Marydoll's Profile

About me
I am a florist by trade but sometimes quite useless with house plants. I love pottering in the garden and would say it was a hobby.
I especially like trees, conifers especially. I also like nice containers. I have a wild garden to the side of my house (in other words I do not "do" anything with it.
I have a pond with 10 goldfish.
I also have 2 yorkies and 1 yorkie puppy and a black labrador.
I also encourage my grandchildren in the garden and I keep a small
part of the garden for their own "entertainment", They weed (with my help) and they decorate. Jemma is 9 and Jordan is 11. My oldest grandson helps with the heavy strimming etc.
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Joined in May 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: North lanarkshire, Scotland, very windy, wet and cold often