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Blue tit frolicking on the ceanothus

Blue tit frolicking on the ceanothus

This week before the rains arrived, the blue tits were busy in my front garden, enjoying the sunny skies.

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Nice capture, wing is pretty well in focus did you you use a fast speed

9 Mar, 2016


Hi Brian. thanks ... I went out to my front garden to photograph a robin, which sadly flew away much too quickly.
But when I turned around, I was lucky to spot the blue tits jumping around the ceanothus. So, with no time for adjustments, my camera was on its usual 'user-friendly' setting .. nothing complicated.

9 Mar, 2016


Terratoonie - This picture is Aces! Now I know what a blue tit really looks like. Congratulations!

9 Mar, 2016


Great capture Terra :)

9 Mar, 2016


It is indeed, TT thats superb.....

9 Mar, 2016


Well done TT!! I'm sure a professional photographer would chuffed with the quality of this shot...! ;o)

9 Mar, 2016


Thanks Paul, Sheila, Dotty and Tracey .
I was just lucky to click the camera at the right moment.

9 Mar, 2016


I agree,it's the best photo of a Bluetit I've seen,in such detail,Terra..well done,with your lucky shot :o) x

9 Mar, 2016


Thank you, Sandra ..
The bluetits are usually higher up and more concealed.
I was fortunate to get this pic. :o) x

9 Mar, 2016


Hi Tt, I agree, fantastic photo, nominated for GoYpedia, Derek

9 Mar, 2016


Its all been said but I second it!

9 Mar, 2016


What a super photo, Terra.

9 Mar, 2016


amazing shot

9 Mar, 2016


Beautiful photo.

9 Mar, 2016


Love this photo TT it could easily win a prize! :o)

9 Mar, 2016


Well caught TT a fabulous shot ....

9 Mar, 2016


Agree with everyone, a lovely shot. Blue tits are so pretty!

9 Mar, 2016


What a great photo, Terra. I like photography but I don't think I've ever captured a bird like that - they usually fly off when I'm around!
Well done. Let's see more please..

11 Mar, 2016


Thanks Derek, Stera, Siris, GnarlyG, Chris, Neena, Amy, Karen and Arbuthnot ...
I took more bluetit photos on that day, so I'll have a look through and see if I can include some in a blog.

11 Mar, 2016


Like everyone else I think its a really good photo, may have been luck but I think its skill too, those wing feathers are perfect and the bird beauifully clear xxx

11 Mar, 2016


Thanks Pam ... I think maybe I have an affinity with how little birds move because I spend so many hours with Crocus the budgie ! x x x

11 Mar, 2016


This little bird (which I've never seen close up before) looks a great deal like the Chickadees who live in our forests. They have a sweet little chirpy song and hide sunflower seed from feeders in the tree top twigs for later enjoyment. Then, dislodged by the wind, the seeds become "surprise" additions to the garden. does the Blue Tit have a distinctive song?

12 Mar, 2016


Amazing Shot, Terra :-) WOW!

13 Mar, 2016


Thanks Lori ...
the Chickadees seems to be fascinating ..
hiding the seeds and giving you surprise plants !
The blue tits are reasonably quiet, but very attractive.
Robin is much louder !

Thank you Junna ...
Soon I'm going to make a blog with more blue tit pictures.

13 Mar, 2016


Lovely photo TT. I blue toys have a sort of communication chirrup that is difficult to pin down Lori. They do it while they are moving around feeding, calling to one another. Amusing that my kindle cannot deal with the word for bossoms applied to a bird!

14 Mar, 2016


I've added a blog with lots more photos of blue tits. Blog is called Warming Up.

15 Mar, 2016


not that you need another comment, but here is my penny worth, what a wonderful moment I am very pleased for you, I had a lovely surprise yesterday, I was clearing out my green house as i turned to pick up a bucket of used compost in hopped Robin redbreast, I was very happy.

15 Mar, 2016


Thanks Lemondog ..
and how wonderful that you have the robin as your assistant gardener !

15 Mar, 2016


Great photo TT, love the detail and the brilliant clear blue sky as well ...... How unusual after the autunm and winter we have had. Hopefully many more blue skies to come, this spring and summer ... Fingers crossed.

I haven't been on the site for a while ..... My OH has had me working on project "garage tidy up" .... It's taken a few months, but I am making progress now ....... Why on earth would you want to tidy the put a car in it, I ask?

16 Mar, 2016


Thanks Alan ...
Yes, let's hope for wonderful weather ...
and good luck with your garden ...
... and your revamped garage.

17 Mar, 2016


can't wait to see that, Terra :-) xxxx

18 Mar, 2016


Hi Junna .. thank you ! x x x

4 Apr, 2016


Great timing!

11 May, 2016


Hello Terratoonie:

I can't believe I missed this photo! What a cute,beautiful bird! Did you see my hummingbird pic? She nesting in the Southern Magnolia tree right now. It's a change from the hummingbirds nesting in the tropical guava tree.

3 Feb, 2017

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