For TT's Hug week ~~~ 2 for the price of one !!
By Amy

22 Feb, 2012
Me and GOY member Leigh ( Nosypotter )
Comments on this photo
Oh, that's lovely Amy..
Are you saying I can add this to my Hug blog please ?
22 Feb, 2012
Don't look Val .. LOL..
Yes TT I've just been over to your blog to tell you the photo was here :o))
22 Feb, 2012
Thanks Amy ...
Marvellous Mister Nosey Potter with his charming friend will be on my blog very soon... !
22 Feb, 2012
It's good to see you both !
22 Feb, 2012
Hi Driad ... it could be you next ..
...with Gorgeous George ;o)
22 Feb, 2012
Ohooooo , don't put such thoughts into my head , Tt !
22 Feb, 2012
Lol ;o)))
22 Feb, 2012
A great pic of two more good friends..I love it Amy :o)
..and who is George ,Driad ? Clooney? Formby ? Michael ?
I must have missed something here ! Lol.
22 Feb, 2012
Absolutely brilliant Amy . . . that'll keep me smiling all evening! Thanks . . .
22 Feb, 2012
What a lovely photo, Amy, and a lovely setting for a hug too :)
22 Feb, 2012
Love the tats, I have a sleeve but can't really muster the bother to go under the needle more. Apathy rules.
22 Feb, 2012
Thanks Driad / Sandra, I wonder who George is to ?
Sheila I'm glad it made you smile , thank you Gee that's my little quiet corner out of the sun , I couldn't face having them done S.side but each to his own it doesn't alter the person underneath ......
22 Feb, 2012
22 Feb, 2012
22 Feb, 2012
I'm pleased it made you all smile , Leigh comes over occasionally to give his motor bike a run and to be fed ! :o))
23 Feb, 2012
Lovely warming pic....:>)
23 Feb, 2012
I didn't stand a chance Motinot LOL .......
23 Feb, 2012
Nice to see you Amy,lovely picture, still trying to find a good one of me don't want to scare everyone,lol.
24 Feb, 2012
Thank you Kathy , I shall look forward to meeting you , I was worried about looking a mess but who cares, we are who we are ,all with one interest in common and good friends :o))
24 Feb, 2012
It's Clooney , of course ! He lives , or has a house , on Lake Como . Time for another visit there .
Gattina must live the nearest to the Lake .
27 Feb, 2012
Thought it might be,Driad ..I didn't see you as having the hots for George Formby.. ! Lol.....I saw his house too,when we stayed at Lake Como,last year...If only I'd known,I could have dropped in and given him a X from you..(and from me ) :o))
27 Feb, 2012
Oooh And one from me !!
27 Feb, 2012
I could always go back,Amy ! Lol.
27 Feb, 2012
... or look at Film4... Freeview TV ..
...right now :o)
27 Feb, 2012
Sorry Terra..Russ is watching Corrie,and I'm halfway through a mini Magnum! Lol...Driad isn't on ,is she ? :o))
27 Feb, 2012
Yes Driad with there with George,
..but she looks remarkably like Michelle Pfeiffer ;o)
27 Feb, 2012
really ? maybe she is a stunt woman for her,doing all the dangerous stuff ! I hope she gets to do the nice bits too..:o))
27 Feb, 2012
George just told her she's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, so I guess she's doing okay ;o)
27 Feb, 2012
You don't need much excuse to go back do you Sandra , George will be to wrapped up with Driad to notice :o((
27 Feb, 2012
Some girls have all the luck,don't they ? I bet they are dining al fresco,by the lake ..a glass of Chianti..( hope she is in the right film )! ..sure its not Anthony Hopkin ?
27 Feb, 2012
It doesn't look as though I need to bother,now,Amy..don't want to play gooseberry..:o)
27 Feb, 2012
Driad and George have gone off into the sunset together... I do like a happy ending. :o)
27 Feb, 2012
Big sigh ... ahhhh
27 Feb, 2012
Just come up for air , girls ;it looks like Amy is going to be a rival if I'm not careful . Mind you we could all lurk about at the bottom of his garden by the Lake and admire him ; could offer to do a bit of gardening or something ....
Loved the comment about George Formby , Bloomer !
1 Mar, 2012
ha ha,Driad..been waiting to hear your reply....I just wondered if you would prefer him,and his little Ukelele .:o))
1 Mar, 2012
Don't worry Driad I know when to give in gracefully or Disgracefully ( I hope you fall in the lake ) LOL you can have his little Ukelele all to yourself .. :o))
1 Mar, 2012
Are you a woman scorned,Amy ? Lol...probably the 'right' George would give her the kiss of with that thought,Driad would probably throw herself in !..The little minx....and are we jealous ? too right !
1 Mar, 2012
I'm over it now Sandra , any man that can play two woman off like that isn't worth it .. I probably did Driad a favour pushing her in the lake if it meant George rescuing her and giving her the kiss of life. She's very quiet I expect she's swooning all over the place after that kiss ,there'll be no talking to her now !!
1 Mar, 2012
Ha ha you girls! Love this pic of you Amy, now where,s Leigh in all of this frivolity??? He maybe could do just as good a snog as George, and he's a biker to boot! Give it a try next time he comes for a feed, and let us know......:))))))X
1 Mar, 2012
LOL Janey Leigh hasn't seen this ,I think I'd better hide up when he does come over :o))
2 Mar, 2012
Ha, ha!
2 Mar, 2012
so lovely, amy!!lol!
2 Mar, 2012
It's no good flirting with the green-eyed monster , Amy ,commiting me to the Lake like that , although the thought of being saved has its appeal . He would have to be very close at hand !
I must confess to succumbing to the green-eyes myself today , as my "muse " ( the male version ) is pictured in the paper with his current girlfriend , a former professional wrestler ! I'd better watch my step ( or she had )!
2 Mar, 2012
Did you get a ride Amy, on Noseypotter's motor bike? He certainly has a lot of tatoos on his arms. Nice picture and very nice garden seat too.
5 Mar, 2012
Glad you liked it Junna ..
Driad , your green eyes will be black eyes if you continue with your obsession LOL
No Linda ,I didn't go on the back of his bike I would worry about falling off and breaking something , I use to when OH and I were young and he had one , Ahh yes those were the days we didn't think about danger then :o)
6 Mar, 2012
My OH had a motor bike too, wouldn't believe the stuff we carried on it between us...a standard rose tree..a coffee table ,and our newly bought home..! wouldn't dare do it now,would we ? Sadly ,it had to be sold,to go towards some new windows shanks pony,or a bus for a long time...about 7 years,as no way could we afford a car ..and when we did,it was a Robin Reliant,so he could use his motorbike licence! Lol....happy motoring too,it never let us down..although a comedian at our local club once made a comment,asking whose it was,parked outside,as he had seen a rat towing it up the hill ! Lol....
6 Mar, 2012
We had a James 250 motor bike when we were going out and first married then sold it for an Anglia...a dark blue one with the little wings at the back.........Heartbeat comes to mind LOL
6 Mar, 2012
LOL Oh Sandra that is so funny my sides hurt :o))
My OH had a Trumph Thunderbird it's scary when I think about it now , we use to go to the dance at Ely on a Saturday night and then wait for the last bus to leave at 11 .45 give it a few mins start and then set off to over take it on the way home we didn't wear crash helmets either and me in my dance frock , CRAZY ! he had an old BSA 1946 that he has renovated it took a long time but it looks like new the only problem is with the traffic on the road today it's not safe to go out on it , he has been in a couple of these vintage day things ...
Heart Beat does bring back all those memories we bought the CD's to play ...
We had an anglia when we first married Linda a pale blue one , did they only make blue ?? :o))
6 Mar, 2012
OH never had a bike but we had plenty of rides on various bikes , my friends and I , and one "amour " painted my name on his .
Someone picked me up from work once on a Lambretta ! I'll say no more !
Never any helmets , we must have been mad , except the world wasn't quite as insane as it is now .
I have a friend who used to carry the baby inbetween them on the bike !
6 Mar, 2012
Lol, still makes me laugh too ..are you calm now? as I must tell you another one..I was mistaken,it did let us down once !.We went out for a drive one summer evening,and decided to treat ourselves to Fish and Chips to take home.Parked up by the shop,at the top of a steep cobbled lane..Russell gave them to me,and the damned car wouldn't start..! He got out to give it a push..and as it started, he ran to get in,but the door was too near the wall...and he couldn't !..I sat there like a lemon,clutching our supper,and luckily it ran into the wall,and the door jammed into it..which definitely stopped it it would !.I had no sense to pull the handbrake on ..more concerned about the fish and chips ! Lol. At this point,a man came to see if he could help..and suggested he got over the low wall,and push it free from the other side.. and promptly disapppeared from sight ..OMG,there was a deep drop on the other side !Are you still with me so far ? :o)..We then saw this poor bedraggled soul,clambering back up..he had his 'Sunday' suit on too ...we asked if he was ok,and he said he was fine,as he limped off into the sunset Lol...When we finally got home,we were in was just like a scene from a comedy film..
We later found out,he was a caretaker at the local school,and had just come from Church..The car ? ..Russell spent days in a neighbours garage,building the fibreglass bodywork up again ,layer by layer...and guess what else ? a few weeks later,that house and garage was up for sale..we bought it,and stayed for 18 years ..till we moved to this one....Hope you haven't got tummy ache again ! Lol.:o))
6 Mar, 2012
Back to bikes..Amy and Driad..I was very posh and had a Helmet ..Russells sister gave me had a skull and crossbones on the front ! Lol....Fashion icon of the early seventies,eh ? ...and going so fast,you could feel yourself sliding backwards ! would today's kids believe we ever did that ? It's a wonder we are still here to tell the tales...:o)
6 Mar, 2012
Driad he loved you ,did you forsake him for George ? my daughter has recently bought a scooter it's rather like a big Lambreta she works at the hospital where they charge such a lot for workers to park cars it will save her a good amount of money each month ..
Oh Sandra my sides ssssstill hurt LOL you couldn't make it up could you .. that house was drawing you to it , you were meant to live there ! I wonder if that man went back to pray for his safe deliverence :o)
I didn't tell you the first time I went on the motor bike I didn't know anything about oil spurting out the back I arrived home with an oil streak right up my back,my best dress to ... my brother had one of those combination bikes with a side car ,Wallace and Grommit style ... We decide to have a go on it without him knowing when he came to visit, Tony didn't know the steering is so different to a normal bike we went off up the road straight through the cemetery gates .... good old days... :o))
6 Mar, 2012
At least we made our own fun Sandra we didn't rely on drugs /drink or bashing people up ,they say they are bored but they have far more going for them than we did ........
6 Mar, 2012
Oh dear,I haven't laughed so much for many happy memories for us way or another..your poor dress..and I can just imagine your faces as you sped through the Cemetry gates ! Lol..Oh,the motor bike and sidecar !Russell had one too,but before I knew him..His dad went with him to Manchester to pick it up,and he was in the sidecar coming home..As you know,even then,it was a busy place..all of a sudden,dad punched a hole in the roof,and cracked OH on the back of his head...he hadn't remembered about the extra width,and it was scraping all along the side of a Trolley bus ! ..:o) only the week after,his sister drove into the Co-op window on her first driving lesson! ..It was her last lesson as well..ha ha...
6 Mar, 2012
LOL... You family's sound very much like ours with it's crazy exploits Sandra , is that why they abandoned the trolley buses ! I take it Russells sister never did pass her test or did she have another go at it later when she was over the shock ,poor girl :o))
7 Mar, 2012
Ha ha,Amy..That sounds coincidental..about the trolley buses..I think they did stop shortly after ! Lol.You are right about Russell's sister..she never tried again after that..not surprised really,as her dad was with her..on a provisional ! :o) He never passed his test either ...:o)
7 Mar, 2012
Wow!!! Amy, lol.
6 May, 2012
8 May, 2012
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you little tinkers,
22 Feb, 2012