By Terratoonie

7 May, 2012
What weather can you see out of your window ?
How's your garden doing ?
Sun ? Rain ? Hot ? Cold ???
Comments on this photo
Lol. I've told him to hang on to his feathers ..
... it's still chilly .. don't moult yet ! ;o)
7 May, 2012
Lol Terra, great shot of Crocus :-))
7 May, 2012
Thanks Surreylad.
That's his "cage extension". He plays in there for hours.
It's an old budgie bath, and he likes to chuck toys from there onto his cage floor, where they land with loud crashes and bangs. Lol.
7 May, 2012
Dare I even say anything about a bird's eye view , ...or,he has his beady eye on me ?..Thought not,Terra..a great shot of Crocus .:o)
7 May, 2012
Thanks Sandra .. Lol.
I hope weather not too bad with you ...
7 May, 2012
Poor Crocus looks like he's behind a big padlock from here! Anyway I feel like I've been locked in too.....Rain, rain and more b....y rain. My four day holiday is turning out the same as the last one ...grumble, grrr, grumble...
Ps Hi TT & gang x \O/
7 May, 2012
Hi Annie..
That's Crocus's favourite place .. his party pad [see comment above to Surreylad ..Lol.]
Sorry to read you're surrounded by rain ... :o((( x
7 May, 2012
Can you see the green padlock TT?!!! Or is it just me with deep depresssion Lol x
7 May, 2012
It's you Annie ... Lol.
... there's a mirror on the other side ...
All the mod. cons. in Crocus's party pad ;o) x
7 May, 2012
Weather is cold today,Terra..It gave heavy rain this afternoon,and only had a few spots ..beautiful yesterday though,so that was a nice bonus...:o)
7 May, 2012
Glad you enjoyed a sunny day yesterday... :o)
7 May, 2012
Hi Crocus, we had a lovely day yesterday aswell....
7 May, 2012
Hi Carol ... Glad you had a lovely day yesterday.
Crocus is still waiting for some good weather.. Meanwhile he's enjoying a great time with his indoor party games ;o)
7 May, 2012
Lashing down again now TT.....
7 May, 2012
Lashing down here now...grey all day and really bitter wind. Yesterday sleet, snow, hail and rain...oh and sun..but no sun today, just grey and cold. Really, really wish it would warm up a bit now!
7 May, 2012
Hi look like I feel! Not been too bad a day here, been busy in the garden, but the air is sooo cold, you're in the best place Crocus, keep warm....tweet!
7 May, 2012
Definitely a green padlock! ;)
7 May, 2012
Hi Janey ... Thanks for tweeting ..
Lots of rain here, so I'm staying in the dry in my Party Pad :o)
Love from Crocus . xxx
Hello Karen .. Let's hope for warmer weather soon !
7 May, 2012
Lol. Does Crocus speak? I remember one day I went to the vet with my guinea pig for ultrasound examination (I am laughing until now). So we sat with my piggy (eating-as usual- in her travel box) in a corridor full of patients. There were people with cats, rabbits, birds, snake, but mostly dogs. Then entered the corrdor a slim guy with green parrot in cage. He sat down, put the cage on the floor and opened the doors on it. Parrot jumped out and started to walk along the corridor, observing all animals and people. It looked very funny and the parrot very healthy. So I turned to his owner and asked him:"He looks very healthy. What´s wrong with him?" The answer was: "He stopped speaking with me and my wife." LOL.
7 May, 2012
Lol. Katarina ... funny story ... ;o)
7 May, 2012
We've had clouds and a bit of sun, and it's been cold :o(
Hope it's warmer tomorrow.
7 May, 2012
Brilliant story Katarina! He must have got bored with them! :)))
7 May, 2012
Hello Hywel .. yes.. warmer would be good ! :o)
7 May, 2012
Hi Karen! :) No, it was angina!
7 May, 2012
Actually it was fantastic dictionary that parrot had. For instance, I was told that every morning he had breakfast with his owners. He was speaking wth them like this "Is that orange tasty? Do you like it? I will like it too!"
7 May, 2012
Lol Katarina!
7 May, 2012
It's very cold for May though ...
Cast not one clout till May is out lol
7 May, 2012
Lol. Hywel ..
I think that saying very much applies to May this year.
Good comment :o))) x
7 May, 2012
Hi Crocus tweety nice to see you.....enjoy your party palace, you are in the best place :o) Windy and raining here all day :o(
7 May, 2012
Message from Crocus to Neena...
Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet.
(Apparently Neena will understand ...) Lol.
7 May, 2012
But of course undertood over and out Crocus :o)
Lol TT :o)
7 May, 2012
Lol. ;o)))
7 May, 2012
7 May, 2012
In Bude today, the heavens opened and it poured and poured. We sat in the car for 20 minutes before daring to venture out in it! People and their dogs were absolutely drenched - unbelievable!!!
7 May, 2012
Hi Wildrose ..
Wow. That must have been a definite downpour !
Sensible to stay in the car till the wet weather eased a little.
I hope you didn't get too rain-soaked ...
7 May, 2012
Similar thing here Wildrose but I was going to Morrisons and It was me who got it defiantly was not funny ;O))))
7 May, 2012
Hi Crocus, Hi Terra, love the party pad...Budgies are so amusing Terra, and what a terrific idea for his toys...Mop Top our Canary, has his bath attached, and tho he's a lovely boy and a terrific singer, don't think a party pad would do him much
8 May, 2012
Hi Annie .. heavy early morning rain, but hoping for brighter later :o)
8 May, 2012
Hello Sue ... Thanks :o)
Crocus has this older bath fixed onto his cage all day, for his party pad with his toys, and then I fix a different newer bath on for when he wants a splash about.
Mop Top is a lovely name for a canary .. but maybe he isn't such a party bird as Crocus.. LOL.
8 May, 2012
Couldn't work out what this picture was from the small one Terra, sweet little budgie. Hello Crocus..... For my fifth birthday, (A very long time ago) I had a yellow budgie, bought from the local coalman who had an aviary full of them. Called him Gypsy, and he used to ride on my sisters wooden toy that was a donkey and cart and the donkey went up and down and so did Gypsy, sitting on it's back as the cart went along.
8 May, 2012
Hi Linda ..
Wonderful memories of Gypsy the budgie. They are such good company, aren't they :o)
8 May, 2012
It's all about the feathering on his head, Terra, it looks like a mop....He loves his bath, and lots of fresh foods, but he isn't the playing type....Budgies, love to play don't they and spend hours amusing themselves....When the weather is nice, we put his cage outside, and he sings his head off...and we take him with us when we go away in the Caravan, and he knows it's different, and doesn't stop chattering....and bobbing about...
8 May, 2012
Great picture of Crocus TT,its rain and cold here but today we have got sun and clear skies hope it stays lol:))))
8 May, 2012
Hi again Sue ..
Yes, Crocus budgie plays and chats all day ! He is so happy and such a joy to be with .. Even in the early morning, as I'm writing this, he is playing in his Party Pad, with his little plastic toys .. :o)
Is Mop Top a Gloster Canary ? I love those ... they look like they have "Beatle" hair styles.. Lol.
Hello Mark .. Thanks :o)
I hope the weather improves... was certainly a very rainy start to Monday in most parts of England !
8 May, 2012
Spot on Terra he is, so you know why he's called mop top lol...:o)))
8 May, 2012
8 May, 2012
Morning, Crocus, Poppy sends her love and likes the look of your pad. She is very happy in her new cage too :)
8 May, 2012
Great picture of Crocus in his party pad lol... I wish my two would play with their toys instead of nibbling my ceiling coving all day.
8 May, 2012
Is crocus listening to the weather forecast on a green radio? Or is it a mirror? A parrot with angina....that's different!! I can just see him with those sticky bits all over him, attached to the ECG machine. Rain all night here in Essex and heavy at times. Dry today and warmer too. Sunshine since about must not grumble. Hope all that water will fill up the stores faster than all those miserable experts keep telling us.
8 May, 2012
Hello Poppy ... that's good you like your new cage.
Very kind of Gee to buy it for you :o)
Thanks Bill ... Crocus is partying again this evening. I can't keep up with that pace ... bells, glitter balls, mirrors .. exhausting !
But are you blaming Bertie and Buster for the demise of your ceiling coving ? Have you ruled out all other suspects ? Mice ? Spiders ? ...
... Save the Dingsite Duo I say !!! Not guilty !!! ;o)
Hi Dorjac ...
Crocus has all the up-to-date equipment for weather forecasting .. his latest predictions are that conditions will be changeable ..
sun, rain, sun, rain, wind, rain, sun, rain, hail, snow, tornado ...
8 May, 2012
The 'Save the Dingsite Duo' wont work Terratoonie, they quite blatantly sit on the curtain rail nibbling away with grins on their beaks. They are having a domestic right at this moment on who's sleeping where under the cover hanging onto the side of the cage instead of sitting on the swings.
I wish they were like crocus and partying with each other late into the night but nope they are arguing and squawking away. I'll post a picture of them.
8 May, 2012
Crocus is very lucky because his budgie mirror reflections are always in agreement .. in the same mood, same colours .. so no arguments here.
I'll go check your photo of the Dingsite Duo ;o)
8 May, 2012
TT did you mean party pad or ipad? lol I can see the padlock also, do we all see different images on our pcs do you think, he sound a fun bird to be around.
9 May, 2012
Hi Dotty. Crocus approves of party pads and Ipads ...
... he's into technology and communication in a big way ;o)
9 May, 2012
I knew he would be, could tell by the look in his eye....
9 May, 2012
I sometimes put my iphone in the cage for Buster and Bertie and let them watch iplayer..
10 May, 2012
Just got back from cold damp Britain to a temperature of 30 degrees! But .... it's not been good while we were away. Neighbours tell us it's been raining almost non-stop complete with thunderstorms and huge hailstones! Budgie had better stay tucked up!
10 May, 2012
Lol. Dotty :o)
Hi again Bill ... Crocus has been sending tweets and emails to Buster and Bertie. I've heard they're also on Facebook ... or is that Beakbook .. ? ;o)
Hello Nariz ... Thunder and hail ... oh no !
I've given Crocus your advice and he's staying cosy. We have winds and rain here too !
10 May, 2012
The thumbnail photo on my homepage was undecipherable so I had to come along & see the big one! Crocus obviously enjoys himself in his pad with all mod cons!
Looking out the window this morning was pretty depressing with cold Northwest winds & rain all morning . This afternoon it began to get better then we had a heavy shower. Now the sky appears to be clear. We can expect some sunshine tomorrow but some heavy showers are also forecast. It seems that Wednesday will be the best day this week.
My wife & I were in Spain for a few days last week & the weather was nothing to write home about either! We went via Valencia for the first time ever & the weather there was gorgeous! We were there just half a day, en route to Cuenca. Saturday was rather overcast & cool & during the night there was some rain. The rest of the time we were there the weather was the same except we had no more rain. When we left Cuenca on Wednesday to return home the sun finally came out & the day was scorching when we left on the coach at noon.
When we got off the plane at Stansted it was cold & raining! Welcome to "Old Blighty"!
14 May, 2012
Hi Balcony ..
Yes... Wednesday and Thursday will be the best days ... before more rain on Friday and Saturday.
I've passed your weather reports on to Crocus, and he says he's going to ignore the rain, and just carry on partying ;o)
14 May, 2012
Just spotted you having fun Crocus. ;0)
17 May, 2012
Crocus is still waiting for warmer weather ;o)
17 May, 2012
Aren't we
17 May, 2012
Crocus is ignoring the weather and playing with his mirrors, bells, and ladders !
17 May, 2012
aww peek a boo crocus :o))
14 Jun, 2012
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Nooo Crocus, stay there in the warm :-)
7 May, 2012