The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Hi All
Disaster has struck last night the wind has totally destroyed my walk in plastic greenhouse that has been temporary housing my collection of very rare FS amaryllis bulbs crinum Ammocharis etc it has also tipped over all the pots containing these bulbs and the are all over the floor will they be ok to repot and place into the new glass green house which is thankfully ready



Yes Steve do as soon as you possibly can without endangering yourself.

12 Nov, 2010


If you can get them replanted this weekend, Steve, they should be fine. I suspect that your main problem will be matching bulbs with labels!

12 Nov, 2010


Oh Steve - I'm sorry to hear that - and wish you luck in salvaging your bulbs. Here it wasn't cold temperature-wise, so I hope that was the case with you, too.

12 Nov, 2010


What an awful sight for you, Steve. I'm so glad you had your new glass greenhouse ready; good luck with salvaging those precious bulbs.

12 Nov, 2010


It makes you sick when you see it, doesn't it? Good luck, especially with matching the labels. Hope not too many breakages. Phil

12 Nov, 2010


Steve, I feel for you. I had exactly the same problem as you with a similar shelter about four years ago. Mr B is quite right too...worst thing was I didn't have a clue what plant/bulb belonged with which label! HOpe it all turns out ok for you!

13 Nov, 2010

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