this is a dog blog lol hello everyone
By noseypotter
if you dont like dogs stop here lol
winter is on its way as you of all people pond and back garden are going under a big change for next summer so there not worth photograghing.the front garden doesnt realy look any different apart from ive wrapped up my more frost tender plants so thats not worth taking pictures of.though i did think of something while white fleecing excuse my spelling some of my plants .it dawned on me how much the plants looked a bit like a ghost or a snow man.then i thaught of these dolls my nan used to make thats skirt coverd the tiolet roll.add that to doing your garden up for xmas and bobs your uncle .i thaught if you could be botherd and had the write stuff like a sewing machine you could do a cover and fill it like the shape of a snow man and get pin on noses eyes etc .a few lights and it becomes instead of a wrapped up plant a snow man.colour the fleece to red father christmas .anyway thats just another one of my mad thaughts lol.i couldnt help noticing the odd persen saying how evil my dogs looked or they wouldnt want to be near them.being as its cold and im bored i thaught id do a dog blog .
this is buzby my datshund r.i.p .there not hounds as people tend to call them and there not toy dogs as they are very powerfull and made to go down holes hence the short legs.
ow heres winsten my pet jackdore my son in the picture found.some horrible git either stole him or let him out.he was a great talker .he would not let you smoke,ripping any fag up you tried to light. he or she i guess lol used to take the sky card out.he would just put it down ,only touching it if you put it back in which proved anoying lol .he said come in copying me getting the dogs in.on your head and some choice swear words hearing the kids playing football.he was very defencive of me and would land on people or dogs that came to close and turn into woodpecker mode which was painfull.anyway he came back the next summer just once .he said on your head and flew of never to be sean again.
this is ben who died of cancer bless him . i lost him 2 weeks later a giant gourami id had for 12 years and then 2 weeks after that i lost my other alsation to anal confrunculoses which is an infection of the anal glands.very commen in male alsations .im sure the other dog dying made him pine and go down hill quicker.i hasten to add not a great month for me.
yes that is spagetti lol
this is the other alsation i lost he was only just over 2 years old bless him
heres rommel my st burnard who i lost at 12 years old.i always kept him a bit under weight and i think myself that is the key to keeping a giant breed alive longer .he was brilliant apart from the of those dogs you never realy have to trane .he walked at your pace ,stopped when you did and just layed down if you went in a shop .
heres rommel with all the local kids
here is darling my first sharpei who lived till she was 12 she died of twisted gut still fit as a fiddle bless her.i have loads and loads of stories i could tell you but id be hear all day lol.anyway i baught her as pet quality and under the teory that my stburnard wouldnt be able to breed with her or my datshund lol
nature obviously always finds a way.we had the datshund at the time and didnt see the dirty deed so thaught it must of bean him.we had a two tere garden and darling went and stould for him on the top one it turned out.he is called sags he was the colour of a st burnard and the shape of a sharpei and the size of a ridge back.the picture with him and his mum are of them in my garden before i did anything with it.
sags the son was the first of my own dogs i decided to draw but half way through drawing him he died right near my drawing board fit as a fiddle of twisted took me a week after covering the drawing up to stop snivling like a girly long enough to ask my mum to take the picture of for now.a year later abouts i lost his mum laying on the very same tile of the very same thing again fit as a fiddle.after about 5 years i felt up to getting the drawing out and finishing it .when i found it it had been all squashed and wrinkled up so i dont draw my own dogs.untill i started drawing seriously in about 1991 i didnt realy realise what an up close and personal thing it is drawing something or someone personal to you.i even get a lump in my throat when people cry when ive drawn there animal theyve lost.
dont worry its not all doom and gloom it gets better.
this is jerry whos 11 years old .hes the boss .i got him for £80 and chose him at 2 days for my ex thats why ive drawn him because at the time he wasnt my dog.she left him behind when we split up .i had a picture of her little girl that i drew and i said dont you want to swap this for the picture of jerry as i now own him.she didnt so i got a picture of her child and shes got a picture of a dog she left mad is that.
how mad is that lol.i took the photo after her little girl fell asleep on her comfort blanket.
this is merkin my staffy x american bulldog who looks like a pit bull and has the sweetest nature.anyway dogs realy are what you allow them to be .
this is blanche my three quarter pug and a quarter jack russel who has a serious little attitude but i still love her.
and last but not least little sid whos a full pug and about 7 months old hes quite a little character .three of these dogs are dogs my partners have chosen and ive ended up with .i guess im just a sucker for dogs but i love them to bits.
my mum is the lady holding little sid .she sais she doesnt like little dogs but the pictures dont lye lol
the rest are just pictures i like that ive taken.i do hope you enjoy and apreciate the joy i conpanionship trust love respect etc i get out of owning my lovley pack that im proud to be part of .
the white puppy is merkins son .i lost him at 5 months old and was part of the reasen i got sausage
the dark one with the pointy ears is frank my exes who im still friends withs french bulldog.i look after him a lot of ways a lot of dogs are easier than 1 or 2 i do hope you enjoy take care bye for now
18 Oct, 2009
Previous post: art competition
Next post: orang utan and baby
amazingly cute dogs, i could live without a woman but never without a dog ( mans best friend as they say ),though my ex got rid of my boxer and my collie/lab is getting on now at 14 years,brilliant blog and i love the artwork ive seen of yours so far just never got round to commenting before.Rich
18 Oct, 2009
thanx and what a quick response lol .dogs are everyones best friend if you teach them to be realy
18 Oct, 2009
theres a german shepard that lives round the corner and everyones scared of it,so naturally he acts balshy,yet i walk up and just start stroking it and no aggressiveness what so ever,yet people still get scared of him,madness,i need to find pics of my dogs now lol
18 Oct, 2009
Lovely pics Nosey, Wish I could have more dogs I used to have lots. I really enjoyed seeing them all but lost count somewhere along the way:-))
18 Oct, 2009
Great blog many dogs I can't comment on any one...they are or were obviously your best friends & you have a lovely relationship with all of them. I'm a cat lady now but only due to lack of space & time for dogs. I've had collies & alsations years ago. Thanks for showing us your pack.
18 Oct, 2009
yes id like to see them future.its the way you act that dictates the way they act.dogs are not inatley violent.far from it .i helped someone move in and we walked past a shepherd mix and they are quite barky kind of dogs if theres such a i got level i could tell bye its tone of bark it was submissive agression .so i turned and faced it just kept never barked at me again but kept barking at everyone else.they feal what you feal.they are experts because they have to be as they cant talk and cant always look at each other.nearly all dogs are bluff for various human reasens in there upbringing.i think being calm and assertive helps you in all aspects of life and ive learnt as much about life from my dogs as they have learnt from me.i remember walking the french bulldog down to a local outside caff come riverside i walked up there was a labrador.very alert and exited obviously.frank my bull dogs hackles went up so i walked quite close to this lab wear there was a nervous springer both on a lead.i sat frank with his bum towards these dogs and sat him down.the lab ran round the table tipping coffee everywear and that made the nervous springer jump all over the place.anyway a little while after i sat down the woman who ownd the lab came over and asked me for my card.i said what card as she thaught i was a dog trainer.anyway after i explained i wasnt i kind of asked the real problem.she siad her lab was 2 years old and pulled like hell towards anything though not agresivley.i said do you mind if i take her dog for a walk.she said ok.i walked him in a big circle about 500 yards and bye the time i got back i had a loose lead and holding her dog with just 2 fingers and a thumb.she said in 2 years she had never bean able to do that but its not majic its just calm assertiveness .top wolves dont have to ask there underlings what to do even once as they are calm assertive.i thank owning dogs all my 48 years and ceaser millan for this.infact i wouldnt of even had to power breeds let alone the other 3 especialy with a walking stick if he hadnt filled in all the always thaught a lot of the old school dog training just didnt make sense.ive done it with a staffy,a doby and a very big american bulldog plus a few smaller dogs that can actualy be worse .anyway ill stop running on take care bye for now lol
18 Oct, 2009
you are welcome bornagain and thanx fluff
18 Oct, 2009
Those children look as if they are waiting for you to tell them a story Leigh ... what is it about birds and peoples heads , we raised a Turtle Dove that our son found on the floor , it was a skinny little thing with no feathers , we fed it and raised it until it was fully grown always leaving the door open so that it was free to go , when the summer came it would fly out in the daytime and back in at night time and then go round each of our heads in turn as though it was looking for somewhere to settle , I suppose our heads look a bit like nests .lol..
I once went round a house through a sidegate to the back door , a pack of 8 Dobleman Pincers rush round at me , The lady of the house was so angry that someone had left the side gate unlocked , she said the dogs were trained to kill , the only thing they could think of that saved me from being attacked was that I didn't show any fear ... .. I was chatting to them and walking with them .. I started to shake afterwards when she told me .........
18 Oct, 2009
saying that a dog is trained to kill, surely every dog as the ability when it feels threatened or feels the need to protect itself or its young,end of the day every animal including humans will defer back to there basic instinct which would most commonly be to attack rather than that of say a deer which would be more compelled to run,im rambling now so will leave it there lol,though i did have a little yorky have hold of my ankle once and whilst trying to chew my leg off i had the owner trying to convince me that it didnt bite
18 Oct, 2009
Glad to hear you're a fan of the dog whisperer Nosey I think he's great. I joined a 'dog lovers' site before Goy and said how helpful he had been and how i enjoyed his shows. It was like a red rag to a bull they were so bullying! I had to leave the site. :-(
18 Oct, 2009
well some of our heads look like nests amy or are you taking the micky lol xx .that is what saved you you were calm and assertive.know threat to them either.lucky you.i put some milk on a doorstep and got bit bye a very old poodle and the woman who was old said after that .dont worry love he doesnt bight lol.prey animals generaly flight and predetores can do either.a lion being a super predetor isnt likley to run away but it does happen.the pointy teeth are for us they way up the pros and cons of attacking or running and saving thereselves.dogs can do either. thats just old school trainers bornagain who are stuck in there ways.ofcourse you can train your dog bye bullying him the old fashioned way.this isnt a situation wear hes a magician.the man is a natural who had nothing else to do and loved doing it.i dont for instance give my dogs puppy food as wolves dont ever bring home puppy food .i dont perticulerly make them sit as they naturaly will and thats not the importent part of living with a dog.that wasnt a dog lovers site you went on it just called itself one.i wouldnt call all dog breeders or people who show dogs dog lovers at all.its very bitchy and theres a lot of snobbery and one upmanship in that kind of dog keeping.i remember just walking along with my alsation who i put down young.he was averadge hight about 26" at the shoulder.this man walked up and said hes not a bad dog but mine is ofcourse twice as big looking down his nose at me.lucky my maths was on form.i turned back to him and said ow 52" at the shoulders wear do you live ive never sean an alsation that tall.he shut up rather sharpish.its not like i even asked him his opinion . you know what bornagain this is my faverite sight bye far because as a general rule people are honest without being rude.theres no big headed one upmanship my ones bigger than yours kind of rubbish and everyones friendly.if people are in real disagreement they move to another page rather than cause a row.i thaught anglers egsagerated .the amount of people who think they have a 16 stone rotty or know some one who has is your better of with us lot on goy bornagain even if a few of us are a bit mad or rough round the edge.i call us real people. take care you can run on as you call it about dogs all you like to me and i know im not the only one.i know theres people who probably dont agree with what im saying now but they are to polite to start a pointless argument.i dont know if you know but im coverd in tattoos and got a shaved head piercings etc .people on here dont take any notice but as you can imagine some shallow people who cant see past the ink do.i came out of this shop in a little village and sore this very distinguished looking man with a labrador type dog .i walked over like i do and said thats a nice dog mate.he said looking at me like id fallen out of his bottem .i bet you dont know what he is.i said its a chessick peak bay retriever isnt it.well youve never seen such a pompas snob .he just walked of with the right hump .i truley believe he thaught if youve got tattoos you must mug people be nasty and only have one brain cell.i just chuckled inside .i know wear i stand with dogs good or bad but people i will never figure out and they never fail to amaze me lol.anyway im running on now take care bye for now lol.
18 Oct, 2009
nosey(cant remember how 2 spell ur name, if i ever saw u in the street and you walked up to comment on my dog,garden or kids id never judge you by the way you look/dress, ive had the same experience myself because i love metal,death metal, murder metal etc, the sort where people look the other way when they see you,but, i always know im the better person as i except them as they are and for who they are,like you say,animals dont lie,if they dont like you,they tell you and again i agree with you about goy, i havent been a member of goy for long but in really hard times which have been recent everyone thats seen what was happening gave there support and there best wishes,1 person i must thank so much even though it is on your blog is mookins as shes let me chat away about everything thats been happening and as been more than helpful and i just want to let her and everyone else know im more than grateful,think thats about it, sorry for hijacking your blog lol
18 Oct, 2009
your welcome my man thats what this site is all about its not just about gardens or plants its about life.there is an up side to looking like me and that is you dont have to talk to the shallow people that you wouldnt want to.i talk quite pleasantly i believe to every one who chats to me alright weather there black ,white,blue lol short tall etc get the picture .i like talking .its one of my faverite things especialy if its interesting .i dont suffer fools gladly realy but i will get on with whoever.i dont think anyone is better than me and vise verser apart from people who step over the line.child molesters etc or people who look down there nose to me when they dont even know happens a lot but ive got broad shoulders and generaly just laugh it of.lifes to short .take care bye for now
18 Oct, 2009
What a passel of puppies! You sure have done wonders with your yard since that early photo, & yourself (!) tho I'm partial to hair. Got a little gourmani once as a joke (1st April) & kept him, but he was lonely, so I got him a mate.They were amazing to watch as he courted her turning purple & all sorts of colors. Then he wrapped around her to squeeze the eggs out while she floated belly up: love resembling death! They bred so often, and then ate their young quicker than I could sell them to the pet store. Came home one day from work & couldn't find him for hours. He'd leapt out of the tank & dried on the floor! Like to think that he died in ecstacy!
Since you brought it up, Leigh, I would p'bly have been intimidated to meet you on the street, despite being an Alpha female myself. But getting to know you first through your art, which is amazing, & then through your honest comments, I can take the weird tattoos & piercings in stride. Broadens my perspective. But I do wonder, are you trying to be a holey man with all those studs, or what?! And how come you have these frightful grimacing death heads inked in? I'm really wondering some, too, because my dad had another stroke 2 wks ago & has gone into a very black depression of despair wanting to die. But your death heads are more like symbols of fierce joy and life. So ?
20 Oct, 2009
i just love them all...dogs are soo special....
20 Oct, 2009
ow ive got hair orgratis its just not much on my head anymore lol.i prefer a totaly shaved head to a balding frizzy comb over lol i wish id dont it earlier realy i do.its so much more for the skulls i just dont know.i am just drawn to them yet i dont and wont draw that kind of thing but do do that thing in tattoos and pottery,sculpture etc .your gourami probably did jump out.the trouble with a laberynth is it actualy breethe air like we do rather than through gills like most instead of passing away quickish he dried out to death bless him. far from being a holey man am i .i dont believe in god.i vere towards buhdism as it goes thanx again everyone and you sandra .ive started drawing an orang with her day old baby.ive done leaves i made up as background for once.i will soon have a blog going once ive done a bit more.ok again thanx everyone for your support take care goodbye for now
20 Oct, 2009
wow i just realised how much i have actualy put into my back that point in time i had know interest in gardening and wished i had a smaller i wish i had 10 times as much lol .id like room to make some of that living furniture out of willow or something like that .
20 Oct, 2009
Sad but also amusing blog NP. I think ALL your dogs are fab - and they sure like you!
20 Oct, 2009
i sure like them skillen lol thanx
21 Oct, 2009
What a bunch of lucky dogs NP!
21 Oct, 2009
thanx so much
21 Oct, 2009
I liked the story about the Jackdaw - funny he came back and said 'on your head' and flew off again. I wonder if he ever did anything like that with someone who didnt know him? Can just imagine some old boy coming in from his garden and saying to his wife "you know, the strangest thing just happened, this bird came down and said on your head". Wife then makes a phone call to the doctor.... lol
So was Sags dad the St Bernard or the Dacshund?
Just love that little Sid ;-)
23 Oct, 2009
the stburnard believe it or not
23 Oct, 2009
Thought so ;-)
23 Oct, 2009
you can tell bye the colour lol
24 Oct, 2009
Great blog and lovely photos you can see how much they mean to you Nosey, and you to them from the looks of them, i love watching the dog whisperer and the photo of you wading thro the stream with the dogs reminds me of Ceaser Milan!!!
24 Oct, 2009
he is a god to me sewing and i do practise what he preaches .i dont think id of had so many dogs without seeing him first as it goes.
24 Oct, 2009
LOVE your pack Leigh !! Especially love the snuggling on the settee legs akimbo ones !! lol (Dogs, not you lol !) It is SO true what you say, there are no bad dogs only bad owners !
I had two boys that both lived to a fine old age of 15, I was blessed. Still miss the walks with them. It was so painful when they went that I decided not to have another one. Then my cat decided to adopt me ! Strange how life works isn't it ?
I never judge a book by it's cover Leigh. People that do just don't know what they're missing !!
Lovely blog Leigh, really enjoyed it !! :-)))
25 Oct, 2009
thank you sue we all wish our pets lived the same amount of time as us but unless you want a tortoise or a parrot thats not going to happen.i couldnt live without dogs . i know there not going to live as long as me and i never ever try and replace a dog. it is hartbreaking losing one especialy when there young but i couldnt imagine life without them.your right about shallow people missing out but thats what makes them shallow lol.take care bye for now xx
27 Oct, 2009
Great blog - thanks for sharing your pics.
4 Dec, 2009
your very welcome judz
4 Dec, 2009
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What lovely dogs ,it's very true what you said every dog is what you make it.I love em all.
18 Oct, 2009