By Townsend
United Kingdom
Planted 5 roses in march this year, they have flowered really well through the summer but now two of them have lost most of their leaves, why? What do I need to do.
2 Oct, 2008
Previous question
« It may be hard for you to answer this as our season are differant it's early...
Did the leaves have black marks on them? If so, they got 'Blackspot' which is prevalent in damp weather. First you need to clear up all the fallen leaves and burn them - don't compost them - then prune as normal and spray against black spot from early next spring, as per packet instructions. If it wasn't Blackspot, I would just carry on as usual with them and hope they are OK. Give all 5 a good feed in the spring anyway - well-rotted manure if possible!
4 Oct, 2008