The Trellis Border Now
By jacque
Last Spring i Erected a Garden Cane Trellis for Deco :) Then i added a Crazy Paving Type Patio Laid Into the Grass
I thought it looked to Plain so i dug out a Slim Border for some Sweetpeas/Clematis 2 b planted into So Theyd Climb the Garden Cane Trellis !
Now i was Happy Or was i ? I had some other Projcts in My head & wanted my garden to match in some way? Hmmmmmm ? So after Sweetpeas/Clematises Had Finished Flowering i made a start on another plan ;)Down Came the Garden Canes 2 be Repaced with a Wooden Trellis :)
Then I made the Border Bigger & added a Bird Table ,They were Painted the Same Colour as The Pond Bench,Garden Arch & Wheel Barrow u can see in the Back Ground,
& Of Cos My Freebie Chair u can see in This Pic ;)
25 Mar, 2009
More blog posts by jacque
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Next post: 2009 Garden Bird Watch Results Available Now!!!
Jacque, slow down. You need to stand and stare occassionally. Everything looks to be coming along wonderfully and if that's how your garden looks now it's going to be fabulous in the next few weeks and through the summer.I can just see you and your pets sitting around that table watching the birds and enjoying the evening smells.
25 Mar, 2009
thats looking great Jacque, well done!
25 Mar, 2009
So what's the next project then? LOL
25 Mar, 2009
It keeps on evolving.
Looking good.
25 Mar, 2009
Love your curvy flower bed, Jacque - in fact the whole area looks great. Well done for all your hard work.
25 Mar, 2009
I think we all change our minds Jacque But i am sure what ever you do will look lovely
26 Mar, 2009
Your garden is looking wonderful Jacque. You have lovely ideas for it.
26 Mar, 2009
Well done Jacque your garden is coming on really well.
26 Mar, 2009
Glad u think it looking Good FF/SK :) Slow ? whats that word mean Toto lol :) I do have a few more things up my sleeve yet Sarah ;) It has Evolved a lot has`nt it Trees&Things :) Iv decided Curves r the way to go Gee :) Its not so much changing our Minds Marann i think its cos we try 2 improve on whats already been done/there ? :) Glad u like The Garden Now Hywel i remember when u 1st saw the Cane Trellis & Just loved it didnt u :) Thanx Clarice im geting there hey ? :)
26 Mar, 2009
Yes I'm going to miss the cane trellis in your photos Jacque. I think I'll make one of my own :o)
26 Mar, 2009
That sounds a Great Idea Hywel their very Easy 2 make 2 so it wont take long to put 1 together :) Have u any sweetpeas to grow up it ? x
26 Mar, 2009
I agree with Toto, only more so - you've got to put that chair to use now you've done it up!
26 Mar, 2009
I have sw. peas to sew soon. Jacque. I sew things late this year - can't get round to it sooner. Never mind - better late than never. lol
26 Mar, 2009
lol OK Wagger & Toto i promise il slow down sit back & look more often hows that ? Dear Hywel i will post u some of My Very Own Sweetpea Plants that are doing great their the Babies from all those Sweetpeas u enjoyed up the trellis last summer :)
26 Mar, 2009
Oh Thanks Jacque :o) ! I'll make a trelis special for them.
26 Mar, 2009
il post them Monday now Hywel along with the other Plants/Seeds u wanted unless of cos u need time to make ur Trellis ;) x
26 Mar, 2009
You can post them Jacque thank you :o)
I won't be puting them in the ground yet. I think it's still a bit cold. It gets very windy here and I want them to gat used to their new home first. I'll have time to make the trellis soon I think then I'll put them out.
What would you like in return for all the lovely things you've sent me ?
26 Mar, 2009
Goodness Hywel i dont think im in need of any Plants /Seeds rite now :) Your more than welcome My Friend2all iv posted u itl help get your new garden on its way as many other great Memebers have helped me 2 do same with mine :D
26 Mar, 2009
You're brilliant :o)
26 Mar, 2009
Thanx Ur 2 kind i Just like to Help Members & Friends Hywel ;)x
26 Mar, 2009
Your gardens coming along well Jacque.......
26 Mar, 2009
Plezd u z that Holly :) I couldnt believe how much it has changed since i last took the 1st Pic ? It felt real good seeing how much better it looks now :)
26 Mar, 2009
Lovely photos Jacque.! What a difference you have made ! Can just imagine the trellis smothered with sweet peas...and the scent !!!
26 Mar, 2009
your garden looks terrific, you've worked hard on it. great layout jaque. love the scent of sweet peas. i like your chair from the previous blg too.
26 Mar, 2009
Looks FAB! I've been told, in no uncertain terms that I am not allowed to take any more lawn away (hubby's job is mowing the lawn). I could do with another flower bed though, I'll have to take a bit more lawn when he's not looking!
27 Mar, 2009
Thanx Jane/Ray & Islander it has been very hard work getting the garden 2 look like this in just 21months! That includes Getting the Pond Done 2 & other borders i added last yr in Wild Area :) The Sweetpeas do smell great when their open as i had them up the Old Cane trellis which smelt yummi last yr & looked very Pretty :) Poor u GF not being aloud to take more Lawn :( Gardens need Flowers to tell Hubby :)
27 Mar, 2009
As you know, I don't like straight-edged beds - so well done for 'thinking curves' Jacque - a girl after my own heart!
Gf - can't you re-edge the lawn and get a few more inches each time? (hehe - fiendish plan!)
27 Mar, 2009
:D Thanx Spritz & youv given GF some really good advice may i add lol ;) Go GF X
27 Mar, 2009
I'm with you Spritz. Curves are best. Not sure we're talking about the same thing though.
27 Mar, 2009
LOL Toto :D
27 Mar, 2009
It all looks great Jacque, like the way you,ve created various beds and areas,its like having seperate rooms to work in and admire........
27 Mar, 2009
Thanx Lin your rite theres so many sitting areas to sit & get a different veiw of the garden every time :) I didnt plan any of this on Paper so im really plez`d how its coming on :)
27 Mar, 2009
You are lucky to have such a good sized garden, the curves really do it justice, you have worked hard, and it shows.
28 Mar, 2009
How big is your garden, Jacque?
28 Mar, 2009
I love the way the border bends out into the lawn like a tear drop, rather than just going along the side of the garden, much more interesting and the bird table will be easier to keep an eye on .
29 Mar, 2009
You're wearing me out, Jacque, with all your hard work! It's looking good now, can't wait to see what follows this season! :-)
30 Mar, 2009
Spritz - I do 'pinch' a bit more lawn every time I edge - it's taking less time to mow the lawn now - I wonder why? Lol!
31 Mar, 2009
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Your doing great J, IT looks realy good,
25 Mar, 2009