Nature's pretty patterns ... :o)
By Terratoonie

6 Jan, 2011
At the end of my garden ...
... I was amazed to find this tree trunk fungus ...
It must have developed very quickly ...
Nature is clever to make such pretty shapes and patterns... :o)
Comments on this photo
They remind me of Saturn's rings :o)
6 Jan, 2011
great fungi Terra, i think it adds to the garden :o)
6 Jan, 2011
Thanks folks ...
... can't think what they remind me of ...
... marble cake ? ;o)
6 Jan, 2011
I think they're beautiful and they remind me of those slivers of agate you can buy. I often look out for fungi when I am walking in the woods.
6 Jan, 2011
I've just looked up agate pics. on Google...
... yes, good idea, Gee ...
... more like those, than like marble cake... Lol.
6 Jan, 2011
it is amazing how life grows
6 Jan, 2011
they are incredible. looks like one of those pictures you can do spreading the inks out on blotting paper.
or dark coloured sea shells.
lovely picture.
6 Jan, 2011
Weird and wonderful, aren't they Paul...
Sticki. yes... sea-shells ...
... I can see the link there :o)
6 Jan, 2011
A beautiful photo TT , I think they might be called Turkey Tails ... Trametes versicolor....
6 Jan, 2011
They are amazing aren't they.....could be little flamenco frocks....Lol!
6 Jan, 2011
Wonderful patterns and colour lol I was going to say the same my sons favourite cake Marble lol.
6 Jan, 2011
Thanks for the name Amy ...
I see how they got the title Turkey Tails !
... and, yes, Janey ... flamenco frocks ... love that !
and, Sixpence, I'm pleased you can see the "food" theme in this... marble cake, or possibly badly-cooked pancakes ?
7 Jan, 2011
LOl you should of saved it for pancake day Shrove Tuesday hehe.
7 Jan, 2011
Pancake day isn't till 8th March ...
I might be hungry by then. LOL.
7 Jan, 2011
Lol :o))
7 Jan, 2011
now I really like that,
7 Jan, 2011
Great picture, love the stripes bet the insects in your garden appreciate it too! :-D
7 Jan, 2011
Thanks Yorkshire and Red aly ...
assorted accommodation for different insects
roof-top apartments, basement flats..etc.. ;o)
7 Jan, 2011
Lovely! Looks like a Cherry tree trunk. This is one of the reasons I have logs and branches on my borders: to provide a habitat for a variety of insect life which in turn feeds the birds! They also look nice and give the border different levels.
7 Jan, 2011
Great idea to have the logs and branches on your borders ...
I bet the birds and insects approve :o)
7 Jan, 2011
They certainly do and they are strategically placed so that I can get to the fence and the climbers without having to stand on the plants! I use a lot of silver birch as it shows up well against the dark fence and soil during the winter.
7 Jan, 2011
Yes, Silver Birch bark stands out against the dark, doesn't it... and clever of you to place the logs as stepping stones.. well done :o)
8 Jan, 2011
have seen quite a few of this type of fungi about Terra.
8 Jan, 2011
Hi Linda...
first time in my garden that I've seen a fungus with these shapes and colours... I find it very pretty :o)
8 Jan, 2011
It's been a grand day today after a downpour first thing this morning. I have been down the road and cleaned the church kitchen then Gerry and I have been on a three mile walk around the lanes here this afternoon. It's so nice to have some sunshine, even if it is a bit breezy. The horses in the fields were on their toes and galloping around enjoying themselves. I noticed that all the berries have been eaten in the hedgerows, and that's probably why we have a few more birds about in the garden.
8 Jan, 2011
How fascinating Terra think the fairies have been down your garden and waved a bit of magic;0)
8 Jan, 2011
Thanks, Pansypotter...
I was startled when I first saw this ... it wasn't so long ago this was just an "ordinary" tree trunk ...
... definitely a bit of magic going on there ;o)
8 Jan, 2011
I agree with Hywel (Happy New year btw Hywel), I thought of Saturns rings too!
8 Jan, 2011
Yes, I was looking at Saturn's rings pics on the internet, and lots of resemblance in the patterns ! :o)
8 Jan, 2011
They look good enough to eat Terra.....I wonder if they are? I bet we have a fungus expert on her, maybe you could put this pic on as a question too, it would be interesting to know its name:-)
8 Jan, 2011
Hi Bornagain ... Clever Amy has identified the fungus further back up this thread ...
... Turkey Tails ... Trametes versicolor
I find them amazing ...
... they seemed to shoot up fast from nowhere ! Lol.
9 Jan, 2011
Last year when walking the dogs past a local garden, I saw the most amazing large fungus which I didn't notice the day before, it was a very beautiful shape like a fairy castle. Took my camera the next was just a collapsed heap:-(
9 Jan, 2011
Lovely shape, reminds me of a rara skirt.......
9 Jan, 2011
He he.... ra ra ...
yes ... they have have look about them...Lol. :o)
9 Jan, 2011
great pic TT, i think they are soo pretty..odd, but pretty too. i like the idea of the insect town lol.:o)
9 Jan, 2011
Thanks Joanella ...
Lol... insect town ...
... I bet the tree trunk really swings when
they all go to the Ugly Bug Ball. ;o)
9 Jan, 2011
Hi all!
You all sound such a lovely lot of people. I'm so glad I found GoU. :)))
Happy gardening - when it stops raining:( unless you're all more 'hardy' than me lol
16 Jan, 2011
Hi Evans ...
Happy gardening in 2011 ...
looking forward to meeting you during the year on GoY :o)
16 Jan, 2011
They remind me of a book i had when i was a little girl, Fairy land, the fairys played on them , lovely to see them
23 Jan, 2011
Hi Cmsue ..
That's a lovely idea of the fairies playing on these :o)
23 Jan, 2011
Natures pretty patterns were all over the leg of my bench when we got it out of the greenhouse yesterday Terra. Gerry has treated it all. Just hope the leg doesn't fall off when we sit on it. LOL
13 Mar, 2011
Have you sat on the bench yet, Linda ;o) ???
14 Mar, 2011
No Terra......:0)
14 Mar, 2011
Lovely :) Nature is a wonderful artist
27 Mar, 2011
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looks so cool - wilderness is nice
6 Jan, 2011