Littleoldman's Profile

About me
My house is situated quite high up (820ft) in a hilly part of South Yorkshire.
I purchased this house in 2006. Internally it needed much renovation and we concentrated on this first.
We just did the minimum in 2007/2008 to keep it tidy.
We we moved here we brought some plants with us and inherited some from my my good ladies mum.
My dad is a gardener and in my youth he used to let me have a go.
I have plans for the garden. At the moment I am keeping them fluid and just doing what I can when I can.
I waited for a year to see what was there.
I have kept a photo log of the last few years to record progress and whats where.
I have a continuos battle with the grass and hedges, but this year as the work internally completes I am winning.
I plan that the "front" garden will be formal. The "rear" will be a mixture of uses, herbs, vegatables, fruit a play lawn and a clothes line.
I dislike the use of chemicals and avoid where possible. But to get things into shape I am using glyphosate on the periennial weeds.
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Joined in Jul 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: South Yorkshire