in the courtyard. I'd like to paint them in nice colours but not sure which paint to use, i read emulsion was ok. Has anyone tried this, does it work ok? I don't want flakey pots by mid winter! Thanks for reading
14 Nov, 2008
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P.S: You may get more adhesion with spray paints.
14 Nov, 2008
hi Jazzninton
i've used emulsion and gloss painting all sorts of things in the garden. they both fade or flake sooner or later.
but it does look good for a couple of years and i enjoy giving things a fresh coat in the spring.
when i did a recycling project last year focus DIY gave us left over paint free. we just asked...
15 Nov, 2008
Thanks for your suggestions, i will see what i can get for free too as the school hasn't much cash to buy things. Have had a little go with spray paint but it was rather messy and i'd like to get the children involved so i think i'll have a little experiment with gloss and emulsion
15 Nov, 2008
emulsion washes off kids easier...lol
have you seen my tyre pictures. i haven't painted them this time as i want the black background. fingers crossed the plants will fill out and hide some of the tyres soon.
15 Nov, 2008
Hi Sandra, just checked out your tyre pictures! Blimey, that's a lot of tyres! i've a few in my small garden, especially at the front where its all concrete, grown peas, beetroot, broad beans, carrots and courgettes in them this year - i planted nasturtiums in with them to hide the tyres - all did well. It's me that's the messy one, much worse than the children........
15 Nov, 2008
Perhaps your local Council may donate some paint? I'm thinking, especially, of road-marking paint in yellow, red and white - could be worth a try, and look cheerful, too.
16 Nov, 2008
Thanks, that's a good idea - not sure about road marking paint though, I watched the council a month ago painting the road markings and the paint is strange stuff, it dries instantly - i know cos i saw a car drive over it and it made no marks!! Things you see when looking out of the window
16 Nov, 2008
I'm a paint specialist with 30 years experience. Try sugar soaping the tyres to remove any grease, rinse them thoroughly with clean water then paint them with oil based undercoat, followed by an oil based eggshell or satinwood. Lot of work but should not peel for several years.
16 Nov, 2008
Oh dear, is it that good? Maybe not then, with children taking part. Perhaps the Council will have other types of paint, however. Good Luck!
16 Nov, 2008
We are helping out our local school to paint their tyres with funky colours, have asked at Wickes and B and Q and they have both said spray paints would be the best. Infact Wickes have donated us a load of spray paint free - what stars they are! The stuff they gave us was the spray for road marking which he thought would do the job - we're doing it this weekend so we'll see!!
27 Sep, 2012
Not oil based paint...it reacts with the rubber and never dries...spray paints work but wont last......i've tried them all!
13 Apr, 2016
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An OIL based EXTERIOR paint should do the trick, but can't guarantee it won't flake as the tyre deteriorates. Best go to your local hardware and ask, all gardeners on here! and don't forget, places like B&Q do 'end of line' paints in all sorts of colours that they put in the 'reduced' or 'end of line section' , could be worth a look. Happy painting!
14 Nov, 2008