Driad's Profile

About me
I just love the outdoors. The garden is an absolute haven, we do walk alot- we amble not ramble though!
I collect seeds from all over and also buy lots too.
We have a walled garden and a small greenhouse which is a lean-to against a south-east facing wall.
There are several fruit trees, shrubs a smallish lawn and an enormous conifer that lobbs cones down for most of the year.
We had a deck built about ten years ago as the conifer[it might be a Scots pine] impedes the evening sun; its great for sundowners.
We have two cats, Millie and Moomie and a lovely grandchild called Ted.
Because I am a bit of a technophobe I don't think my previous profile got printed, sorry!
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Joined in Feb 2011
Country: United Kingdom
County: Suffolk