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Needs of Datura (Angel's Trumpet)

United Kingdom

What soil does this plant need and where about in the garden should it be placed?

On plant Datura



Datura and Brugmansia are 2 different plants
Datura - a genus of about 12 to 15 species
Brugmansia - a genus of 9 species
Brugmansi is commonly called Datura

Datura - Woody ,stalked leafy herb growing up to 2 m . Plants likes a light sandy to medium loam which is well drained
It is a toxic plant and all member of this genus contain narcotics and are very poisionous
Not hardy but can survive -5 degrees C
Sow early spring at 15 degees Cand plant out after all danger of frost has passed

Brugmansia- Originates from South America and is a shrub like tree in the wild growing up to 10 m
The blooms dangle liketrumpets 18 to 30 cm in length Grow in sun or partial shade When grown from seed can reach 2 m in the first year if sown early
Again a poisionous plant so be careful

1 Jul, 2008

How do I say thanks?

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Related photos

  • Moon Flower starting to open (Datura innoxia (Angels Trumpet))
  • Datura side (Datura Wrightii)
  • seed pod (Datura Wrightii)
  • Datura Evening fragrance (Datura Metel)

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