Oh dear...!
By fluff
Gale force winds all night…lashing rain…day off today but discovered some wind damage on the way to town!
Next door’s shed had taken flight…
Neighbour’s tree…
And our bench tipped up!
This is a pretty little alcove of trees usually but this morning the leaves were very slippery!
But really oh dear!! Our fence has collapsed into next door’s garden…probably with the weight of the bike together with the force of the wind.
Morrissey, however, is not bothered…he slept thru’ it all in the greenhouse in a green planter full of old compost! Yes it does look like he’s using it as a litter tray but he had been asleep in it honest
And Phoebe? Well I’ll give you 3 guesses where she is!
14 Nov, 2009
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A bad night all round then Fluff. My garden looks like a bomb site!
14 Nov, 2009
It's still raging now! Howling down the chimney & frightening the cats!
14 Nov, 2009
I think Heron said it right. It's all about climate change and we need to get used to it! :~((
14 Nov, 2009
Phoebe's sleeping through it all just like Millie and Maddie !
It's raging here too :-(((
14 Nov, 2009
Lots of wind and rain here too Fluff but no damage in the garden (yet), just a small potted tree blown over and the garden furniture 'rearranged' LOL. Last time we had to rescue the polycarbonate roof of my potting shed from next door but one.... Then I had to go up on the roof in the wind and the rain to put it back on, hubby being too heavy or so he reckoned (too many pies)! Seems like I did a good job as it's still there today! :o)) I don't think your neighbour's shed is going to be so easy to rescue. Cats know all the best places don't they?
14 Nov, 2009
Phew! Nasty, Fluff, and as Digger says, a sign of change to come, alas. It's very dank and damp up here and the wind is getting up, but England's had it worse than Scotland this time. I'm glad there's nothing we can do to change the weather ( I mean in a man versus nature sense, not in a 'we-need-to-cut-carbon-emissions' sense, because obviously, we do! ) but there really are times when it would be so good to be able to!
Morrisey looks like he's still asleep standing up!
14 Nov, 2009
It seems to be pretty general My neighbour s conifer keeps threatening to live in my garden. much more of this wind and it will do LOL.The rain has just stopped here wonder how long that will last.
14 Nov, 2009
looks bad there....bad down here in pembrokeshire too. roads were terrrible last night i only just made it through to get home. but friends of mine had to climb out of their car windows when their car flooded. our livingroom window blew in and is now being held shut with 8 concrete blocks and a punch bag...cant do anything about it till the wind stops. the valley below is flooded but none come in the house thank goodness. hope it all calms down soon.
14 Nov, 2009
Awful here too - my curtains are blowing about like nobody's business in here, but the window's shut tight!
14 Nov, 2009
I remember this type of weather during the winter all my life tho'... I miss the long hot summers we used to have every now & then...we never seem to get them now.
I suppose the climate change has affected the summertime more than the winter. My village has flooded all my life...in summer & winter so we haven't noticed any change in the amount of rainfall here but folk near rivers that never used to flood are now having real problems. It's all very concerning.
You all seem to be having my weather!
14 Nov, 2009
Don't get me started on draughts Bamboo...!!!
14 Nov, 2009
What's interesting is that here in London, we'd expect a short period in October like this - high winds, wet, and it never happened, so its doing it a good 3 weeks late, I reckon. November here is usually fairly still, foggy, cold, intermittent frost, not windy and wet. And that's the difference - we get much wetter, milder winters than we did 20 years ago.
14 Nov, 2009
Yes we do...bringing all the flloding. We're used to it & prepared but some people are devastated by the water.
14 Nov, 2009
I used to get a 'buzz' when Mother Nature reminded us who's boss. Trouble now is that it's us who've influenced Mother Nature. I recon we'll all pay the price.
14 Nov, 2009
We are, and we will, Heron - I'm hoping I'll not be here to see it when it gets really bad....
14 Nov, 2009
I agree- we used to get really hard winters with feet of snow at a time....and I know that isn't just old age talking...I can remember having to walk along the walls at the side of the roads because the roads were full of snow...and I mean FULL!
No school closures ...you just plodded on...no school buses either!
I often think those winters were better...these extreme storms we are getting now really do cause havoc in all sorts of different ways. I would rather have days of snow and frost than have the sever floods we experienced here recently - those affected will not get back to their houses for months.
14 Nov, 2009
I don't like extremes of weather whatever they are, even extreme heat.I have a very healthy respect for most extreme weather ever since I got picked up by the wind and dumped 3 feet away, and all I was doing was collecting my kids from school, in west London. We all had to hold hands to keep each other anchored for the walk home that day, assaulted by flying chimney pots and roof slates. No point living in England if we're going to get extremes, is there?
14 Nov, 2009
Oh goodness Fluff....what a time you're having. Sorry about your fence. Hope it won't be expensive to repair.
I think your neighbours shed must have done a "Wizard of Oz" to end up there. How will he get it back I wonder.
Lovely pussycat photos..... :o)
14 Nov, 2009
Fluff...it is finally calming down on this sideof the ocean...will send the calm your way
14 Nov, 2009
Alz...I remember 1976 or 8 was it? Really deep snow to the tops of the hedges? And a very hot summer in '76? I don't like extreme heat either Bamboo.
I was worried about that shed as they have foals in that field sometimes but it was empty thank goodness Gilli!
Thank you HW!!xx
14 Nov, 2009
Sounds nightmareish!! Hope you all stay safe!
14 Nov, 2009
Yes Fluff - I think you are right and I certainly remember the drought of 1976...it really got quite scary and there were forest fires all over the country that raged for weeks.
We had a cracker of a winter up here in 1963 though - that caused mayhem but
I remember THE winter of 1946-7....now that WAS a winter for you and we were living in a tiny village of about 100 houses - with no electricity anyway - but we were better than most as we had a generator and could flick a switch...LOL
We were marooned in that little place for more than two weeks by snowdrifts up and over the windows and although we were near a railway station there were no trains. After we were freed...my mother vowed she would not live there one more year!!!! As she was a Londoner...you can imagine - she thought the end was nigh!! As a kid I thought it was exciting....now if it happened I would understand better!
14 Nov, 2009
It's just scary and horrible, Marie! We haven't got fences to blow down thankfully, but when I took H. out for a VERY short walk, I saw three lying flat in the village! :-(((
14 Nov, 2009
Not nice! I hope you all stay safe!
14 Nov, 2009
we have had lots of rain last night and from about 2.30 this afternoon. Its very breezy but not gale force yet. the big beech is shedding small branches though.
hope every one stays safe
14 Nov, 2009
I am sorry for you people that have had or are having it bad, in cheshire we have been luckie, we have a bit of wind and a bit of rain, but nothing like you have had, I rember 47 I started work that year and had it cushie in regards to worke no responcibilty as I was only 14 and little work as nothing was moving excpt my sled with logs for home, but we never talked of climet change if we had a winter like that now a lot of people would swer that this was the end, after the second world war, it was the bomb that everyone blamed for the weather, now it's climet change because they discoverd a hole in the ozone , rember discoverd it I wonder how menny years it had been there befor they discoverd it,or did the bomb do it, I wonder what the fashion will be next, nature has no boss she will do as she pleases no matter what man in his bigheadeness thinks. hope you are all allright.
14 Nov, 2009
Thanks everyone...just been down to Mum's ( 5pm)...& the wind has completely dropped! Not a leaf is stirring...probably cos they've all been blown off!! Looks like Healerwitch's calm has arrived!
14 Nov, 2009
Really hope, everything will be better! Stand firm! Good luck!
14 Nov, 2009
Kind of agree with you Cliffo....climate changes seem to happen in cycles anyway - whatever man does.....you just need to look back over the ages to see that.
Having said which - I do think we should take better care of our planet - Global Warming may just be one symptom of the natural way of things - but we are not helping our cause by felling swathes of forest for example and polluting the atmosphere the way we do so blithely..and lots of other irresponsible things.
In the meantime - we can but pray that no lives are lost this weekend and we all stay snug in our houses - safe and sound and wind and waterproof.
14 Nov, 2009
Same here, Fluff! Thank goodness for the respite. It went on for 24 hours, screaming round the house, here!
14 Nov, 2009
So sorry for you all suffering such terrible weather here in Newcastle we have got rain and wind but its not to bad take care.
14 Nov, 2009
Alzheimer I don't mean that we should take no notice' and if it stops the cuting down trees the lungs of the earth I will go along with the globle worming , and we dont get the fogs that we did with mostly geting rid of fosal fules, I agree with you conpleatly, and let the good work prosper, but we can only in our poor way try to help nature by not being stupid, the rivers are cleaner ie they have seen salmon in the mersey ,I never thought I would see that in my life time, on ward and upward
14 Nov, 2009
Thank you Mavis & Uma...seems to be all over here in the South West.
14 Nov, 2009
Morrissey and Phoebe have the right idea lol. Sorry to hear about your fence.
14 Nov, 2009
Well it's dropped down now in Notts as well. I remember the summer of 76. Very hot and the forest fires, but I was only 13 so the winter was just ..... winter! We always had snow in winter and yes the schools never closed (Not for want of my prayers! Lol) and the buses kept going.
14 Nov, 2009
Fluff !! Just found this and came straight down to the bottom without reading !! You OK our kid ?? xx
14 Nov, 2009
Yeah yeah...fine...winds all gone now! The shed wasn't mine, nor the tree...but the fence is! Neighbour fixing it tomorrow bless him! :o)
14 Nov, 2009
Glad to hear it. Nothing like nice neighbours ay ? xx
14 Nov, 2009
Thanks Hywel...it'll soon be mended. Hope you haven't had it too rough up in Wales.
Ian...I don't remember the schools ever closing either! Not fair!
14 Nov, 2009
These days, the first sign of a frost and they are ringing up to say "don't bring your child to school!" Ridiculous it is.
14 Nov, 2009
We were not allowed to close - if ONE teacher could get in, then the school stayed open! It was AWFUL - I had 100 children in the hall - would you like that?
Don't forget that H&S rules, these days. If the paths or playgrounds are icy, and someone could fall, then it's deemed too dangerous as that someone could sue the County Council!
That's the reason, Ian. Teachers still have to get in - or report to their nearest open school. Bet you didn't realise THAT!!! How silly! They don't know the children, or what they're meant to be learning. Just a body in front of a class!
14 Nov, 2009
Total waste of time - quite agree. What happens if one of the teachers falls in the icy playground then ....what do H&S have to say about that then!!! I have several friends who are teachers and they all agree it is total madness
14 Nov, 2009
Sorry you had it so bad, we had no wind yesterday.
15 Nov, 2009
It's perfectly lovely here today Carol...sunny & calm! What a difference.
15 Nov, 2009
In my last year at school, we were firmly told by County Officials that if we DID close the school, we'd have to make the time up by opening for extra days in the holidays! Can you imagine the parents' reactions at that news? Let alone the staff who had struggled through blizzards to get in?
Yes Fluff - same here! I've looked at the damage, and I'm off out now to do a bit of clearing. Not worth doing it all, if the wind and rain are on their way back, though!
15 Nov, 2009
Oh are they? Typical...should've known it wouldn't last!!
15 Nov, 2009
That's why I didn't bother to clear up all the leaves this afternoon! Still some on the trees!
15 Nov, 2009
sorry fluff another blog i missed, what bad weather and all that damage to, how awfull
15 Nov, 2009
No worries San...I've missed loads of blogs lately...just can't keep up!
I think we're in for a wet winter again!
16 Nov, 2009
It does look like you had it really bad there. It wasn`t great here on Monday but today was absolutely lovely again. The calm before the storm according to the gloomy forecast. :o(
Sandra x
17 Nov, 2009
Yes Sandra...forecast is wet & windy for Fri/Sat here. :0(((((
17 Nov, 2009
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Blimey you've had it bad, hope it's not a sign of things to come. They say that Climate change will bring this sort of weather. I wonder how your neighbour will retrieve his shed. nice 'Alcove of trees'
14 Nov, 2009