An Update On The Storm Damage Here
By louise1
Well today you’d think this was a different country altogether.
The sky’s a beautiful clear blue and the sun’s been out all day and no hint of a breeze, let alone a wind :-)))
Earlier on, the temperature in the sheltered front garden was 22 degrees and it’s 16 out there now (2.38pm) still, so a lovely warm day :-))))
Now to the back garden update …..
The tenant next door got his builder “mate” to come and look at the fence, this must have been prompted by me asking if he’d contacted a fencing company yet !
This guy has put the same panel back in place and it’s as it was before the storm.
Now, in the next set of (predicted) strong winds it’ll probably pop straight back out but hey ho !
The Garrya ….. well this is now anchored down with not 2 but 3 stakes and you’ll be looking for the photo of it below here and ….. not a chance, it looks just horrible there, i’m trying to think what it reminds me of out there …. all stakes and ties, ho hum !!!
So for now everything out there has been rescued …… until the next time.
Here are some pictures from the springtime to give me some lovely reminders of what’s to come once these autumn storms have gone !
15 Nov, 2009
Previous post: The Wind's Causing Damage Here :-(
Next post: Maddies New Nest !
Yes, the panels days are numbered i suspect ;-)
Doesn't it make you feel so much better seeing those springtime sights TT ?
15 Nov, 2009
It's nice to look ahead :o)
We've had torrential downpours today, I'm glad someone had a bit of nice weather.
15 Nov, 2009
Yes, Louise it is lovely to see the springtime flowers.......:o)
Whenever I get a few spare moments, I've been adding lots of pics. to a new GoYpedia category... is one I asked Peter to create called Spring Blossom.....
... and I have another I asked Ajay to make called Campanulas...
If you come across any photos suitable for those, please nominate them. Thanks.
15 Nov, 2009
Lovely pictures Louise, glad the storms have subsided and your fence is now back to normal!
15 Nov, 2009
Well that was quick work it takes weeks to get fencing put back up around here.
15 Nov, 2009
I spent all morning out in the garden. Found my young embothrium listing at 45 degrees - it's now upright again and well supported so I hope it survives. There were also a couple of fence panels leaning on my plants so propped them back up again (the neighbour says he will contact someone tomorrow about replacing them)
15 Nov, 2009
Very nice blog and photos.
15 Nov, 2009
That's a selection of pictures to lift the spirits - thanks, Louise.
15 Nov, 2009
Glad you ve got sorted Loiuse ..yes sadly larch fence panels offer the most wind resistance with the least resistance but seems to have been fixed pretty quickly .
Forecast not so good throughout the week so hope for your sake this not a running blog ..
15 Nov, 2009
Yes, we too had a lovely day today after yesterday's soaking. A little damege in our garden but I sorted that this morning. Sorry to see you had such damge. I'm sure the neighbour will fix the fence 'EVENTUALLY' . Hopefully before it does too much damage 'popping out'
15 Nov, 2009
((((((sigh)))))))) oh for spring again
15 Nov, 2009
Thanks Louise...nice reminder of good days to come.
15 Nov, 2009
Now i've just got to overcome this impatience Fluff !
15 Nov, 2009
One of our neighbour's fence panels is down - and I've been picking up lots and lots of small branches that blew off the ash tree today.
Yes, it seems that we down here in Zummerzet have had a respite day! I'm waiting to see what the week ahead brings. I bet you are too, Louise!
Lovely photos. :-)))
15 Nov, 2009
Me too...I've even been looking for signs of bulbs coming up...think I'm a bit early??!!
15 Nov, 2009
Not necessarily Fluff.
When i cut my front grass today i ran over the top of some bulbs, not sure what was there last year !
15 Nov, 2009
You might never find out now, Louise! :-(((
15 Nov, 2009
lovely spring pics louise, wish it would come round a bit faster
15 Nov, 2009
Hope all goes well henceforth, and the Garrya can soon do without its "crutches". Lovely pics, I especially like the irises. :-)
16 Nov, 2009
Sigh... I like the quality of the light, so different from winter...
16 Nov, 2009
I found some wind damage today. My beautiful new Correa has split...I've 'bandaged' it with gaffer tape and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll survive. :-(((
16 Nov, 2009
:o oh no, what a shame, hope you can save it Spritz
17 Nov, 2009
Do hope your first aid works, Spritz - gaffer tape has so many uses, doesn't it?
17 Nov, 2009
Thanks Louise for lovely pictures, cheered me up, gales back here today, I am saying nothing............
18 Nov, 2009
Dd, the strong winds are back here again too :-(
I know it was predicted but you always hope they get it wrong, don't you ? !
18 Nov, 2009
Blowing a gale here too - they keep saying it'll be dry, but it's misting with rain as well every ten minutes or so - not very nice at all, specially compared to yesterday.
18 Nov, 2009
not nice here either rain and slight wind, so i started xmas shopping,, sale at debhnams, got some great gifts ;o))
18 Nov, 2009
Sanbaz would you like to do mine as well please?
We were supposed to have the drive blocked last Saturday, now this Saturday looks as if it is going to be as bad. !!!!!!
18 Nov, 2009
that's what I've been doing too Sanbaz, it's impossible to get anything done outside here :(
19 Nov, 2009
lol dotty nooo thankyou i have enough with mine, glad when its all over ;o)
grindle at least if its done and we get a good day we can get out in the garden with no worry of xmas presents ;o)
19 Nov, 2009
very true, I finished mine yesterday, so now I can just enjoy outside (when it stops raining of course ;) )
20 Nov, 2009
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Lovely springtime pics....
... and at least the fence panel is back in place for a while..
15 Nov, 2009