art competition
By noseypotter
well wear do i start .i have a wild life art competition to enter this november the 16th .i got it wrong and rushed my framer to get the orangutan which means old man of the forest for this october but i guess its done entering it and im fairly pleased with it framed but not as good as the one i sold to arlene before i got to frame it but hay ho.hope you sorted out what ya doing arlene .
i had to stick my ugly mug in lol and to add some more filling to my blog entering the gorilla i drew just over a year ago and last but not least im entering an old one from 1993 that i gave to my got damp and went a bit bumpy for want of a better word so my framer stuck flat to a board.i dont think its my best work but it seams to have to me anyway a three dimensional effect that i havnt managed since or before .i dont realy know how it worked out that looks like the mouth is comming out of the picture.ow and the last picture is my motley crew of dogs.yes they are behaving so well because of food lol .i hop you enjoy take care bye for now
16 Oct, 2009
Previous post: finaly finished
Next post: this is a dog blog lol hello everyone
Tell you what NP...the orang & tiger are fab but the gorilla is amazing! The look in his eyes! Awesome...
And what were you holding up for those doggies to pose so well?? A plateful of steak?!!
16 Oct, 2009
brilliant paintings np love the gorilla.
16 Oct, 2009
I think they are all fantastic my favourite is the second one down its got thought in its eyes.
16 Oct, 2009
They are very good....such "knowing" eyes......The dogs.....eek....wouldn't like to meet them en
16 Oct, 2009
Couldnt choose if my life depended on it! Theyre ALL brilliant!
16 Oct, 2009
Aww Nosey....they are all so lovely......The expression in the 1st one's eyes is so pleading......its beautiful.......How did you manage to get the devil into all the dogs eyes though he he he .......
16 Oct, 2009
I wouldn't want to have to choose between them Leigh , the Orangutan is amazing , you have a way with the eyes in all your wild animals , it's as though you know what they are thinking ...
November the 16th is a good day for you .!!!
What did you say to those dogs to make them line up like that .. LOL....
16 Oct, 2009
as you know i think you are one talented guy. the gorilla is breath taking. and your dogs are great.
16 Oct, 2009
I know nothing about art but think you have captured each of the animals brilliantly and shown their character through the eyes.
At last someone with as many dogs as me LoL
16 Oct, 2009
No 2 and 3 both have amazing eyes you have talent as already said. Hope it goes well for you
16 Oct, 2009
Good luck, Leigh! :-)
16 Oct, 2009
They are really good Np and I wish you well in the competition. Your dogs are cute sitting for the camera even if you did bribe them.......
16 Oct, 2009
though im agraphobic and scared of flying i watch every animal program and always have.i wish i could get over this and rajang at colchester zoo hes just gone 40 definatley connected yet he took no notice of lots of other people and they didnt realy see there is looking i believe and actualy seeing.not always the same thing.i dont just own lots of dogs i am part of there pack as much as they are part of mine .i thaught i was there teacher but i have learnt so much from them .there honest .they dont mean to wee on ya floor.they dont mean to chew up your 3`000 pound three piece .its imaterial to dogs or my family have there little tiffs but look at what us humans do.snails dont even maliciously eat ya lettice and amiy`s honey fungus hasnt got it in for her garden.its us humans who have these perameters not animals.ill never understand what some people do but i like to think i do know the nature of has logic and meaning.though a dog will remember whos boss and a cat will remember dogs are perhaps dangerous they generaly think for the now.we can learn a lot from them and its bean a real pleasure having,seeing and touching them like they have touched me.its the least i can do to draw them even to a bit of there splender.ill stop runnining on there im sure theres a valid message there for us dogs are all good natured as i am there boss and i thank a life with dogs and ceaser millan the dog whisperer for this.they are sitting for just a cheap treat thats all.amy has sean them.merkin the one who looks like a pit bull is awsomly powerfull with a heart of gold.jerry whos 11 is the daddy though blanche the tan pug cross tests him as like i described shes if you like the naughty one.sausage is a bit snobby and aloof and dominates but shadows for little sid i dont know yet as hes only 7 months old.hes not quite the cute dog he looks but nearly .bye the way the second orange down just mite be the best thing i ever drew and like i said i just mite devote most of my drawing skills to these lovley animals.well ill just shut up now thanx again for your great support take care bye for now .
16 Oct, 2009
they are all wonderfull, good luck with the comp NP :o)
16 Oct, 2009
ow the devil eyes are just red eye from my cheep camera dogs dont even understand the consept of devil lol xx thanx milky
16 Oct, 2009
did you know silver backs only go silver when they are the boss of there clan.they have to be deposed or die or more likley these days be killed before they go silver
16 Oct, 2009
I am married to a sliver back( thats what I tell him) LOL Love the photos of the dogs
16 Oct, 2009
They are all fabulous love them Leigh all the very best for next month - and there's me thinking it was today!!
What well behaved dogs all watching the birdie great shot!
16 Oct, 2009
I'm CERTAIN you'll do well, Leigh!
16 Oct, 2009
well it will help the gallery if i dont but thanx anyway i hope i do to lol thanx mad
16 Oct, 2009
You're welcome! :~))
16 Oct, 2009
Good luck to you, I think the gorilla is amazing........
16 Oct, 2009
thanx dotty he is handsom
16 Oct, 2009
i couldnt of drawn it without him
16 Oct, 2009
YOU are a work of art! That Sausage, is he a blood (hound) sausage?! what a mug on him! You make a real heart and soul connection with these creatures in your drawings that reminds us we are part of nature, and beasties, too.
17 Oct, 2009
they are amazing NP what a talent, good luck with the competition.
17 Oct, 2009
sausage she is a chinese shar-pei or fighting dog but i dont have any of that nonsance .they used to drug them to fight.she is very confident and cocky but im the boss.i have to be so they behave with the odd squable.dogs need a boss ie the human or they make there own and get dominant and i couldnt keep 5 dogs together .there privats what ever there nature and im the sargant lol .and thanx again
17 Oct, 2009
Good luck they are all brill.
17 Oct, 2009
thanx clarice
17 Oct, 2009
Been on hols and just catching up Leigh. Yet another brilliant blog. I could look at your work all day ... it's wonderful !
LOVE your pack ! :-))
25 Oct, 2009
thanx sue so do i xx
27 Oct, 2009
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from right to left jerry (springer) sausage merkin sid and last but not least blanche the devil dog lol
16 Oct, 2009