what plant can i put here
By Anne83
United Kingdom
I have a corner of the garden raised bed, great soil, has oak tree behind and camelia in bed, want large flowering shrub or shrubs can I add in great colour .........what though, help!!!!!!!!!
6 Sep, 2008
How about a "Chinese Lantern" ? Crinodendron Hookerianum The flowers and seed heads are great and long lasting.
6 Sep, 2008
So that's two of us suggesting the same shrub - only I went and muddled the name - sorry! I did mean Crinodendron hookerianum.
6 Sep, 2008
Is it in sun or shade? Which direction does it face? As you have a Camellia there, I asume you have acid soil. How about a Pieris? A Skimmia or two? A Clerodendron hookerianum?
6 Sep, 2008