Crocus and Garfield
By Terratoonie

4 Sep, 2008
My budgie is called Crocus, which permits him to be on GoY !
This photo of my little bird is posted in particular for Harli from Washington, USA. She wanted to know: What's a budgie? In the States, the term more often used for a budgerigar is parakeet.
Comments on this photo
I love the little chair , I,m not sure about Garfield being to friendly with crocus though !!!!!!!!
4 Sep, 2008
Love it TT,
I have'nt gotten around to telling you about my bird history! I thought that so funny when Harli asked what is a budgie!! I knew that was coming! I was raised in Canada and of course they are budgies! They are incorrectly called parakeet by some in the U.S. I have had 4 since a teenager (many moons ago lol!) My last one being about 7 yrs. ago. I taught them all to talk and they were wonderful little pets! I have just in the past 2 weeks been to a locally owned pet shop here browsing and talking with them to see if I want to get one again. They have been very informative and encouraged me to come in any time I wanted and spend some time to get the feel of what would be best suited for me. No pet deposit on a bird in my apt!! A cat or dog would be $300. non refundable deposit!!
4 Sep, 2008
Budgies are great company aren't they Pollyannaever.
I hope you decide to get one.
Young males are the best bet if you want a talker.
In your apartment with the lovely plants on the balcony,
your budgie will think he's living in the trees. LOL
4 Sep, 2008
Crocus is a real cutie. Over the years I have had lots of different birds, Finches, Budgies, Canaries and Parrots. I think I like Canaries the best, I like to hear them sing!
4 Sep, 2008
Stay tunned TT, I am going to go back to the pet store in the next while and write down the other bird I am interested in and take some pics cause I can't remember the names now. And yes I confirm the male ones as the best talkers, that doesn't compute right ay?! HA! Of course I will stick a plant in the picture! lol
4 Sep, 2008
Oh Terratoonie
He's beautiful. Polly is right. Here we call them parakeets. My sister had several when we were growing up and they are truly awesome.
Thanks for sharing.
By the way Polly, I am a girl.
4 Sep, 2008
I know that Harli cause I read your Profile. It's loonie the toonie that called you a he! lol!
4 Sep, 2008
crocus looks like 1 big bird
4 Sep, 2008
Dear Crocus,
Please excuse me for being so late in saying I like you! I DO LIKE YOU I REALY REALY DO! Say hello to your loonytoony room mate for me and tell her that I'm on the way to the pet store to bring home a pen pal sister for you! A Latino Cockateel and of course a plant to go with!
5 Sep, 2008
Male birds the best talkers? How did that happen? Mind you aren t they originally from Australia? Probably began talking amongst themselves over footie and a beer too busy to notice Sheila budgies.
5 Sep, 2008
Pollyannaever ~
I hope your new birdie friend will have a PLANT name,
just like my Crocus,
so that he fits in well with GoY.
BB - budgies have a 'necklace' of black spots ~
so they all look a bit like Sheila budgies ~
ask Mary, the parrot, she'll explain.
5 Sep, 2008
He has his own armchair, theres posh for you.
I had a budgie Monty when I was young, always let out the cage when we were home and he would follow me all over the house including upstairs.
5 Sep, 2008
Sounds like your Monty was lovely, Ams.
Crocus is a rescued budgerigar.
When I acquired him as a young budgie, he had a very bad case of scaly beak. At that time he was scared of humans, but very bravely let me paint special ointment on his beak and feet several times daily until he was cured.
Now he is bold, happy and chatty.
I called him Crocus because he is ~
green and yellow and little and pretty ~
just like a crocus.
5 Sep, 2008
Lyd ~ yes, Crocus certainly looks a big bird next to Garfield. LOL
But, Crocus, what have you started ?
Since I uploaded your photo, we now have ~
A beautiful picture of Macaw and blossom by Anne83,
Lucy the Cockatiel from Pollyannaever,
and Mary the parrot from Bonkersbon.
Have I missed any?
Don't worry, Crocus, about all these bigger parrots - you're still top of the pecking order, however tiny you are.
6 Sep, 2008
What a cheeky little chap Crocus is, looks very comfortable with his own armchair!
6 Sep, 2008
Thanks, Pansypotter ~
Crocus will be pleased.
Terry60 and Amy also like the armchair.
Garfield was too fat to fit in it....
Check out Traceylynn's photo of
Max the Manx and you'll know what we mean.
6 Sep, 2008
really cute photo did you make the chair? wonderfull how gardening and pets go hand in hand.
6 Sep, 2008
Hello Islander ~
Crocus thanks you for the 'like'.
No, I can't take credit for the chair.
Sometimes I make the 'props' but most of the equipment for my dog trick routines etc. has come from charity shops.
The dogs then perform at charity dog shows,
so it's good causes all the way !
You're so right that gardening and pets go hand in hand.
GoY photos prove this :
dogs, cats, cockatiels, budgies, macaws .. and even llamas !
7 Sep, 2008
found a pic of daisy tree among my other pics have put it in my pics specially 4 you. It really is good that your dogs perform that way for you, it must have been a lot of work training them, but very rewarding, my dog has a mind of her own and every command i give her is translated into " go find rabbits" or "time for a swim " lol
7 Sep, 2008
Islander :
I found the daisy tree ~
Very pretty. Thanks for that.
Maybe you should say to Lassie :
'go find rabbits' and 'time for a swim' ~
she might translate those as 'heel, Lassie' and
'fetch my slippers' LOL
7 Sep, 2008
There you go, Crocus.
No need to get a complex
about the Sheltie having more 'likes'. LOL
You may only be a tiny budgie,
but you're catching up fast.
10 Sep, 2008
Chrispook, thanks.
Crocus says you are tweet.
10 Sep, 2008
Crocus says Hi to Harli in Washington.
12 Sep, 2008
Reminded me of my budgie, Bambi, so I posted a picture!
16 Sep, 2008
Lovely of a rather wet Bambi !
Had she been along the lane in my next photo?
16 Sep, 2008
Great Pic of Crocus&Garfield TT :)
23 Sep, 2008
Jacque ~
Crocus says thank you.
He thinks you're very tweet.
23 Sep, 2008
The birthdays are coming thick and fast ~
Crocus is 4 years old today.
He celebrated by ringing all the bells in his cage, and then ate far too much millet, so is now sleeping it off :o)
1 Nov, 2008
BIG birthday wishes to little Crocus from his little furry friends, Chummy and Scrunchion across the ocean.
We hope you have a great birthday and many more to come.
1 Nov, 2008
Thank you Chummy and Scrunchion.
Crocus is having a wonderful birthday.
He received 2 birthday cards,
and a gift-wrapped mirror :o)
Each time he looks in the mirror, he sees a budgie the same colour as himself. How is that for coincidence. ?
1 Nov, 2008
That's pretty good, he is a very pretty bird...
Does he use his couch in the picutre often?
1 Nov, 2008
Saves the sofa for special occasions,
such as Christmas.
Doesn't want to become a couch potato ~
or should that be couch millet. Lol.
1 Nov, 2008
aah. lovely companion. We had one for 10 years and all of a sudden it died. Tis now in March 8 years ago. that it went. I found a lovely handpainted box with a window in it and we put it in there and burried it on our land in the wilds. I visit it every time we go to the country.
Does yours talk as well? hihihi, mine even talked in 3 languages, as that was the way I talked to it. hihiihi, it talked dutch, malay and english. And you should just hear it say: BLAST. I used to have such a fun, with peoples faces when it swore that way. no other words did I teach it nor did it hear any swearwords at home either. OH! and it was able to drive the cat, Patchou, really batty! hihihi.. it was even able to make the cat obey, which was just not to its liking. When the command would come from our budgie? You should just have seen that cat! I used to have so much fun with our bobby. hihihi. I found out that these birds live very long lives. And in Australia? they are so huge in flocks, unbelievable! great to see somebody else having one of these lovely birds too. thanks for showing. greets from brush
2 Feb, 2009
Hello brush ~
My current budgie 'Crocus' only does 'budgie talk', but he is a very happy bird and plays all day with his toys.
Ten years is quite a good age for a budgie. Sometimes they live to, say, 16 years or more, but that is less usual.
I've also buried previous budgies in little coffins. I have had budgies which talked. When I trained my dogs, one budgie used to say "Very good, clever boy". Lots of praise !
2 Feb, 2009
Love it think it a great photo.
21 May, 2009
Thanks, Morgana..
I've just told Crocus you like his photo. :o)
21 May, 2009
Is there some reason why all of a sudden my pm box is blocked.
27 Dec, 2009
No idea Sixpence, someone else is bound to know though.
27 Dec, 2009
Thank you Louise1 just wondering thats all, as I pm Terratoonie, and tried again to ask a question, and it won't work. LOL
27 Dec, 2009
Sorry, sixpence... don't know what has happened there...
27 Dec, 2009
Yes I have seen your pedia on flowerpots, I see Lily has a lovely one too. :o)
27 Dec, 2009
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Love his personalised armchair !!
4 Sep, 2008