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tree leaves


By Turner

United Kingdom




How long is a piece of string if we are getting philosophical?

16 Oct, 2008


The natural autumn leaf fall, results from the inbuilt mechanism responding to reduction in hours of daylight and/or reduction of soil temperature.. To make it fall the tree produces what is called an abscission layer, pushing the leaf stem and branch apart..
Leaf fall at other times results from water shortage, the tree tries to save irself from drying out by reducing leaf surface.
I hope this is correct. I am now going to check up by asking the question of Google.

16 Oct, 2008


sounds right to me

16 Oct, 2008


Many thanks Poaannua,a very good answer Turner

16 Oct, 2008


Po and Noseyp. I am not in favour of answering questions from students who just can't be bothered to do their own research.

16 Oct, 2008


knowladge is knowladge i dont see why not thats what this site is for

17 Oct, 2008


I honestly don't think any forum is meant to provide an easy out for students who can't be bothered to look anything up for themselves. I certainly don't want to fall out over this but as somebody who, as a result of my profession spent a lot of years lecturing part time at one of the hospital colleges of the University of London, I would have been very upset if one of my students had simply gone on to a forum and asked for the answer. The reason questions are set is not to just get an answer but to make sure the student understands all the ins and outs of the question. If somebody else answers the question for them then clearly they don't.

Knowledge is not knowledge in the sense that you mean it. Knowledge involves understanding. And if the student is just fed the answer then understanding is not involved.

If I found that a student had done this I would certainly fail them.

17 Oct, 2008


I am sorry but I seem to have hit a raw nerve with some people.I am not a student
,in fact I am a seventy year old retired person.
My question was a genuine thing I did not completly understand and I am greatful for the answers which I got

17 Oct, 2008


In that case Turner, I do apologise to you. I have been on forums for many years (not long on this one) and that is just the sort of question students ask so they can turn the answer in as their own research. The problem is that we 65 year old kids tend to think that nobody but a student would ask a question of that nature. I therefore apologise to my own generation for under estimating them.

May I ask 'Why did you want to know by the way? Just inquisitive?'

17 Oct, 2008


Well Sarraceniac. I thought the tree sealed off the stalk afer the leaf had died and was ready to drop off,but my brother said the sealing off was the cause of the leaf dying and then falling.Thats all...

17 Oct, 2008

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