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Cost of Heating

N Yorks, United Kingdom

I have a fan heater in my greenhouse which keeps the temperature from falling below about 5 degrees C.
With the huge rise in electricity costs I'm thinking of not using it any more. The g'house is lined with bubble plastic.Which of these do you think are going to die? - lantana, aeonium, begonias, cacti,pelargoniums,streptocarpus? Glad to hear anyone else's experiences.



Oh dear - what a difficult one - I feel like 'Mystic Meg'... lol. The succulents I think will not be safe if the temps fall below 5 degrees for any length of time. Pelargoniums cut back and kept dry-ish might make it,only watch out for Botrytis. Can't comment on Begonias as I don't grow them. Isn't Lantana normally grown as an annual? - but is possibly like Pelargoniums if you cut it back, and Streptocarpus could be taken in the house, couldn't it? I have certainly over-wintered Pelargoniums except that I lost a lot last year in a long period of frost. This is the punch line. It depends on how low the temps fall for a protracted period. Your plants could survive short bursts of frost but succumb if the frost stays....Good luck!

6 Jul, 2008


My own experience about heating – I have tried every thing from log burning to coal – paraffin and electric heating – I even tapped into the house central heating and run a radiator into the green house – but the one I found the cheapest and to give good constant heat was the gas bottle with a two bar gas fire – that is my heating but not everyone will agree I’m sure

6 Jul, 2008


Thanks a lot for your comments. I've used paraffin in the past but all the cacti went brown with the fumes!
Perhaps I will grow alpines instead.

6 Jul, 2008


aeoniums can cope with low temperature as long as they are dry. stop watering them now and only water if they look realy sad. sun first thing in the morning it good.
as long as the stem dosn't rot it should revive in the spring.

24 Sep, 2008


Thankyou Sandra - I will put them inside now!

24 Sep, 2008


<a href="">low gas furnace prices</a>

31 Jul, 2012

How do I say thanks?

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