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Anthurium andreanum 'Oklahoma' - Flamingo Flower

Anthurium andreanum 'Oklahoma' - Flamingo Flower (Anthurium andreanum 'Oklahoma' - Flamingo Flower)

My Oklahoma variety of Anthurium. It is blooming quite profusely now. It has many new flower coming out from the bottom. Pic was taken today.

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Wow beautiful, how come you've got so many blooms Delonix1? Very nice:-)

23 Nov, 2008


Thanks Panther.

I think it's just the variety...some varieties will bloom more than others.
It is very strange, in my experience, Anthuriums bloom more in the Winter than in Summer...this is contrary to what I've always read...which is that they need of low 80 degrees F. and high of 90 F. degrees to flower well.

24 Nov, 2008


Amazingly vivid colour.
Odd that your plants bloom better in winter.
Maybe the plant books need rewriting ! LOL

25 Dec, 2008


My friend who's a plant guru in Hawaii...said that most of the Anthuriums grow and bloom in the higher elevations better. (where it's cooler)

27 Dec, 2008


That's interesting.

27 Dec, 2008


Yes, Anthurium are epiphytic plants. They grow well on trees in the tropical rain forest.

27 Dec, 2008


Thanks Delonix:-)

28 Dec, 2008


Very nice, Delonix!!

29 Jan, 2010


Pip c:

Thanks! It is now putting out several flowers spikes again.

1 Feb, 2010

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This photo is of species Anthurium andreanum 'Oklahoma' - Flamingo Flower.

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