Your wish is our command
By peter
Well, almost.
Just to let you know we’ve made some of the changes that came out as suggestions for what you want from Grows on You.
Today we’ve changed the comment form so it grows when you click it (typos should be easier to spot now). You can also edit a comment you’ve made for up to an hour afterwards. Feel free to leave a test comment on this blog if you want to try it out.
We’ve also changed the ‘My Garden’ tab so that plants are listed alphabetically. We’ll be improving that section further so if you have suggestions or ideas on what would make that more useful to you, we’d love to hear them.
I know we haven’t addressed everything but we thought we’d get a couple of the small things done that a lot of people mentioned. As ever, we’d love to hear what you think :o)
Hope you’re all well and looking forward to the festive season!!
18 Dec, 2007
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Thanks so much for listening! I was about to add a photo of my contorted Willow so I found out about the new alphabetical order before I read your blog! I will try the new edit facility as well...... YES! It works! Thanks for that, too.... :-)
18 Dec, 2007
Thanks for that Peter. Great to be able to correct those early morning errors! And the alphabetical system makes things easier to find.
Keep up the good work and be assured that we do appreciate it.
18 Dec, 2007
If you are looking for more suggestions, I thought of a page which recommends garden centres, websites, etc for plants. If people have a really good experience with plant/seed buying etc then this may be a good idea, it may even recommend places to buy the more rare species.
Thanks for the changes already made :)
18 Dec, 2007
To track down rare things, use the RHS Plant Finder
18 Dec, 2007
thanks guys you really are diamonds arnt you, thats much better, and a merry christmas to you all! xx - just checked the edit button - great - i have no excuses now do I ! lol
19 Dec, 2007
Yes i ditto good buying places area good idea.
20 Dec, 2007
Recent posts by peter
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30 Jun, 2012
- Maintenance on GoY Site Tonight
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- Down Time Tomorrow, Tue 29th March
28 Mar, 2011
- Down Time Today, Fri 25th March
25 Mar, 2011
- Grows on You Survey
3 Aug, 2010
- One Million!!
17 Jul, 2010
Great news about the plants being listed alphabetically as I've put so many on and still have loads more to add next year (hopefully with pictures when they flower)
18 Dec, 2007