Geraniumdad's Profile

About me
I am 45, I live in Kingston Upon Hull in East Yorkshire, am married to Sonia (married 23 years), have 4 children (all boys) aged 18, 16, and the twins are 9. I grow lots of plants, especially hardy geraniums and pelargoniums.
I have a pink toed tarantula and I breed several species of stick insect.
I work for the local council in the Wildlife Section, supervising 9 staff at our 4 animal and aviary sites, and organise and produce material for the 5000+ school children we get on educational visits per year.
I write poems (not very good ones but they rhyme....), I like most animals but my favourites are millipedes, stick insects, snakes, cichlid fish and spiders, especially tarantulas.
When I am not at home, in the garden, at work, on holiday or on the computer, I can be found at my local church slowly tidying up and re-vamping the borders and generally looking after the grounds maintenance side of things. In my spare time, I like to read, listen to music, and watch films from the 1950's, 1960's and 1970's.
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Joined in Sep 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: East Yorkshire