Flowering in December
Sorry for the random question - for years I have told a friend I will grow her Cornflowers for her wedding... finally, she is engaged and looking to marry in December! What can I plant now that will grow and produce flowers by December, suitable for a bouquet / display flowers?
7 Sep, 2008
Hello.... Silk ones? Nowadays, they are very realistic.
8 Sep, 2008
I'd go for Pansies in Oasis ball on a stick you could be artistic with some ivy poss holly if you can get some if you make an orb and stick the stems into it with ribbon and so on using a stick wrapped in ribbon or sprayed what ever the colour theam is with rippons hanging down you could make it very nicely.
Failing this i'd go for silk or paper you can buy some very realistic ones as Joy says sorry and good luck.
8 Sep, 2008
I think that you were pushing your luck a tad by promising her cornflowers! Can she postpone her wedding???? LOL. IF you planted some in a heated propagator now you mght possibly get some in flower in a heated greenhouse but that is more than a bit optimistic. Paperwhite Narcissii WOULD be a possibility if you planted them soon, as they flower within a few weeks. I'm afraid it is just the wrong time of year to start most plants now and get blooms by December - they are entering their dormant period. Even Hellebores can't be guaranteed to flower in December.... You have stumped me! Maybe someone can think of something else??
7 Sep, 2008