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Norfolk, United Kingdom

Hello and Thank you for allowing me to join your website.
Last year, my husband and I bought a lovely Blue/Purple Rose that has the most lovely sent. When we bought it, we where not told that it was a climber and my husband planted it in the front part of the flower bed, in a position where it is next to our pathway. It has become very bushy and has grown to a height of 4/5ft. It blocks out a lot of the view of the seating area form our conservatory window and I feel it should be re-positioned next to our 6ft fence which would give it support, protection from the winds and enhancing it's look. Can this Rose be cut back and moved or will it die if I touch it? I do not know the name of the Rose as unfortunately the name tag seam's to have blown away. If this can be done, can someone tell me the correct time of year to do it and the process involved. Thank you.



There is always a small risk of losing a fully grown rose when transplanting but this is lessened if you obey a few rules.

Transplant it in winter or early spring after pruning hard back, provided there is little frost. It is most important that the rose is in winter dormancy. To plant, dig a hole large enough to take the roots when fully outspread. Distribute the roots evenly around the hole and put in a little fine soil to which has been added a small amount of bonemeal. Fill in a further 5cm (2 inches in old money) of ordinary soil over the roots and tread in firmly. Examination of the plant should let you know quite clearly the depth to plant.
The alternative to this is to take a large rootball (lot of soil) with it. Either way dig carefully with a fork not a spade to ensure minimum damage to the roots. The final lifting can be done with a spade but avoid cutting roots.

From your description, I do not think it is a climber, probably a large bush hybrid tea like 'Blue Moon.'

Good luck.

It is vital that it is planted firmly, to ensure that winds will not damage or disrupt the roots. Apply a balanced fertiliser every 3-4 weeks in the spring/summer and it is also recommended that you apply a mulch in the winter for protection. Can be pruned back to remove any dead wood or growth.

17 Oct, 2013


I agree with what you have been told too. they can transplant well especially if moved in the winter when dormant. good luck with it.

17 Oct, 2013


There is a climbing version of Blue Moon. 1 year old is nothing for a rose and if it's 4-5 ft then it is still a baby for a climber. Properly prepare its new home, give it a good prune, down to 2/3 of its height (get rid of any inward growing or crossing shoots at the same time) and move while it's dormant. Give it a bit of extra protection from the cold and it should grow away well in spring. Feed it in spring and hope that we get something like a decent spring/summer next year.

17 Oct, 2013


Hello my new gardening friends! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my question, I will follow your advice to the letter. Kind Regards, Marian of Hickling.

17 Oct, 2013


Welcome to Goy Marian, have you taken a look at the blogs, its a friendly site to take part in

18 Oct, 2013


Hi Marion, welcome to G o y, Derek.

18 Oct, 2013

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