The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Disappearing Winter Aconites.

West Somerset, England

Has anyone else had the experience of planting pots of Aconites which do not appear the following year? Why should this be, please?

On plant Eranthis cilicica



I have had a look on the internet to find information and I came across this article which explains When, Where and how to grow Winter Aconites. Here is the link. You may need a magnifying glass to read it!!

It may explain why the aconites aren't returning to flower because of lack of water, it may be worth lifting them and soaking the coums before replanting??

8 Feb, 2008


Well, it sure took me ages to type in that link, Andrea, thanks for finding it! It appears that maybe the site where last year's were planted (in flower) got too hot during the 'summer'. The article does say that they prefer shady areas. I think I shall have to plant something else round the new Ash tree and keep the Aconites for elsewhere in the garden. I planted another potfull there this year - I shall move them tomorrow! I don't think that I'll be able to find last year's corms.

8 Feb, 2008


Next time Spritz, copy and paste the link into the web address on your internet, at least then you won't get RSI looking for plant advice!!

9 Feb, 2008


OOOOh You are so clever, Andrea! I haven't ever done that, not being much of a techie.....didn't even know you could!!! I will try it.

9 Feb, 2008


If you do plant out another potful of in flower ones, then when they have finished, look for the seeds. Do not wait for them to go brown though. Carefully and gently rub the seed heads between finger and thumb, if the seeds fall off then they are ripe, even though they are still green. Sow immediately in standard compost and keep shady and watered etc. they should germinate the following spring. The seeds will NOT store, they have a very short life span.

9 Feb, 2008


Thank you, I will do just that!

9 Feb, 2008

How do I say thanks?

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