Storm Doris Damage
By dawnsaunt
Sooo windy today and we have damage to trees and one uprooted.
Keep safe everyone.
23 Feb, 2017
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So very sorry about that, I hate the wind and all the damage it does.
Hope it eases off soon for everybody.
' Doris ' sounds so inoffensive too!
23 Feb, 2017
What a shame. The roots have brought a lot of soil with them too, by the look of this picture.
Think my fence is about to come's rocking around and the arris rails have crazked/split in numerous places.
Ha ha...Wildrose, I think I remember my Aunty Doris being full of wind too!!
23 Feb, 2017
Oh dear Dan! I hate it too, so destructive Wildrose. Windy Auntie Doris Paul hahaha. It's a larch, very shallow rooted, I don't think the wet ground helped. Hope your panels hold up, we have a few leaning.
23 Feb, 2017
Oh no Dawn!! what a shame :-( its pretty awful here too, Robs had to tie our new gates down they were about to buckle at lunch time, rose arbour blown over and the old greenhouse that we were about to take down for Robs brother has taken itself down, heaven knows the all the plastic panes are!
23 Feb, 2017
Hi Kathy, you're on a hill too aren't you. Those panels could be anywhere lol, saved you a job dismantling it, shame though. At least we only lost a larch and conifer oh and we have 5 fence panels down, very annoying and scarey.
23 Feb, 2017
Sending you all sympathy! It has been pretty windy here but not enough to do damage thank goodness. I think we must have been right on the edge of it. What a shame about your pretty larch Dawn - just as it was coming into leaf too. (Or do you say coming into needle...)
23 Feb, 2017
Very windy today and I did worry about our two tallest trees. Hope they've stopped growing!
Glass greenhouse panes that are taken off by the wind can be lethal. I've seen them "fly" off one after the other . Remember the glass incident in "The Omen"? A good reason to stay indoors.
23 Feb, 2017
Oh, don't mention that film Eirlys...I'll have nightmares! Still havent got over it! Lol sorry about all the damage everyone. We have escaped unscathed, but It looked dreadful across the midlands today.
23 Feb, 2017
saw lots of trees down on the way to and from Nottingham yesterday. sorry that your trees suffered. will you chop them up or leave them for 'mother nature' to sort?
It was very scary on the Humber bridge yesterday. Despite the signs saying closed to high sided vehicles some were still going over. apparently the signs are advisory and not enforceable. however recovery and repair bills are huge.
24 Feb, 2017
I just hate high winds. We had snow in Scotland but it is warm and sunny today!!!
24 Feb, 2017
Usually it's the dead, weak or dying trees that fall. I'm glad everybody is OK.
24 Feb, 2017
Cold here soon as the sun went behind cloudit got really cold. Fed up with cold now.
24 Feb, 2017
Sad you lost a couple of trees Dawn I hope some thing can be made from them that will come in usecul like a bench for eg.
I was hoping the 2 tree s from the church yard over hanging my garden would go then I could get out in my garden with out bird muck covering my pathway and wheels branchs with thorns falling on me and leaves filling my house back and front bedroom and stairs each time a window is opened or door.
24 Feb, 2017
We cannot fight Mother Nature when she is in a paddy, just try and move things to safety, impossible with trees of course, guess you have to be thankful no structural damage to anything Dawn, it was very scary...
25 Feb, 2017
We were lucky to be unscathed although there were a few trees down when I drove into town, the wet ground can make them keel over & we've had plenty of rain.
26 Feb, 2017
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Terrible! We've been lucky here although our neighbours summer house has suffered the same fate as your trees, glass door and roof beams down!
23 Feb, 2017