Wepping willow leaves have yellow tinges
By Gordonn
I planted 2 weeping willows 3 years ago.
The trees themselves are growing well, but the problem is the foilage. It has now become so sparse that it is actualy hard to make out from a distance.
There does not seem to be any marks on trunk or branches, but the leaves have yellow tinges.
I do not want to remove if I can help - suggestions please
On plant
5 Jan, 2008
Hope your weeping willows are a long way from any drains. You are not supposed to plant these trees within (I think ) 30 metres of a house either.
As for the contorted willows, we have two. I cut them right down in alternative years. This is done after the catkins have finished (the only time to prune any willow by the way). That way neither tree gets too big for its position. They are both gorwn on a 6 foot clear 'leg'. The branches are cut back to about 2 inches from where they originate. Anything which grows on the trunk is removed altogether.
Our other willows are pruned back almost to ground level each year as shrubs rather than trees.
The Kilmarnock willow is on a 3 foot stem and is pruned back like the contorted one after flowering has finished.
6 Jan, 2008
hi there buzzbee, i am not 100% sure on this but i think you actually need to ask your local council before planting a weeping willow tree, as both spritz and owdboggy have said that they do get very large and i remember reeding something about the roots causing major problems to foundations of houses, drainage and even pathways and roads! i don't suppose that this would matter if you are in the middle of nowhere have a huge back garden and they are planted away from any buildings or public pathways ect, but if not it may be best to check this out before they get too big to do anything about.
6 Jan, 2008
The weeping willow next door to me reached a height of about 30 metres and approximately the same spread over about 30 years - it overlaid not only most of the garden it was in, but both gardens next to it. The trunk, by the time it was felled earlier last year, was about 1.4 metres in diameter. And it cost a few thousand to get rid of.
Willows get a fungal condition called anthracnose which makes them drop their leaves in June, shortly after they have dropped their catkins. They also throw their weak shoots in autumn. Which means you are constantly raking up heaps of dead stuff from spring to late autumn. Oh, and they have a tendency to split in high winds.
GET RID OF THEM! Unless you live in a stately home and/or have a team of gardeners to cope with the things.
Other 'weeping' trees which look pretty and don't have a health warning are silver pears, cut-leaved beech, or caragana.
8 Jan, 2008
There is aweeping willow tree belonging to my neighbour which sheds it's leaves near my door. Do the leaves contain anything which I could carry in on my shoes making marks on my carpet which cannot be removed
19 Jan, 2010
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Previous question
Hi - you are aware that your trees are deciduous I hope? If your question is about your trees at this time of year - and you are in the UK, then that is the reason. I hope that you have a very large garden, as this species takes up lots of space!
5 Jan, 2008