GoY News: Blog icons and your thoughts
By peter
Hi Folks,
Firstly, apologies for categorizing this as ‘gardening’, we’re yet to implement a ‘site news’ category.
We’ve just made a small change to how we show blogs and you’ll now see a small icon next to each title indicating whether it has been categorized as gardening, pets, nature, or other.
If you think something is incorrectly categorized please flag it as being in the wrong category and we can correct it. The flag page has been updated to include new options.
We’re hoping that this makes it easier for people to find the things that they’re interested in but we’ve had a few emails over recent events and think there is some confusion over our guidelines, particularly about allowing off-topic blogs and what the ‘other’ category is for.
We also get the impression that people feel there is some division between members when really the majority want the same thing. At the moment we are trying to balance two things which we think are core to GoY:
1) Grows on You is a gardening website and the focus should remain on gardening.
2) Grows on You is a community and people want to share other (non-gardening) parts of their lives with friends on the site.
Point 2 requires a balance from us and members so here are our thoughts:
We intended the ‘other’ category for people to share non-gardening parts of their lives, such as family, with their friends. If someone is a regular gardening contributor we think personal off-topic posts are fine.
Off topic posts still have to meet our guidelines and we don’t think anyone should be posting only non-gardening blogs and photos, nor using that category for public-service announcements.
It is important that people know where they stand and if someone is flagged (for any reason) we will look at it manually and try to act in a sensible fashion, referencing our guidelines. If we think there’s an issue with off-topic posting we will get in touch and explain what we think is wrong.
We would really like to hear what you think about this; do you think the guidelines could be improved? Do you disagree with the guidelines or something we’ve said? Does something concern you?
We know this can be a sensitive subject so if you think that your opinions might be taken personally by other members, would like an individual response or would just rather tell us in private, please use the contact us form rather than commenting below.
9 Dec, 2009
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Thank you too, from me, for the not delayed reaction on members' wishes and dissatisfactions. Think, it's a good idea. Love the icons! :)
9 Dec, 2009
Good points above, Peter. I like the icons and it should make posting more easily identifiable. Well done.
9 Dec, 2009
i think the icons are a good idea, i will send you the rest of what i think about all of this on a private message.
9 Dec, 2009
well i think the icons are fab and i also think what you have said is fare to, people can choose what they wish to read saving any conflict, non gardening blogs allow us to get to know eachother better which is a good thing, like you say as long as all ones blogs arent none gardening, thats fare comment, if anyone doesnt like none gardening thats their choice and can just steer clear by looking at the new symbols,, simples :o)
9 Dec, 2009
Thankyou Peter..........
9 Dec, 2009
Thanks Peter - I do hope that your prompt actions will return GOY to its usual happy atmosphere.
P.S. I like the icons too! :-)))))
9 Dec, 2009
I had to go and have a look! --- I do like the icons and hope that it does the trick :-)
9 Dec, 2009
Yes I had to have a look as well and found loads of pics I`d missed, so thanks again...lol....
9 Dec, 2009
Hi Peter i want 2 say i like how uv Pointed Out the 2 Main Things here!! Gardening With Friends :) 1&2 In Harmony :) Jacx
9 Dec, 2009
Hi Peter and Ajay,
Many thanks for this explanation. Gardening is by definition a very creative hobby, and there are also all sorts of 'threads' attached to it.
It affects our senses and emotions, and it can be very emmotive as there are passions, values, likes and dislikes attached to it.
It's a bit like conducting an orchestra.If the brass and strings are left out the performance lacks lustre!
You are the 'conductors' who have to try to maintain a sense of balance, and in our view the site would be very boring if it lacked all the human dimensions and diverse contributions (within reason!)
Since we have returned as members after a long break, the site seems to have maintained its happy and friendly ethos, and we have certainly enjoyed a very warm welcome back.
Your suggestions sound perfectly balanced and reasonable, and thank you for explaining them.
With kind regards,
Grenville & Alan.
9 Dec, 2009
The icons are a great idea. I also think it good that explanation will be given to the member if action is taken due to flagging as I understand the lack of this has caused upset in the past.
9 Dec, 2009
thanks Peter and Ajay. love the idea of the icons.
it is also nice to have the guidelines re iterated. when you say get in touch do you mean ; add a comment on the posting for all readers to see or send a private comment to the poster? The reason I ask is that when items get flagged the rest of us dont know what comment caused the upset. this then continues to fuel debate etc.
I really appreciate all your efforts here.
9 Dec, 2009
One query - I note that Jacque's blog on Orchids has been classified as "General" with a sort of speech bubble icon - but if you write a blog, there's no "General" classification to select? Explanation please?
9 Dec, 2009
Thanks for your comments & emails folks, :o)
We do ask if you think something is inappropriate that you flag it.
This is already in our guidelines (point 3) but maybe this is a good time to remind everyone, and ask that members re-read the guidelines to make sure they're happy with them. We would genuinely like to hear from you if you're not.
SeaBurnGirl - For the non-gardening type flaggings, 'get in touch' means we will privately contact the member. We think the flagging should be completely anonymous and we don't think a public 'telling off' is a good idea.
9 Dec, 2009
I too think the new icons are good, i also think that if we read something that we don't like we should flag it or just contact you directly and not make it public.
9 Dec, 2009
sorry Peter, i did already forward my thoughts on this too you as requested in private.
9 Dec, 2009
Thanks for the mail, Majeekahead, we will get back to you.
Bamboo - Blogs classified as 'other' are labelled as 'general'.
9 Dec, 2009
thanks peter, I didnt mean for the poster to get a 'telling off'. but mearly to let the readers know an item/ comment had been flagged as inappropriate.
thanks for the clarification.
9 Dec, 2009
comment removed by author. .
9 Dec, 2009
Your comments are not dissimilar to ones I made higher up this blog, which have been removed, Ian. I said don't add comments under someone's post about its being unacceptable or inappropriate, just flag it and leave it alone. But it was removed. And may be again, I guess. But that is why Peter has reiterated higher up that they do "ask us to flag inappropriate" stuff rather than comment in public.
9 Dec, 2009
I for one love the little blue bird as the nature Icon..nice touch guys..thanks...Blue Bird of Happiness is one of my favorite symbols...lovely.
9 Dec, 2009
This the only site I use as its warmth and general friendliness is so refreshing compared to other sites. Ok we sometimes fall out but at least we filter our own comments to one another.
When dealing in cyberspace almost impossible to police individual reactions to topics and comments , personally never flagged anyone as would prefer to know if offended someone .
That said certainly members should not be receiving offensive private messages and these must be flagged and would hope anyone sending them would be removed from site.
I must admit to being confused - is it Ok to disagree without flagging someone ? Occasionally a difference of opinion allows someone to reflect on their position and opens options they may not have considered.
Members have disagreed with me but like to think I ve respected their right to do so .
Perhaps this why members submit things that they are sure will not be contentious and stray away from purely garden related subjects.
10 Dec, 2009
All the above are good comments - can't add anything to them. 'I agree with the issue.'
10 Dec, 2009
Adding to my first comment ~
Please can the icons be added to the page where we COMPOSE our blogs... this would then standardise the symbols throughout the whole blog writing process...
... in other words, it would help if the new little icons, such as the paw print, are also next to where we click to SELECT a category, when we WRITE a blog... and might help overseas bloggers to see the symbols there....if their English isn't too good... to help them identify the correct category.... Thanks...
10 Dec, 2009
I like the new icons too. I also agree that flagging issues should be dealt with privately and not in the public domain..
10 Dec, 2009
BB - We don't want to discourage differences of opinion and disagreements; that is not what flagging is for and I'm sure no-one would claim that all (any?) gardening questions have only one answer.
Flagging is intended for members to let us know of behaviour they think is unacceptable, rather than tackling it themselves. We don't think one member should be telling another how they ought to behave on the site as it can lead to conflict and should be done by moderators.
Flaggings also lets us know if members think something is not acceptable, even if it's not against the guidelines. This helps us improve the guidelines for future.
TT - Nice idea
10 Dec, 2009
Great to see common sense and a healthy civilised discussion on GOY again.
When I joined I figured I had found a "family" of like-minded gardening friends.....it looks like that could all happen again. These new ideas are most welcome and refreshing.
PS these icons are a super idea too!
10 Dec, 2009
Yes, I agree with Alz and others about the design look of the new icons...
... very attractive and appropriate :o)
This blog heading asks for our thoughts, and now I've had time to ponder on it more I'd like to add a couple of extra points please...
... as with BB above, I've never flagged any regular contributors to GoY but I'd like to give an example of the one occasion when I did flag.....
....last Boxing Day, quite early in the morning, I noticed that a "new member" had joined from the Far East.... and the profile gave links to porn sites and that type of thing. I guess they reckoned by sneaking that in early on 26th Dec. nobody would notice.... but I flagged it, and Peter removed the newcomer VERY FAST indeed.... so flagging really does have very good uses...
I honestly don't think there are GoY members who are busy secretly flagging items...but there might now be some members starting to flag for the first time on noticing that a blog is in the wrong category... For instance, the other day I saw a blog in "other" which was really good, well-written, and ideal for the garden/horticulture section. I didn't flag it.... but I now I might go back and do so !
So Peter, I know you've confirmed these two points before, but to reassure members still uncertain.....
When a member flags..... do you and Ajay know who has done the flagging or is that anonymous ?
When a member writes a private message, I, personally, feel sure it is private, unless flagged by the recipient....... but there are some members who would like yet another confirmation on this.
I'm presuming by adding these questions here, it will be where members are sure to read it, and they will then be given extra confidence about these privacy questions which come up very often. Thank you.
11 Dec, 2009
TT, I will quite openly admit to flagging comments that I find offensive, unfair or in any way not 'in the GoY spirit' as Peter and Ajay are well aware. I have noticed that on some occasions these comments have either been edited (presumably by the author) or in fact deleted completely. I have also seen comments that I found to be offensive etc. and have flagged, not changed in any way so I can only presume that P & A found them to be acceptable. I have accepted there decision and then not commented further on that particular blog/photo etc.
I am only saying this as I think that flagging comments that you find offensive etc. should be encouraged. The results of flagging are never cut and dried, what I mean is by flagging a comment does not mean it will be deleted automatically.
The only time I find that this approach may need looking at again is when a PM is offensive, contains bad language or is insulting and you flag it, it is deleted but you don't know if that is the only action taken or whether the sender has been warned or in any way told that this is not acceptable. I think a short note to say that this has been dealt with may just improve the situation, otherwise I believe in this system and it is here for us to protect ourselves and each other.
11 Dec, 2009
Hi Ian...
It is a very good point that the flagging system gives Peter and Ajay the opportunity to know what has upset people... yes, I think sometimes with flagging, no action is taken at all.... I'm sure when Peter reads our comments he will clarify things....
Meanwhile, I agree... the flagging system is essential as a form of protection... well said, Ian. :o)
11 Dec, 2009
I think it would be impossible for P & A to read every single blog and comment/ question and answer or all the many thousands of photo's and their following comments and unfair for us to ask them to, so the ONLY way they can be sure that no members or guests are mis-using our site is for us to flag everything that we consider 'not in the GoY spirit'. It doesn't mean that they will think bad of us or talk about us in PM's to any one else. In fact it is quite the opposite, if a member is flagging correctly they will really appreciate the help we are giving to them and the site as a whole! I can not stress enough that flagging is the only way to deal with unfair/offensive or comments that go against the guidelines!
I know you understand this but I just took this opportunity to express my view of the flagging system. Thank you for your patience. Lol
11 Dec, 2009
Good idea to put those points on this thread, Ian, where they will be seen by many... yes, impossible for Peter, Ajay or anyone to read every single comment/blog/photo/question on GoY ! :o)
11 Dec, 2009
Two small things that I would like to see, though they may not be possible.
Would it be possible for the messages going into my 'Inbox' to be automatically dated? It would mean that searches could often be done in large steps that having to keep scrolling.
When members are sending personal messages relating to a particular blog, could they please include the name of the blog they are refering to? I get most upset with myself when someone pm's me to either say 'thank you' or to ask a follow up question and, for the life of me, I can't think what it is they are refering to!
11 Dec, 2009
I agree with those, Bulbaholic.... good ones :o)
Yes, we've all received those mysterious incomprehensible personal messages sent with good intent, such as "Thanks. I prune it in April " or "I appreciate your helpful advice...l would never be seen without mine" Lol. :o)
11 Dec, 2009
I have asked before if items could be time stamped/dated in the in box but I think there was a very good reason for it not to be possible, but for the life of me a can't remember what it was! Lol
11 Dec, 2009
Lol. Ian. If there's a good reason, let's hope Peter can remember it..LOL LOL
11 Dec, 2009
11 Dec, 2009
Some excellent suggestions offered here. I too would like to see all blogs/questions/answers time stamped as well as dated...I've seen this on other forums and it is very useful...
11 Dec, 2009
I'm sure it was to do with different time zones and the way this site is set up would make it technically difficult? plus the site isn't designed for 'chat' and it ..... ........ I'm just rambling now aren't I?
11 Dec, 2009
Sometimes just to know which week a message was sent would be good....never mind the day...Lol.
Ian... you... rambling? leading us up the garden path ? never. :o)
11 Dec, 2009
Lol, such faith TT. Thank you!
11 Dec, 2009
11 Dec, 2009
To most of you, this will seem a stupid question and it will probably be flagged as such.
My question is:
Where does gardening begin and end? In my garden there a flowers which rely on insects for their pollination, birds which rely on the insects for food, nest boxes for the birds to occupy, insect homes, a small pond without fish to help dragonflies and damselflies and other natural pondlife. Sometimes there are fungi and the occasional wild flower that the birds have imported.
I think that the icons are a great idea for those who wish to filter what they see and I find all of the comments above very valid and interesting but if those things and many others I have mentioned earlier are in my garden then surely they are part of gardening and by extension the natural life around us must also be considered as such.
I would just like to add that I have found this site to be very friendly and have found some lovely people who I count as friends.
13 Dec, 2009
I agree Toto -- don't think its silly-- things that happen in and around a garden are many and varied some happy some sad, friends dropping in and having a chat (it could be said to be a bit like Goy)
13 Dec, 2009
A very good comment Toto, I don't think it's stupid at all and agree with what you say. Gardening, by it's very nature, has to encompass insects, birds and all the other things you mentioned. Lets face it, without the humble bumble bee we would all starve to death! without ladybirds we would struggle to keep aphids off our prized flowers and without the countryside in general we wouldn't have butterflies and all the other wildlife we see and enjoy. I think that the recent troubles have come from members posting to many blogs about other subjects such as motorbikes (blush) and the likes! I do think that if there were more members publishing blogs about garden related subjects then the number of 'other' blogs wouldn't seem so much. (does that make sense?)
13 Dec, 2009
Lots of sensible comments here, mostly I'm in agreement. I've never been fussed about having filtering options, as I can do that for myself at a glance. Others on here with far larger and busier inboxes than me find them indispensible, so that's fine. Which is not to say that I don't appreciate P & A's hard work, and so much time devoted to these improvements - many thanks.
I think - similarly to Toto - for me gardening is a VERY broad business! And I notice that for others gardening is more narrowly defined. Anything from an outdoor tea-party with the neighbours, to many beautiful blogs other members have contributed about trips out or walks in the countryside... to grumbling about garden centres... to silly jokes and some blogs and pics of other or indoor stuff to get us all through the winter season. It all has a place on here. Ian, you carry on and post whatever you like about bikes etc. Clarice's cake blog was another gem. Wouldn't be without these bits for the world, as we're all rounded personalities with different interests. No-one who isn't very interested in it is forced to read the non-gardening things!
There do seem to have been an awful lot of GOY changes lately, and I confess I don't find my way around as easily as I used to. One thing I'm glad of is the sudden reduction of weird guest-questions, often hard to decipher. I've no idea if that is because I ticked a box somewhere, or maybe they've all flown south for the winter, who knows...
off to roll out the pastry for the mince pies now. x x
oh, and anyone who fancies starting a blog/thread about fave carols - I'll be right with you, probably singing with my mouth full and showering crumbs everywhere.
13 Dec, 2009
and I'll just say sorry for my verbal diarrhoea problem!
13 Dec, 2009
Lol Weeding, I wouldn't apologize sweety, anything that gives a laugh is all good in my book! :~))
13 Dec, 2009
Weeding ..you are lovely..thank you! Took the words right out of my mouth..but I am keeping my crumbs..on the floor and otherwise....hugs..
13 Dec, 2009
(((((((( >^. .^< )))))))
That's a hug for you, Cat...
...you always send so much love to us all across the big pond. xxxxxxx
14 Dec, 2009
Hi Folks,
Thanks for the thoughts. To clarify a few of the questions raised above.
TT - Private messages are private between the sender and recipient. We only see them if they have been flagged.
Ajay and I do see who has flagged something but that is never told to anyone else. The person who has been flagged is not told automatically that they have been flagged, it is just brought to our attention. We will then consider the situation and the guidelines when deciding what to do.
Ian is right in saying that flaggings aren't always cut and dried. If something is flagged we may or may not take action. We also think flagging more rather than less is useful for the site. Even if something is not against the guidelines it may let us know that members think something is unacceptable and we need to update our guidelines.
We do not think bad of anyone for flagging - and we do not tell anyone who has flagged.
David, thanks for the thoughts on the comment dates in your inbox, it's useful to know it's an issue and we'll have a think on that.
The time stamp issue is to do with time zones and the site not being designed for real-time chat. The reason we show the date is that it's useful e.g. "You can plant it out now" is not very helpful to someone finding that answer unless it has a date attached. It's not so useful to know they wrote it at 7:30 in the evening :o)
I completely agree that different people have different ideas on what is 'gardening'. We don't have a definition and so the categorisations are flexible. For example, a blog about bees pollinating foxgloves might appear in either gardening or nature. If things are roughly categorised correctly I think most people will be happy and be able to find what they're interested in.
Maybe the concern is what will happen if you put it in the wrong one? If you're not sure, don't worry, just pick the category that feels right to you. The worst that will happen is it gets flagged and if it's clearly in the wrong place we move it.
I hope that clears up some of the questions :o)
14 Dec, 2009
Thanks, Peter...
That answers lots of questions :o)
14 Dec, 2009
Hi Catfinch,
Well the first batch of mince pies (shop mincemeat, "boughten") were awful, but today's batch, made together with my charming 11 yr old son were really i mean REALLY delicious, and I do wish I could post you one, but unfortunately it would go bad before arriving.
Off to light the tree now, and hoping you have not suffered with the storms in the US - or hang on, I think that was the other side of the country? Sorry, bad geography.
And a British Christmas hug, with icicles attached. x
20 Dec, 2009
thankyou peter I understand flagging a bit better now
21 Dec, 2009
Great Ideas, comments & I appreciate all the work U put into this site. TG I have not been flagged yet, as I guess some of my comments can be naughty, but as one person said, we R all so different, and should allow for these differences. Please let us not become too prim & proper & allow some "fun".
I think the icons R terrific.
I enjoy this site, as I think it is SAFE, fun & very kind gardeners. So keep it up & a Happy 2010 to all.
28 Dec, 2009
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Thanks to you and to Ajay for always trying to improve GoY and endeavouring to keep the members happy. These latest GoY changes seem a good idea. :o)
Would it please be possible to add these icons next to the options for when we write our blogs...?
e.g. If someone clicks to indicate their blog is exclusively about pets, then the pawprint symbol will be next to where we click..?
9 Dec, 2009