red heads i like red heads . know hair just red heads .
By Noseypotter

28 Dec, 2011
head seats
Comments on this photo
Brilliant, NP!
I've got your yellow mistletoe berries, by the way - just looking for a matchbox! I think I might give them to the next person who is going back to the UK to post to you from there: I don't want people at the post office or border security x-raying them and getting suspicious and opening the package. ;-))))
28 Dec, 2011
They look fantastic NP :)
28 Dec, 2011
Lovely sculptures. I knew a girls with long black hair all the way down her back, none on her head, just down her back. LOL
28 Dec, 2011
That is wonderful NP!!
28 Dec, 2011
Unusual garden feature there Nosey - we can always rely on you to show us something different.
I fear you may have started something with the bad jokes though - just read Myron's comment.
28 Dec, 2011
Oh! dear, hair jokes. Happy New Year Leigh. I like the redheads too, these look very good.
28 Dec, 2011
Cool lol//ilike them!
lol @ jokes!
28 Dec, 2011
Brilliant edging stones....Np.
28 Dec, 2011
Very unusual - like them!
28 Dec, 2011
thank you so much there seets bye the way lol xx .
29 Dec, 2011
For small bums? ;)
29 Dec, 2011
Red bums!!! bum, bum lol
29 Dec, 2011
29 Dec, 2011
Absolutely amazing ... you have a wonderful imagination and skill. Have you thought of selling the idea to garden centres? You could (maybe have done?!) create all sorts of ideas for edging stones - in worcester are always looking for new sales ideas.
29 Dec, 2011
LOL Happy New Year Leigh x
29 Dec, 2011
ive asked all the garden centres they couldnt be cared less and any further avkq47 and the postage gets silly . i cant realy do much more like this as my back cant take it . im going to concentrate on just drawing apart from in my own garden wear i can take as long as i like .ill be posting your tiger print tomorrow bye the way so keep ya eyes open for a cardboard tube xx
i believe my red heads are giving the idea there very small . the ones at the back are 32" high and they differ a little on the way round . i measured a chair for averadge seet hights .ill try loading a picture with something in shot that shows there size .happy new year bring on the spring yippeeeeeeee x x .
30 Dec, 2011
Oh didnt realise they were so big Nosey! Cool! :)
30 Dec, 2011
avkq i posted your picture today but as its bank holiday i dont know when youl get it im afraid . take care and make sure you all have a great summer .
30 Dec, 2011
bigger the better i say how about you pixi25 lol x .
30 Dec, 2011
Oh Aye! lol ;)
30 Dec, 2011
31 Dec, 2011
concrete even lol i guess they work well xx .
19 Oct, 2012
Great seats! Fab.faces :)
10 Dec, 2013
I love how different these are!
21 May, 2014
thank you xx .
21 May, 2014
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its actualy a bit of a remembrance of a friend i lost whop alwase bored us stupid with that joke bless him x x brian .
28 Dec, 2011