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Cheeky Yoshi...doesn't know from cats!!


By Lori

Cheeky Yoshi...doesn't know from cats!!

Lucky for him, K.C. (Kitty Cat) was very docile in his old age...

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Amazing picture!

14 Jun, 2008


Yoshi is the reincarnation of a shogun...he fears nothing! He loves to fly so I let him out of his cage for a little R.&R. K.C. had just had his breakfast and was cleaning up...when Yoshi landed beside him and walked up this close...I held my breath...decided to take the pic...they eyed each other for awhile...and Yosh strutted off to have a drink from Mandy's water bowl...

14 Jun, 2008


Gosh ! He's lucky to be alive I think. lol : )

15 Jun, 2008


I'd be holding my breath too! Is Yoshi a parakeet or a lovebird?

15 Jun, 2008


Yoshi Toranaga Noh Minowara... is a peach faced lovebird...

15 Jun, 2008


Loves the cat for sure! Lol!

15 Jun, 2008


I don't think Yoshi loves anything ...except maybe his I don't know if they were named for a Mr.Love or if they were named because of their mating habits( a detail I've yet to pick up) ...but from my experiences with LOVEbirds, whoever said it had their tongue firmly in cheek!!! I love the old curmudgeon however.

15 Jun, 2008


lol brilliant picture

15 Jun, 2008


What a great are indeed very lucky Lori to capture that

15 Jun, 2008


OMG! This pic would make a great greetings card, Lori! Amazing!

18 Jun, 2008


What a lovely Pic Lori :) just shows how well Family pets do get along :)

18 Jun, 2008


K.C. was a lovely old cat...he didn't see very well and more interested in his grooming than that pest of a bird... He seemed to understand that birds inside the house were not to be touched but in his hay day he caught many a mouse and bird.

18 Jun, 2008


such a cute picture Lori :)

5 Jul, 2008


Thanks Sandy...I snapped a number of shots of this interaction, this was the best.... Posted them of Flickr last response that I'm aware of...

6 Jul, 2008


Fabulous pic, Lori they look to be great friends.

27 Jul, 2008


ahh what a superb photo

16 Aug, 2008


What a beautiful photograph and a lovely cat too!

18 Aug, 2008


Thanks everyone!... Susan1492,,,I see you have a ginger cat!! Tabbies Rule!!

24 Aug, 2008


Another bird for my favourite photos.
Thank you. :o)

21 Sep, 2008


just realized there was a pet cat section...found your picture...cute..cute...cute!

7 Oct, 2008


What a brilliant photo!! i have one somewhere of me my son my cockatiel and Charlie the tabby all together on the settee, have to see if i can find it

21 Oct, 2008


Sewingkilla ~
That sounds like a good pic. :o)

21 Oct, 2008


Yes, Yes!! would love to see it.

22 Oct, 2008


What a fantastic photograph, lovely image and the composition and lighting are wonderfu.

30 Jan, 2009


Thankyou Debrah!

30 Jan, 2009


Mmmmm! Dinner. But I've just eaten LOL
Great picture.

18 Feb, 2010


Really like this photo....really caught them so well, Lori.

3 Oct, 2010


Thanks LadyE and Whistonlass. Both are history now... K.C. died not long after this picture was taken and Yoshi escaped his cage and we could not catch him...he stayed nearby in the backyard for a day or so and then disappeared...I hope someone was able to catch him. Canvased the neighbourhood and the pet stores but no sign of him. sad. I really miss him.

3 Oct, 2010


Aw, Lori, that's really sad to lose Yoshi to an escape. K.C. was a good age when you took the photo, I'm guessing? I sure hope Yoshi found a caring owner too.

I notice you are living in Ontario...our son is living in St. Catharine's now...small world sometimes. I'm Canadian too, from Vancouver. (I hope I'm not repeating myself here....I have mentioned this before to some folk on GOY...memory is not Sure am enjoying GOY too :)

3 Oct, 2010


Great shot, but so sorry you are now without both of your lovely pet companions.

20 Sep, 2011


I wonder how I missed replying to this Jacquie!? Is your son still in St. Catharines? (maybe I sent you a pm?) hope so...if not I apologise for not replying sooner.
Hello Dwyllis...looks like you're new on goY? It's the hard part of keeping pets...we love them like our own and when they go it's as wrenching as loosing a human loved one. Our Mandy (dog) died this we have only 17 goldfish...and assorted frogs in the little black rex rabbit (Clover), a golden gecko named Opey, and two budgies (Georgie and Blewey) remaining in the menagerie.

20 Sep, 2011

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