Me, windswsept ... in my St Tiggywinkles T-shirt. lol.
By Terratoonie

7 Sep, 2009
Best In Show competition at a recent charity dog show ~
This was a wonderful day I'll always remember ~ the warm evening sunshine glowed on Conker, my Shetland Sheepdog - holding his flower basket, as the lovely lady judge awarded Conker the Best In Show rosette for his gardening tricks routines, which he had enjoyed performing earlier in the day.
Conker had entertained the crowd with his favourite gardening equipment, such as raking the grass, pushing his toy lawn mower, and stacking up his flower pots.
The judge was unaware that Conker has coped with cancer for the past six months. She made kind comments about his gardening and seemed a very nice person.
She is tall - about 6 feet 4 inches - everyone at the show liked her. :o)
Comments on this photo
Thanks. Dee....yes, Conker does have nice legs..Lol.
7 Sep, 2009
well done TT and Conker!Congratulations to both of you ~you deserve it after all the trauma you are going through!
~So nice to have a judge who was kind and compassionate~I have watched Crufts on occasion and thought some of the judges really stiff and some of their choices weird!
7 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Arlene...
The judge seemed to know a lot of the people at the show and was very popular. :o)
7 Sep, 2009
whoo whoop well done conker....yes conker does have lovely
7 Sep, 2009
,Congratulations again Tt, who could resist him holding his basket? and woo wooo! I join with Ydd, nice legs! A day to treasure:-))
7 Sep, 2009
Very well done Conker a lovely rosette for you and yes ..... wolfwhistle TT !
7 Sep, 2009
Thank you, Sandra, Bornagain and Louise..
Conker sometimes enters the dog show class for Best Six Legs .... Lol.
7 Sep, 2009
Great Conker,well done three cheers for Conker....
7 Sep, 2009
Congratulations to Conker he certainly deserved his Rosette hope there are lots more to come! A picture and memory to cherish Terra, x gone on my favourites.
7 Sep, 2009
Thanks Clarice and Pansypotter...
Yes, this was a special day to treasure. xxx
7 Sep, 2009
Super pic TT.......lovely to see you and such a joy for Conker to win his prize. Never mind Conkers should be entering for Best Two Legs.....:o)
7 Sep, 2009
Lol. thanks, Janey... Truffle reckons he has good legs...Lol.
7 Sep, 2009
Well done to both of you :)) Conker is still performing in this shot !
7 Sep, 2009
Hi Aster. Thank you.
You're right in that Conker likes to have a task to perform. :o)
7 Sep, 2009
Lovely photo TT,well done to Conker on his win ,bless, is this the photo I was looking for yesterday?
7 Sep, 2009
Hello Janette... yes this is the photo...
Conker says thank you :o)
7 Sep, 2009
well done :-)
7 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Eileen :o)
7 Sep, 2009
Nice photo TT...and nice to "meet" you! Agree with Ydd too, can see why Conker wins Best Six Legs! :o)
7 Sep, 2009
Hi Pottygardener ~
Bonsai the Welsh Terrier also used to win Best Six Legs Lol. He had good legs. Lol.
Truffle hasn't tried that class yet.... :o)
7 Sep, 2009
Conker at his best..well done .looks if he is waiting for a special treat..
a photo to cherish TT...
woof woof nice meeting you aunty Terraxxx Percy
7 Sep, 2009
Hello Percy and Deida....
Conker sends a woof, and wants you to know he won some dog food, too ! :o)
7 Sep, 2009
I have no doubt Truffle will also win Best Six Legs! When he can stand still long enough...!
7 Sep, 2009
Truffle is just a bit too lively for some of these dog show classes. Lol.
7 Sep, 2009
woof Conker ..amazing you must have been brill to get dog food also,yummy
hope you don't mind sharing...wags Percy
7 Sep, 2009
Bless......TT this is a real picture to treasure......
7 Sep, 2009
It's great to see some good news in a world often full of unpleasantness.
Well done both & congratulations!
7 Sep, 2009
Thanks Milky, and Deida...
Truffle thinks the idea of dog shows is that Conker does all the work and Truffle eats all the winnings. Lol.
7 Sep, 2009
Whooops, missed your comment, Oddbillie ~
Thank you... Conker really enjoys the tricks class....:o)
7 Sep, 2009
Well done TT and Congratulations Conker , we always knew you were the best , how nice that Conker should be a winner at something that he enjoys doing so much , he's a natural heart breaker .... :o)
WOW .. TT .. I really envy your legs , conker isn't the only winner :o) x
7 Sep, 2009
Thanks Amy.... Conker loves the charity dog shows very much...
He wasn't well enough to attend the spring and summer shows, so I'm glad I've been able to get him fitter that he can enjoy the last few shows of the year during this autumn..... :o) x
7 Sep, 2009
LOVE IT!!!! Many CONGRATS to all the legs!! That judge knows a champion when she sees one! :-))
7 Sep, 2009
Wonderful. Great to know that Conker is still impressing the judges. Unfortunately I do have one complaint. In future please keep your legs to yourself as they are a real distraction. I can feerl another cold shower coming on.
7 Sep, 2009
Wonderful. Great to know that Conker is still impressing the judges. Unfortunately I do have one complaint. In future please keep your legs to yourself as they are a real distraction. I can feel another cold shower coming on.
7 Sep, 2009
Thanks, David... the judge really did like Conker :o)
Hi Toto ~ I'll ask Conker to keep his legs to himself... Lol... twice...Lol.
7 Sep, 2009
As you like TT but I know that you know to whom I was referring.
7 Sep, 2009
Lol. :o)
7 Sep, 2009
Lovely photo TT and yes I admire your legs as well, lovely to see Conker doing so well, congratulations to him. Great to see what you look like, very glamorous I must say.
7 Sep, 2009
Toto liked your legs that much TT, He had to say it twice lol..
PS no one has mentioned the T shirt :)))
7 Sep, 2009
Too busy admiring TT's legs to notice the T shirt, very nice though.
7 Sep, 2009
Lol. Dee... two showers for Toto..Lol.
Hi Bob...Conker is getting quite dismayed... he is sure that when we compete in Best 6 Legs. it is his 4 legs which keep us winning...Lol.
7 Sep, 2009
Hahahaha this thread is gett'n funnier..
7 Sep, 2009
Lovely photo, TT! So pleased to hear that Conker has won a rosette & dog food at the show.
My best wishes for you both at the vets on Wednesday. I really hope the swelling in his face is caused by an infection not a reappearance of his cancer.
Boli is not energetic enough to send any wags this time & I don't have a tail! Lol! Nevertheless we wish you all the best. :)
7 Sep, 2009
Hello again Dee... glad you mentioned the T shirt... Lol.
7 Sep, 2009
Hello Balcony ~
Sorry to hear that Boli has a bit less energy this week...
maybe a little honey licked off your fingers would help ?
Conker has started having Manuka honey from my fingers at bedtime
( thanks, Arlene ! xxx )
Thanks, Balcony, for your good wishes for Wednesday... I'm getting anxious already... the swelling on Conker's face has gone down somewhat, but not gone away completely.... just hoping the vet won't say it is the cancer coming back....
7 Sep, 2009
Fingers crossed TT xxx
7 Sep, 2009
...thanks Dee. xxx
7 Sep, 2009
Terra its grand to see Conker and you receiving your prize,praying all goes well for you on Weds..........
8 Sep, 2009
Lovely to hear that Conker is feeling a lot better now and is performing again. Our hedgehogs come to the garden every night. They are all looking well. I switch on the kitchen light and go into the darkened conservatory to watch them. They certainly like peanuts and sunflower seeds.
8 Sep, 2009
Hi Lincslass.... thanks for your kind wishes for
Hello Linda ... yes, Conker is enjoying performing again. In fact he has a furry hedgehog in with his gardening tricks..Lol.
Lovely that your hedgehogs are visiting every evening :o)
8 Sep, 2009
Lovely to see Conker performing and winning!
8 Sep, 2009
Hi Marydoll....
Thanks.... Conker so enjoys his trick performances :o)
8 Sep, 2009
Great pic! Whats on the t-shirt??
8 Sep, 2009
St Tiggywinkles - Aylesbury.. Save The Hedgehog...
Some years ago I raised money for St Tiggywinkles by organising and judging a charity dog show... at that time, Les Stocker and his wife were running their St Tiggywinkles wildlife rescue from their small house and garden...
I was invited to visit them to present the cheque... the little garden was amazing... full of rescued deer, hedgehogs, birds etc, waiting to be returned to the wild when in full health.... this worthwhile charity so deserved larger premises. Les Stocker whizzed through the kitchen on his way out to rescue a swan, and paused to kindly sign my copy of his wildlife rescue book..
Some while later, the charity obtained wonderful purpose-built larger premises, and St Tiggywinkles is now a very big establishment with spacious accommodation and hospital facilities for hedgehogs and other wild animals and birds... :o)
8 Sep, 2009
Well Done Conker!
8 Sep, 2009
~just been to the Tiggywinkles site and it sounds as though they already have 500 small hedghogs and each one costs £111 pounds to overwinter so they are asking for funds~they take paypal etc if anyone wants to help!
8 Sep, 2009
Hi Gardengirl... Conker says thank you... :o)
Hello Arlene ~
Thanks for the extra info. about St. Tiggywinkles. x
8 Sep, 2009
Well done TT.... and lovely to see Conker getting best in must be so pleased........
8 Sep, 2009
Hello Holly ~
Yes, thanks, it was a very special day... Conker enjoyed himself so much...
Oh Wow ~
I've just looked at the top of the page and it says this is GoY photo number 100,000........
...........and this is my GoY comment number 25,000 .....
8 Sep, 2009
Wow youve set the
8 Sep, 2009
and, Holly, I've just put the first of my next 25,000 comments on your carrots and pumpkin pic. Lol. :o)
8 Sep, 2009
Lol.............. :0 )
8 Sep, 2009
That's strange... the top photo number has just changed ! Lol.
8 Sep, 2009
YeeHaw!!! Yip-Yip-Yip...YeeeeHaw!!!..Look at you two! .Good job conker!..Tail wags and waves and xxxx's and hugs! You both are looking great!
Conker is my hero! What a Great furkid he is!
8 Sep, 2009
Congratulations to all the 'legs' for winning. Sounds like a great day out. Good luck for tomorrow, fingers crossed and tails wagging (well, not mine, but Chloe, Poppy and the terrible trio are doing their best).
8 Sep, 2009
You know what that means TT.. Dont you.. You can notarf talk hehehe
8 Sep, 2009
well done Terra and conker, would have loved to see him struting his stuff :o)), he has done so well and at least you know his prizes arent through pitty Terra, well deserved i say :o)) xx
8 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Cat, Gee, Chloe, Poppy, Tortoise trio, Dee, Sandra and Angelina...
I hope to put an update on my World Wide Wagging blog later tomorrow when I have news of Conker's cancer treatment at the vet clinic. xxx
8 Sep, 2009
What a lovely photo, and a a great memory x
8 Sep, 2009
Thank you, Jean. :o) x
8 Sep, 2009
Tis a wonderful picture as Conker is sitting looking so proud of himself holding the little basket he deserves all and more good luck with him for the future, hope he melts the hearts of judges
8 Sep, 2009
A lovely happy pic of you both Terra, Conker is so proud to be sitting there. Hugs for him and you for tomorrow.
8 Sep, 2009
Hi Morgana ~ thanks.
Yes Conker is always happy when he has a little task to do like holding the flower basket :o)
Hello Pam ~ thank you. It was such a happy, sunny day :o)
Hoping for a good report at the vet clinic... xxx
9 Sep, 2009
Your more than welcome Terratoonie
9 Sep, 2009
Well done Conker. A real STAR!!!!
9 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Paul... and good news over on my Wagging Blog today, too, from our latest Vet Clinic visit :o)
9 Sep, 2009
thats brilliant
well done Conker and well done mummy
x xx
9 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Mookins...
Is that a new avatar pic ? Looks good. xxx
9 Sep, 2009
Sorry TT for delay - I've only just found your photo - nice to put a face to the "voice" as they say !!!! You look so chuffed listening to the lady's comments (as does lovely Conker) ....
Altho' p'raps you could consider a visit to Conker's hairdresser on the way home!!! He looks so well groomed and not at all windswept!!!
10 Sep, 2009
Lol Terry60 ~
Funny you should write that... a few minutes ago I phoned to book my annual haircut... Lol. !
I groom Conker once or twice a week...he is managing to keep quite a good coat, despite the chemotherapy...:o)
10 Sep, 2009
nice one terra keep up the good work lovel conker.good luck to you both in the
10 Sep, 2009
Hi Kev...
Thanks for your good wishes... Terra xxx
10 Sep, 2009
Just seeing this for the first time, TT..
I suggested that "mom" should show up in a photo too!
As everybody has already said, nice legs. lol
Congrats to Conker on another award, and to Truffle on taking a lovely pic!
11 Sep, 2009
Ps-i'm guessing you mentioned the height of the judge so we wouldn't think yourself a shortie? lol
11 Sep, 2009
Hi NN... and yes, Conker has nice legs...LOL...
....and I'm certainly not short Lol.
Truffle is getting to be a good photographer isn't he... Lol. ;o) xxx
11 Sep, 2009
Conker IS looking well Terra...lovely coat. Truffle got the shot just right!
11 Sep, 2009
Those other dogs didn't stand a chance against "our" Conker. I feel like he belongs to all of us.
Aw, yes, Truffle you too.
12 Sep, 2009
Hi Fluff ~ Conker say thanks....
Truffle is now very adept with that camera...Lol.
Hello Weeds...
What a lovely thing to say ~ that you feel Conker and Truffle belong to all of us...:o)
Conker enjoyed a sunny dog show today and has yet another show planned for tomorrow ! :o)
12 Sep, 2009
Another apology for arriving to this late ! Brilliant photo...and Conker looks so proud ! Wont even comment on much been said already ! Lol.Hope todays show went well Terra ! xx
13 Sep, 2009
Hi Jane/BB...
Thanks for comments.... I've sent you a p.m. about the shows... don't miss the bit about Truffle nearly falling off the judging table, and knocking the judge's "JUDGE" rosette onto the grass... Lol.
Somehow he then won BEST PUPPY IN SHOW.... and a trophy the size of a dinner plate...a good time was had by all.. :o)
13 Sep, 2009
Got it ! The bit about the judges rosette hitting the deck is tooo funny ! Lol Well done all !!
13 Sep, 2009
OOOoooooo TT well done 2 u both what a lovely Sunny day 4 it all 2 be happening :)
13 Sep, 2009
Haha Truffles, you're only a puppy once, just go ahead and be cute all you want!
14 Sep, 2009
Just been to south wales on holiday and saw some hedgehog houses, so Gerry is going to make me one for the bottom of the garden.
15 Sep, 2009
Thanks, BB, Jac and Weeds. :o)
15 Sep, 2009
Simplylyn ~
The judge is the lovely tall lady with the beautiful blonde curly hair.
She was very well liked by everyone at the dog show and fete.
15 Sep, 2009
Hi Linda ~
I hope you had good weather in South Wales...
... lovely scenic hillsides ! :o)
That's kind of Gerry to make you a hedgehog house...
I hope you'll be able to put a pic of it on GoY. :o)
15 Sep, 2009
We had sunshine sunshine sunshine. Saw red kites and buzzards hares and plenty of sheep but no dragons flying around although I did bring a mini red one home to nest.
15 Sep, 2009
Wow, wonderful Welsh sunshine !
Careful, Linda ~
that nesting dragon could produce babies and you'll have little red dragonettes everywhere. Lol.
Would make a great story for one of your children's books ? :o)
15 Sep, 2009
I've created a poem that I am going to work on, but a red dragon would be different woudn't it.
15 Sep, 2009
I reckon you could write dragon themes really well, Linda...
..maybe put it on GoY as a blog with some photos ? :o)
A little winter time task for you...Lol.
15 Sep, 2009
Gerry says he's married to a dragon with red hair, but don't believe it for one minute. I may be fiery sometimes but I don't breathe fire!!!! HE HE HE!
16 Sep, 2009
Oooh, Linda... I'm not sure whether to believe Gerry or you...Lol...
seems like Gerry has experience of lovely red heads and could be technical advisor on your dragon stories... :o)
16 Sep, 2009
I've made a start on another Twinkle adventure for the third booklet. It involves the little red dragon.
16 Sep, 2009
Lindak, I hope you will post it on GoY when it is done!
16 Sep, 2009
I had not heard of Truffles fun day! for him! I loved your windswept hair looked great ...all legs were beautiful and you both looked quite happy! xxx ~Cat
16 Sep, 2009
I can't Weeds as I am selling them for the Cats Protection League at Dalberry Lees. I might post the story of Wriggle the caterpillar up though.
16 Sep, 2009
Good, I'd love to see one. I write little stories and poems for my grandchildren and then draw the pictures and print them off the computer and laminate them and bind them (just for the my grandkids though.)
17 Sep, 2009
Well done Weeds I'm sure they love them. It's so costly to get them into print properly these days and there are so many people writing, although I have got lots of poems in books. but don't get payment for it. At least people are reading them. We make up books at home and give the whole of the money made to charity to help them whatever the cause. It's a matter of enjoying what you do. Gerry reckons that Wriggle the Caterpillar will be too big for the blog but I am putting together film with the story for youtube so will keep you posted.
17 Sep, 2009
I'm late seeing this as we were on holiday - but I am still adding congratulations! Well done, both of you! :-D
17 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Barbara...
Did you have a good holiday ?
Conker enjoys himself so much at these events...
He won the Trick Class trophy again at both shows last weekend...
I'll make a blog on these charity dog shows at the end of the season, around Oct/Nov timeframe... I've taken some photos of plant stalls at these shows. :o)
17 Sep, 2009
We did indeed, thanks - see first blog!! I have enough photos tucked away for another couple, too!
Plant stalls, eh? I shall have to take Henry to Dog Shows....;-)
17 Sep, 2009
I have one particular charity dog show plant stall pic. from last week, which I plan to put on GoY as a photo.
The stalls vary from amateur gardeners setting up stands to sell their own plants in aid of the charity, to small nurseries with very lovely, healthy plants, selling to show goers, and then giving a percentage of their profits to the charity... :o)
17 Sep, 2009
VERY tempting, then! :-) Now that raises the question - do most dog owners enjoy gardening? Or are the stalls there for the spectators? lol.
17 Sep, 2009
After dog shows, I travel home in my friend's car ~ with my two dogs and lots of show gear.... so the only place for any plants purchased is on my lap. Lol.
It seems most dog owners enjoy gardening... and they certainly appreciate the bargain prices of plants at these events. ! :o)
17 Sep, 2009
Your photos are terrific! Pets and flowers/and the added bonus of children, nothing like 'em.
17 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Hmhb... pleased you enjoy my photos :o)
17 Sep, 2009
Lovely pic TT, going to my favourites. You both deserve the best. Congratulations to Conker who is always a champion!! Warm cuddles from Fiji xxx
25 Sep, 2009
Hi Panther...
Conker says thanks for putting our picture on your favourites...
I feel so fortunate that he recovered his health sufficiently to enjoy the charity dog shows of late summer and this autumn...
The shows are almost at an end for this year now, and I don't know how long Conker will survive into next year, but I'll have some some wonderful memories and photos to look back on.... xxx
25 Sep, 2009
Cherish the moment TT, life is a blessing xxx
25 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Panther..... xxx
25 Sep, 2009
Yes, here is the pic I saw, it was probably the same show!!
12 Feb, 2010
Different show...same shorts, same legs, same dog..:o) Lol.
12 Feb, 2010
Lol TT - mind you, if I had your legs I would be wearing those shorts too!!
12 Feb, 2010
Lol. :o) Thanks...
12 Feb, 2010
Bet they're well tucked away now though TT,your legs and the shorts lol :)
12 Feb, 2010
.... Everything in hibernation till the springtime...:o)
12 Feb, 2010
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What a great pic TT, and Congratulations to Conker "applause"... and a Whistle, Nice legs..
7 Sep, 2009