Uncle Bulgaria...or What a Mess?!
By fluff
Just a quickie…this ivy – covered tree is in my village & I pass it every day on my way to work… & incidentally it is the lookout tree for a beautiful hawk who flaps slowly away whenever I stop to take his photo! …but I digress…
My village friend & I were walking past one evening when I said ‘that tree always reminds me of What a Mess…the Afghan hound puppy of Frank Muir’s lovely childrens’ books who was always getting into scrapes & consequently ending up with tangled, straggly hair & muddy paws!
My friend said…’ It has always looked like Great Uncle Bulgaria of The Wombles to me!’
What do you think??! ( if you’ve never seen him you can Google What a Mess & click on the Frank Muir Tribute where there’s a picture of him.)
11 Oct, 2009
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See what you mean Fluff hope no one ever tidies it.
11 Oct, 2009
Is the poor tree dead under a covering of ivy?
I love the shape! No wonder you noticed it!
11 Oct, 2009
Oh Yes! Moongrower...I never thought of an ent! I wonder if it would have a Dorset accent?!
He looks this dishevelled all year Denise with the evergreen ivy.
I think the tree has had it under the ivy Spritz!
11 Oct, 2009
Trust my brain to go to LotR lol
11 Oct, 2009
They were great tho'....as they came across the valley & helped the others to victory!
11 Oct, 2009
He does look like Uncle Bulgaria, but a Dorset accent ??
In fact he looks very much like a Norfolk tree with a Norfolk accent, but I doubt whether he would have travelled that far.
Its really nice to notice and get pleasure from so many things in nature Fluff.
11 Oct, 2009
I think Fluff meant if it was an Ent would if have a Dorset accent Mad
11 Oct, 2009
I'm getting Uncle Bulgaria....I went to see th Wombles live at the New Theatre in Cardiff when I was in infant school. I drew a picture and won tickets in the school competition. We had to collect our tickets in person from the Wombles and had our photo taken with them. I still have it somewhere!!
Here's the sad bit, I stood on Uncle Bulgaria's toe and he screamed out and when I turned to say sorry, I could see inside his 'gauze' eyes and there was a......shock, horror, gasp....human inside!! I was totally gutted as I thought they were real and was quite upset! Still, the concert was really good and I did have 2 of their albums....
'All day long, we will be wombling in the snow.....we wish you a wombling merry christmas......' Oh dear, I've given too much away there!! LoL!
Also think fingermouse of Fingerbobs with Yaffi the bearded presenter or Big Bird off Sesame street - just his head and beak!!
11 Oct, 2009
Oh used to watch Fingermouse with our son... ah nostalgia
11 Oct, 2009
Yes I can see Big Bird! Forgotten all abour Fingermouse!
11 Oct, 2009
Definitely Uncle Bulgaria but he's a long way from Wimbledon Common!
11 Oct, 2009
It looks like both.. lol
11 Oct, 2009
11 Oct, 2009
Uncle Bulgaria does it for me!
12 Oct, 2009
I think the vote is Uncle Bulgaria Fluff :-)
12 Oct, 2009
Ok it will be named Great Uncle Bulgaria tree! My friend will be chuffed! :o)
12 Oct, 2009
Great! Did you put a pix. in your photos?
12 Oct, 2009
No but I will MG!
12 Oct, 2009
We the members of GoY hereby name this the Uncle Bulgaria Tree... So let it be known in perpetuity..
12 Oct, 2009
Okey dokey, MG!! Great Uncle Bulgaria Tree it is!
I went to Morrisons & didnt buy any plants !! I was working! But I DID come home with 3 baby begonias!
12 Oct, 2009
Thank you MG...that's just brilliant!
Erm Madperth...young lady...what are begonias if not plants???!!!
13 Oct, 2009
But I said I didnt BUY any!! The begonias were a gift from work!
13 Oct, 2009
Hmmmm...ok let you off then!
13 Oct, 2009
13 Oct, 2009
Tut tut Madp... semantics!
13 Oct, 2009
LOL< MG! Well I THOUGHT I was being good, not buying the biker blokes...........!
13 Oct, 2009
Buying them MP? What were you thinking of...
13 Oct, 2009
Cyclamens! Lol!
13 Oct, 2009
Uh huh... gawd what age are we?
13 Oct, 2009
LOL!! Theres quite a cute one in my class!
13 Oct, 2009
Oh for goodness sake...I was just going to write 'what the b****y hell are you talking about?' when the light bulb came on & I got it! Cyclamens!!!! Brilliant!
14 Oct, 2009
LMAO Fluff!!
I was the same the other week when MP mentioned them and then I said to Ali about it and she said......cyclemen.....bikermen.....DUH!! I felt stupid enough so didn't really need the emphasisiat the end with the DUH!! LoL!!
14 Oct, 2009
Dan!....What is emphasisiat??!!! It's ok ...I so understand ...you've had a long day! LOL!
14 Oct, 2009
A long 3 days.....I thought I was supposed to relax on a week off!!
Never mind, going down to Tenby at weekend to have a night with my sister and her partner at their caravan. I fell a VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDIE night coming on!!!!!
Voddie, voddie, where art thou voddie? It hath been bot too long since our paths last met....
14 Oct, 2009
Good Man! You sound like Homer!
We decided not to drink this week...well...I decided not to buy any beer! Amounts to the same thing!
Got as far as tonight & hubby cooking pork chops when I got in. He said 'Cuppa?'... I said 'Glass of wine?'...no contest!
Hey hey now I've got a largo voddio on the go!! Woman...thou art soooo weak...
Enjoy Tenby...lovely place to be. :o)
14 Oct, 2009
Yeh, Homer Simpson!
14 Oct, 2009
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Definitely Uncle Bulgaria... or an Ent :-)
11 Oct, 2009