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Lady Bug in Costume
By Skippy5869

30 Oct, 2008
Ladybug has agreed to a bath and getting in costume for GOY. Well, she wasn't really agreeable but she knows whose hands hold the treats.
Comments on this photo
~ how cute is that!
30 Oct, 2008
He looks lovely in his costume,and I love the heart...
30 Oct, 2008
Ladybug is the GoY pin-up girl for 2008. :o)
30 Oct, 2008
Awww Ladybug your so cute ,love the costume
30 Oct, 2008
Thanks, she is pretty cute but she knows it. Everyone tells her that all the time.
30 Oct, 2008
How Sweet u look as a Lady Bug u cute little Doggy :)
30 Oct, 2008
Very cute lovely outfit - now if only could get that squirrel in one ...
30 Oct, 2008
What a great catch the squirrel and I'll email you the's that sound?
30 Oct, 2008
He he Skippy thanks have a special one on order for the week - end if cant get him into it would love a go in yours !
30 Oct, 2008
Is he going trick or treating tomorrow? so cute...just a precious fella there.
30 Oct, 2008
Poor thing. lol . I bet she was glad to get out of that.
30 Oct, 2008
lol What was your first clue...the fact that she wouldn't look into the camera?....Actually, you are right, Blodyn, if I tried to get her back into that thing she would shudder up one side and down the other, only did it for the treats. Her treats are about the size of a marble. She doesn't even know it's a treat. She picks it up, shakes her head and lets it fly. Then looks at me to go fetch it. Who has who trained.
30 Oct, 2008
Catfinch, can't leave the house. I take care of my 91 yr old Mom but we do hand out treats and the kids have more fun playing with the cute little doggie than they do trick or treating. They all want to hold her and pet her. She's 11 years old so this will probably be her last year to assist. Her back knees are gone but we haven't told her yet so she thinks she is just fine. She baffles the veterinarian who thinks she should be in pain and having trouble walking.
30 Oct, 2008
Oh what a precios sofie has back leg trouble that I have to give her glucosamine for...she is a sweet girl too..we carry her up and down the stairs , she can walk fine on flat places but the 14 stairs are just too much.
30 Oct, 2008
What a little darling!
31 Oct, 2008
OMG....THIS IS THE CUTEST EVER! Ladybug sure is a lady!
You would never say she is 11! They always stay babies, don't they?
Wish I could meet this little doggie and give her a hug!
31 Oct, 2008
She is adorable!! Happy Hallowe'en Ladybug!
31 Oct, 2008
You look a picture Ladybug...
1 Nov, 2008
you got a treat Ladybug!!!!!!
she is lovely... very funny costume.... :o)
1 Nov, 2008
Soooooo cute!!!!!!
1 Nov, 2008
aaahhhhhhhhhh Bless
2 Nov, 2008
That is just too adorable!
3 Nov, 2008
Prettiest ladybug I've ever seen ! She looks so adorable, she really knows how to work it for the
9 Nov, 2008
She hates the camera, she usually won't look at it and I have a hard time getting a good picture of her. It takes a lot of pictures to get one good one. She doesn;t like costumes, either. She does wear her sweater at the lake when it is chilly out but even then she walks rather stiff legged.
9 Nov, 2008
Well, this must be one of the exceptually good ones then, she looks so sweet and demure in this pose.
9 Nov, 2008
She looks a little bit frustrated I think...and I have a dog who hates her coats too...acts like shes being punished. LOL
9 Nov, 2008
So Beautiful !!
2 Dec, 2008
This is a perfect print ad!!!!
12 Dec, 2008
Thanks, Lori and OT, she's a little sweetheart most of the time.
12 Dec, 2008
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awwww he is so cute skippy
30 Oct, 2008