Powderbrush's Profile

About me
am an immigrant to Canada, I live here now 41 years this June 2009.
My hub is a Cdn. chap. His father's family is Irish and his mother is a dutch warbride.
I was born in the former Dutch East Indies and after they gained independance, it became Indonesia.
I have lived all over the Netherlands in the 17 years that I lived there.
But Canada is my home. I live in Cooperative Housing in the City of Vaughan, just northwest of Toronto. My hub and I have 14 acres of land in the wildst of Ontario. Where we go in the summertime, during weekends. Tis very primitive. Not even a washroom nor running water. BUT tis our own place and very peaceful.
At home in the small town in which we live, I have a small garden in the front and one in the back. And (hihi) every year, am sneekely add a bit more of the common grounds to my garden! I just make a small natural stone path. So when I stand outside the garden? i don't have to stand in the soggy grass.
I have soo many plants in my garden and it has changed over the last 15 years that I have it. This year, my hub is going to remove the pond which he put in about 10 years ago and we're just going to have a bit of a sheltered spot there.
There is a bit of ''wild''life now, that comes and visits me. like rabits and raccoons. tis my little oasis in an area that seems to be with people who don't garden at all.
I love sitting in the summertime. listening to the buss of the bees and to the turtledoves, coming to my little water urn, in which there is a waterlily.
The urn gives me great pleasure every year and tis also a real sort of question, every year again and again. Will the lily bloom, will the lilly not bloom? But so far, even though it winters indoors? it Blooms for me and even the birds come and drink from the urn, by standing on the waterlily pads.
The urn comes from china, it was left by the chinese at the Ontario Science Centre and the staff could each take one urn home for themselves, Except the person who worked there, gave it to me, for my garden, as she knows that I am from Indonesia and knows about chinese stuff.
I love my garden and couldn't live without it in the summertime.
I don't grow veggies, just flowers and fill my home with it in the summertime.
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Joined in Jan 2009
Country: Canada
Province/Territory: Ontario