Another Rescue (Calypte Anna)
By Skippy5869

29 Dec, 2008
While at my son's house in Phoenix, my grandson discovered this poor hummingbird trying to fly to freedom through the half inch thick clear panel in the garage ceiling. The poor little thing could not fly downward because there were 4 inquisitive cats waiting below. We finally secured him with a kitchen storage container after climbing up an 8 foot ladder. We gave him a few minutes of rest before releasing him back to the wide open outdoors. Of course I took a few pictures during his rest period. He is a male Anna's hummingbird about 4 inches long.
Comments on this photo
So glad you were able to rescue him ~
and thanks for identifying the type of hummingbird.
Makes the whole story more interesting. :o)
29 Dec, 2008
Wooooooooooooow Beautiful looking bird.Glad he is ok.
29 Dec, 2008
Well done Skippy,both for the successful rescue and great photo!
29 Dec, 2008
Thanks to all of you. His green back was just as irridescent but the flash absorbed the light instead of reflecting it.
29 Dec, 2008
How lovely. I read an article once about a woman on the East Coast of US who found one in her conservatory weeks after they should all have flown south. She mixed up sugar water to feed it and kept it all winter until the first hummingbirds arrived back. It carried on coming back to her conservatory all summer. Lovely story.
29 Dec, 2008
Isn't he beautiful........ I love the irridescent feathers, lovely that you managed to set him free Skippy.
29 Dec, 2008
Wagger, I guess you would almost have to retain and feed all winter in a cold climate as it would not have been able to get to where it needed to be at that point. It was great that she was willing to give of her time. Most migrate away from my area too but Phoenix is warmer than here so Hummingbirds can be released...I have several that fight over my tobacco tree blooms all Spring, Summer and Fall. The tree still has blooms but I haven't seen any Hummingbirds in the last month. Actually, Janey, he was very eager to be on his way once he had caught his breath. I'm just glad we did not damage his feathers.
29 Dec, 2008
I've read that the get lurred into garages by the red pull handle on the garage door cords. Lucky you rescued him. They don't last too long without food. Nice photo.
29 Dec, 2008
TG...I could believe that part about the garage door...makes sense...but this is more like an open sided carport...he just refused to drop down under the eave in order to fly off. He was determined to get through that see-thru panel...The eaves are a foot deep...he would have had to drop at least 13 inches
BTW-cute avatar...very festive
29 Dec, 2008
Thanks Skippy :)
30 Dec, 2008
That is great that the wee bird survived. It looks like a ornament for a Christmas tree
30 Dec, 2008
Well, I never thought of it that way but you are right, PF. It does look like one of those glass ornaments. Thanks!
30 Dec, 2008
Thanks Skippy. I may be down your way some day. My wife's sis lives in Prescott Valley and she wants us to move there. I do not know if I told you this before? I would love to go there just to see. Who knows maybe one day?
30 Dec, 2008
Well done Skippy.
30 Dec, 2008
Thanks, Ams.
30 Dec, 2008
That is amazing Skippy what an amazing colour on its head
30 Dec, 2008
30 Dec, 2008
Thanks, Wohli and Milky.
30 Dec, 2008
Skippy. this is the best happy ending ever! I love this! We had one get trapped in our garage a long time ago. The little guy was so exhausted from trying to get out that it landed on my finger and I carried it perched there to the door. I still remember the wonder of it, he was so light that I could barely feel his touch. Wonderful story.
1 Jan, 2009
Thanks, weeds. I wish he had been calm or tired enough to land on me anywhere but the cats really had him spooked and the cats were not going anywhere. How wonderful to have one on your finger.....
1 Jan, 2009
Lovely photo Skippy. Well done on the rescue. :o)
1 Jan, 2009
Thanks, Gilli
1 Jan, 2009
Looks like a beautiful jewel. Glad you rescued him. Happy New Year to you.
1 Jan, 2009
Happy New Year to you, too, Gee. Are you feeling better or do I have you mixed up with someone else?
1 Jan, 2009
Wow that is some beautiful little bird - almost mistook it for a piece of jewellry!!
1 Jan, 2009
It really is fascinating. I love hummingbirds because of their size and irridescent coloring. Thanks, Sid.
1 Jan, 2009
A little feathered jewel what a good job that he got rescued and what a privilige to see him so close too.
2 Jan, 2009
Absolutely beautiful! Job well done.
I once found a little bird with a damaged wing on the side of the road..I put it in a shoe box and took it home and put it in a cage, where it refused to eat or drink for the most part for a couple of days..Everyone told me to kill it or let it go and die.
The third day of capture my mom went out to check on the bird (I was in school) and it was flapping its wings. She opened the cage and away it flew..Guess it just needed to rest its wing....I loved to say to them all "i told you so"!!
2 Jan, 2009
Newfie, great story....did you have a good new year?
2 Jan, 2009
Stayed at home, had BBQ T-Bones, with some really gory movies! So yes..What about you, Skippy? How was Christmas and New years?
2 Jan, 2009
I love a good bird rescue... it's a good feeling to see them take to their wings and fly off into the blue again! The colour of his plumage on his head is exceptional! Gorgeous bird. Lucky him..he was rescued...Lucky were able to see him up close and personal...and know that your efforts ensured his survival! Great Job, Skippy!
2 Jan, 2009
Thanks, Lori...I always value your input
2 Jan, 2009
Well done you, such a magnificent little bird, colours are amzing.
2 Jan, 2009
Thanks Dd2
2 Jan, 2009
A few years ago I saw a Canada Goose in the road weaving between the cars and it didn't want to fly It's wing was hanging down,so I went and grabbed it under my arm and took it back down the road to the lower part of the river.I used to call it over when I went and fed it for a few weeks with grain. It grew strong again then I found it at the top part above the weir next to the park, with the other geese. I fed it for some weeks until it was better, It's so satisfying to see the rescued animals and birds regain their strength and freedom.
8 Jan, 2009
Linda, another good rescue story.
8 Jan, 2009
That's a wonderful story, Linda. I love it when people take the time to rescue wildlife...It says something very nice about you....Thanks for sharing...
8 Jan, 2009
Skippy, wonderful photo and great story! He's a little beauty and sure does look like a christmas ornament! Weeds11.. I can relate to having one on the finger! Totally wonderous!! Check out my photos for my hummingbird adventure.
8 Jan, 2009
Excellent work Skippy, he just might come back around next year to personally thank you for your efforts. He is so colorful , puts ours to shame !
11 Jan, 2009
What wonderful colours, so glad you were able to rescue him!
19 Apr, 2009
Thanks, PansyP...
19 Apr, 2009
what a lovely photo of the Anna's hummer, Skippy. Thank goodness you were able to save him! He must have been exhausted. I have yet to get a good pic of an Anna's hummingbird. We had some that overwintered here about half way thru winter. It's been some years since they fed here, altho we had seen them during wintertime other years, but I'd rush to put nectar out for them, but they never returned. But this year they did stay around to feed at the nectar feeders.
We had something similar happen one year, - we'd been out and had just come indoors, and suddenly noticed a hummingbird was trapped inside our solarium. It kept flying up to the glassed roof of it, thinking it could get out, then sort of falling back down to the floor. It was very hot inside the solarium. It had got in thru a small opening in sliding screen door, that we'd left partly open so our dogs could get out if they needed to. But the hummer was concentrating so much on trying to get out thru the glass roof, that he didn't think to go back to the open screen door to escape.
Anyway, on one of the "falls" to the floor, I grabbed the hummer, and covered it with my other hand, - took it out to the sundeck and held my one hand out so that it could fly away, which it soon did. In the heat of the moment, I didn't think to get a photo, - sure wish I had got my DH to take a photo of it in my hand! But all I thought was to get it outside and release it safely. This was before the days of digital cameras.
1 May, 2009
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wow fantastic pic, and a happy ending for this poor guy
29 Dec, 2008