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With aubrieta, elaeagnus and ilex.

Conker's 8th birthday this week.
Happy days :o)))

Comments on this photo


Happy Birthday, Conker, from Millie, Poppy and the tortoises (and me!). You're looking very handsome there among the heathers :)

13 Mar, 2012


Happy Birthday Conker,

13 Mar, 2012


He's a top of the class model and not a bit of fur out of place! Bless!! :o)
PS Lovely picture of the heathers too!

13 Mar, 2012


Looking in fantastic condition

13 Mar, 2012


Thanks Gee, Millie, Poppy and tortoises ..

and Yorks, Tracey and Brian.

Conker is thankfully looking well and enjoying life ...
3 years on from all those months of chemo ..

13 Mar, 2012


Happy birthday to you, Conker ... that's a wonderful photo of you in the garden ... :o)

13 Mar, 2012


Woof woof :o)))

13 Mar, 2012


Awwwww Happy Birthday COnker..isnt she just beautiful! :)

13 Mar, 2012


Thanks Pix ...
Conker received some nice birthday cards. :o)))

13 Mar, 2012


Aw bless :)))))) SHe's so pretty..lovely dog :)

13 Mar, 2012


Thanks Pix....
she is a he... Lol... but, yes, pretty Lol...

xxx for Suki :o)

13 Mar, 2012


Look good together ... and happy birthday Conker. X

13 Mar, 2012


Thanks Sheila ..
Lately I've added extra plants, just along from this area, to provide more evergreens.

13 Mar, 2012


Does she look after you Tt ? She's a lovely girl .

13 Mar, 2012


Hi Driad .. Thanks ..
Conker is always helping .. brings my slippers and garden tools :o)

13 Mar, 2012


Handsome heathers. Handsome birthday boy.

13 Mar, 2012


Happy birthday Gorgeous....... xxx

13 Mar, 2012


Conkers sends woofs and thanks to Oji and Pam. xxx

13 Mar, 2012



13 Mar, 2012


WOOF :o)))))))

13 Mar, 2012


Happy Birthday Conker! Lovely border too :)))

13 Mar, 2012


Thanks, Michaella ...
The evergreens are becoming a bit more mature now
... as is Conker.. Lol. :o)))

13 Mar, 2012


Happy B day Conker great pic.

13 Mar, 2012


Thank you Kev ...
Conker loves being photographed :o)

13 Mar, 2012


Happy Birthday Conker ! :o)
(((((Conker))))) A big hug lol

Doesn't he look great TT ... He's a very handsom dog :o)

13 Mar, 2012


Hi TT Happy Birthday Conker ,im sure Truffle and Crocus will be sharing your birthday too.

The raised boarder looks beautiful TT

Julie says good job i look as handsome as Conker otherwise she would be asking you for a swap lol. :))) BBFB

13 Mar, 2012


Thanks Hywel ...
Conker sends woofs and hugs.

He'd just enjoyed having his hair combed and brushed because he wanted to look smart for his birthday photo.
I'm thankful he is looking so healthy :o)))

13 Mar, 2012


Lol. Handsome Mark ...
I hope you fetch slippers for Julie, just like Conker brings my slippers for me. Lol. :o)))

13 Mar, 2012


not only slippers a cup of coffee 2 and a kiss lol

13 Mar, 2012


Lol. My dogs get lots of kisses on their foreheads :o)))

13 Mar, 2012


Oh and I forgot to ask you, would you tell Conker I've put this photo on my faves :o)

13 Mar, 2012


Thanks Hywel ..
Conker says ..
Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi i gyd :o)))

13 Mar, 2012


Happy Birthday Dear Conker, how healthy and handsome you look, hope you have lots of nice treats and Im sending you a Special Hug for your birthday [one for Truffle and Crocus too wouldnt want them to feel left out];p0))

13 Mar, 2012


P.s Terra what a wonderful background that would make a lovely painting ;0))

13 Mar, 2012


Happy Birthday Conker, lovely to see you and TT's garden looking so good xxxxxx

13 Mar, 2012


Thank you Carole ...
I like the variegated evergreens ...
Hugs passed on to Conker, Truffle and Crocus :o)

13 Mar, 2012


:o) x

13 Mar, 2012


Thanks Annie ...
Conker knows how to party ;o) xxxxxxx

13 Mar, 2012


Wow love your heathers but Conker stole the show do you air brush her??? Just beautiful so photogenic:)

13 Mar, 2012


Thank you Debbie ..
That's a natural photo of Conker ... no editing !

Just ordinary combing and brushing of his coat...
He loves being groomed so much that he gets quite jealous if I try to brush a mat, or my own hair ...
He rolls on the carpet, hoping I'll brush his coat ..Lol.

13 Mar, 2012


Ah TT sorry meant he lol:) just looks so perfect and he just is a poser loving his picture taken and sooo handsome!

13 Mar, 2012


Happy Birthday Conker !

13 Mar, 2012


Not a problem, Debbie... Conker is so pretty, lots of people ask if "he" is a "she" .... Lol.

Thank you Bill :o)))

13 Mar, 2012


Hello Conker, Handsome dog,
Featured in G.O.Y blog,
Happy Birthday.

13 Mar, 2012


Allo, special delivery message from HRH for Conker:

I would like to take this opportunity to wish Conker a very Happy Birthday indeed. Though I myself prefer corgis, I must say, he is an absolutely beautiful specimen and does not look a day over 6!!! Enjoy the festivities!


13 Mar, 2012


Thanks Lil.
Conker sends greetings to the Royal Corgis ;o)

13 Mar, 2012


Sorry Conker..a bit late but a very happy 8th Birthday...I don't suppose you has jelly and icecream for tea,but I'm
sure you had some little treats xxx

13 Mar, 2012


Thank you, Sandra..
Conker celebrated with his favourite Milky Biscuits ;o) xxx

13 Mar, 2012


Lovely pic Terra...Happy birthday Conker from me and Charlie xx

13 Mar, 2012


Hi Moti ...
Thanks...and a gentle hug for Charlie ;o) xxx

13 Mar, 2012


Happy Birthday Conker....I'm sure you will have a great birthday week!! I hope the rest of team terra are spoiling you like mad!
Oh, nice shot too TT. Why do I always like heathers in other gardens yet when I try them in mine I dislike them so much...strange :)

13 Mar, 2012



13 Mar, 2012


Happy Birthday you beautiful Boy OOOOO hugs
what a superb photo TT showing off both Conker and your lovely raised bed at their best - on my favourites :o)

13 Mar, 2012


Oh so sorry Mr COnker xxxx

13 Mar, 2012


Happy birthday Conker from me Ollie and Ginge,both you and the garden looking lovely :-)))

13 Mar, 2012


happy birthday Conker, that's a lovely pic Terra :-)

14 Mar, 2012


Hi Scottish ... Thanks.
Team Terra is enjoying a festive week :o)
Maybe you could try heathers again ?

Thank you, Lin ..
birthday festivities lasting more days yet .. :o)))

Hi Neena....
Conker woofs thanks for adding to favs... :o) x

Hello Mavis, Ollie and Ginge ..
Many thanks, and hugs for pussycats :o)))

Thank you, Surreylad ...
Conker loves to pose for the camera....
... when I'm photographing flowers, he stands nearby, posing, and hoping he'll be in the picture ... Lol. :o)

14 Mar, 2012


Happy birthday Conker - as they say, the sun kisses the beautiful and in this photo you certainly fit the bill. You will be able to pose for many more birthdsays to come - didn't we tell you that St Francis wouldn't let you down?

Hugs and kisses from us all XXXXX

14 Mar, 2012


Hi Terry60 .. Thanks.
You are so right about St Francis ...

Conker sends hugs and kisses to everyone living around the wonderful Italian hills, including the pussy cats.. :o) xxxxxxx

14 Mar, 2012


Conker looks happy on his 8th birthday. What a lovely picture he makes.

14 Mar, 2012


Thanks Dorjac ...
He is a happy boy .. he's always delighted when it is his turn to be photographed ..
... and I'm so thankful he seems healthy these days. :o)

14 Mar, 2012


Very nice photograph TT, Conker will be proud of you

14 Mar, 2012


Hi Johnboy ...
Thanks ... all credit goes to Conker :o)))

14 Mar, 2012


Happy Birthday Conker and many more happy ones to come .. you are looking so handsome I expect you had an extra wash and brush up to make you smart for your birthday photos , Have a lovely day and not too much birthday cake Truffle and Crocus will help you blow the candles out :o))

14 Mar, 2012


Thanks Amy ...
Conker had a brush, but he never needs a wash... Shelties seem to stay clean naturally ... Lol.
Extra birthday biscuits this week :o)))

14 Mar, 2012


Happy birthday Conker and what a handsome boy he is.

14 Mar, 2012


Hello Rose...
Conker says thank you.... This week he's enjoying lots of birthday celebrations :o)))

14 Mar, 2012


Hi Terra just got back from the caravan and seen you blog. As always your beautiful Conker looks wonderfull , PLease give him 8 big kisses from me.

14 Mar, 2012



Great photo! Conker looks so terrific! I'm so glad he's continuing to do well! :>)

My Puccini is starting to have some health problems at 13 years old (I'm hoping they're not going to be serious).

15 Mar, 2012


Hello Sue ..
Conker says thank you for the kisses :o)

Hi Delonix ...
Thanks. Today Conker has been helping me with shopping at the garden centre. He is very knowledgeable on buying plants. Lol. Yes, I'm lucky that he continues to look well.

I very much hope Puccini can get the right medication to give him better health. The older our pets become, the more fond we are of them ...
Fingers crossed for Puccini ... a very special little dog. :o)

15 Mar, 2012


Hi Terra Another great photo. Conker looks so contented and very intelligent. Thankyou Tony

15 Mar, 2012



I wish Puccini would help me with the shopping at the garden center!

Thanks you! I hope Puccini will be better soon! :>)

16 Mar, 2012


Happy belated Birthday greetings Conker.

16 Mar, 2012


What a beautiful birthday photo of Conker!!

16 Mar, 2012


Thanks Tony, Treetop and Linda.

Delonix ...
I'll be thinking positive thoughts for Puccini ... :o)

16 Mar, 2012


Happy birthday to Conker~may he have lots more!
Arlene xx

16 Mar, 2012


Hi Arlene ..
Conker says thank you. xxx

16 Mar, 2012


He is such a poser TT. Lol!!! such a beautiful photo. Many happies Conker, woof.

17 Mar, 2012


Thanks Grandmage ...
Woof woof from Conker
We're having a happy week here :o)

17 Mar, 2012


And he looks so good a belated Birthday wishes Conker, the garden looks good too lol,

17 Mar, 2012


Thanks Dotty ...
Conker and I have worked to improve this part of my garden with more evergreens. :o)

17 Mar, 2012


Oh Conker you beauty! Happy 8th birthday!! Hugs and woofs from Lottie, purrs and miaows from Ted and Pops XX

17 Mar, 2012


Thank you Janey, Lottie, Ted and Pops ...
Conker sends big hugs to everyone in your household. xxx

17 Mar, 2012


Happy Birthday Conker, its so good to see you looking so great seated amongst a beautiful setting, especially after all you have been through. I`m sure your pals Truffle and Crocus enjoyed your Birthday with you.
Woof, Woof and tweet to you all, and hugs to you TT.

18 Mar, 2012


OOOOOh Happy Belated B'day Conker!!
He looks majestic there!!!

18 Mar, 2012



Thanks! :>)

I forgot to wish Conker a very, very Happy Birthday!!! :>))

19 Mar, 2012


Hi TT, I didn't realise it was Conker's 8th birthday this week! Tell him I'm sorry for not having wished him Happy Birthday earlier. He looks sooo handsome sitting there amongst the plants in your lovely border - is he a "Border Collie" now??? (Sorry, couldn't resist it!) Anyway wish him many happy returns of the day - for many a year to come! :-)) Tell him that as he is so gorgeous I couldn't help but add his photo to my Favs!

19 Mar, 2012


Thank you Stroller, Aleyna, Delonix and Balcony ...

The heathers are flowering well this year.
Thanks for adding to favs. Balcony ..
"Border Collie"... LOL...
.. and put Truffle alongside ...
... he could be a "Border Terrier"... ;o)

20 Mar, 2012


Happy belated Birthday Conker, hope you had lots of prezzies & a nice Liver cake!
My Freddie was 12 last Friday.

20 Mar, 2012


Thank you ...
... extra biscuits were available ;o)
Happy birthday to Freddie !

21 Mar, 2012


aww i missed conkers birthday, was away Terra sorry, many happy returns dear lad and looking great :o)) hugs all round xxx

23 Mar, 2012


Thanks Sandra...
Conker sends hugs :o))) xxx

23 Mar, 2012


Oh gosh I do apologize Terra, I`m miles behind with the pics and missed Conkers birthday..
Better late than never, I `m sending a big hug and woofs and miaows from all here in the lincs house, xx.
Conker is looking so well Terra which is a joy to see and hopefully continues for a very long time, its a gorgeous photo and is now in my faves...

24 Mar, 2012


Thanks, Sue, and Conker woofs thank you for adding to favs., and sends a big hug to you all. xxx

24 Mar, 2012


What a super picture.

8 Apr, 2012


Hi Poppy ...
Conker loves posing for the camera :o)

9 Apr, 2012


A beautiful photo of a beautiful best friend. I hope you have one in a frame.

10 Apr, 2012


Thank you Homebird and Wildrose ...
Yes... I'm in the process of having a framed print of Conker with the heathers. :o)

12 Apr, 2012


Terra, I found this photo just now. What a charming arrangement :) Seems like Conker knows what is going on. I mean, he/she likes to be the star. Your Ericas are wonderful. Never had so rich in flowers.

12 Apr, 2012


Hi Katarina ...
Thanks for your kind comments. The heathers enjoy being in the raised bed and become more colourful each year.

Yes, Conker knows when to pose for the camera ! :o)

12 Apr, 2012


Heathers have flowered a long time this year, and Conker looks well.

13 Apr, 2012


How beautiful is that. Picture perfect Conker. Picture perfect flowers. Good enough for a chocolate box.:D

19 Apr, 2012


Yes, Linda .. thankfully, Conker looking healthy.

Thank you G s ...
Those are lovely comments :o)

20 Apr, 2012

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