By Ad44downey
United Kingdom
Mountain Ash Problem? Hi, recently I've noticed that quite a lot of the leaves on my mountain ash tree are 'upside down' as shown in the pictures. There was virtually no wind evident when the pictures were taken. I've never really noticed this until recently, is this anything to worry about? Thanks for any info.

1 Sep, 2019
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mine does this from time to time towards autumn. I assume it is a result of the leaf starting to prepare for leaf fall. they also tend to be where there are large clusters of berries and could be due to tension/torsion due to the weight of berries. the tree is usually fine the following year until about now.
2 Sep, 2019
Many thanks to you both! This is the first year that I have noticed it but otherwise the leaves are in great condition.
3 Sep, 2019
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Gorgeous tree by the way! That's a healthy nice looking tree. Nothing to worry about. Many trees react this way usually right before a storm or with excessive humidity. It should eventually right itself. You don't need to do anything.
2 Sep, 2019