Kingfisher Photos ... At Last!
By dawnsaunt
I’ve often mentioned seeing the kingfisher on my pond but have never been lucky enough to get photos.
Well this morning, I walked Bonnie around the garden as usual and when walking along the path behind the pond I spotted the illusive kingfisher, perched on the post I’ve placed for him. He’s not been around often lately, so it was a pleasant surprise. I froze on the spot, wishing I had my camera with me. I decided to run back to the house to get it, in a kind of army style crouch, ha ha. I was panicking and got the battery in the camera upside down and all that, all fingers and thumbs. Finally, I got back to the pond and crept behind the dogwoods to find him still there. My camera is not the best unfortunately but I did get a shot before he flew. The pics are poor as taken in a hurry and I’ve had to enhance them but anyway, here’s the first one.
After the camera flashed, he flew – you can just see a blue flash on this picture.
He then landed in the top of the weeping silver birch on the island, hope you can spot him.
And away he went. It’s one of those cases of ‘you had to be there’ to appreciate the beauty of this tiny bird.
Dawn x
16 Sep, 2009
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I actually felt like I was on a secret mission, similar to your rescue of the butterfly bush, ha ha.
I'm hoping for a camera too, John knows the one I want, like Ray's :-)
They are quite tiny, the post he's sitting on is only about an inch in diameter.
16 Sep, 2009
That's great Dawn :o)
They go so fast. I've only ever seen one once on a river. It had gon before I realised it was there.
You did well to catch these photos.
16 Sep, 2009
glad your going to be getting a new camera, bet you cant wait dawn, good ol john :o)
16 Sep, 2009
Hi There Hywel.
Yes, they are so fast and very, very shy. I wonder if this is a young one as in the past they've flown as soon as I've approached. I feel very privileged to have it visit. I'm surprised you've not seen more in your beautiful countryside.
I hope I get the camera San. A good camera would have picked it up much better.
16 Sep, 2009
It's quite mountainous around here. Maybe they don't like bleak hills. I'd love to see them more often.
16 Sep, 2009
Well Caught Dawn~a couple of weeks ago we had a sparrow hawk perch on the top of the roof of the bird table only feet away from the window~we were too stunned to move!
16 Sep, 2009
Lovely blog Dawn you are so lucky to see one I have read they like the streams Hywel so perhaps to look for little rivers or streams, must be to do with the water.
16 Sep, 2009
I guess your right Hywel, I dont think the hills would be their thing.
Arlene: You were like me then, frozen to the spot.
We are surrounded by water so it must be kingfisher heaven. I've seen him swim down the brook too and we also have a canal over the road.
16 Sep, 2009
I am really envious, Dawn, of your having such a good view of the kingfisher. I had to laugh too at the thought of you running commando style to get your camera. Lovely blog.
16 Sep, 2009
Wonderful Dawn, you are so lucky to have a Kingfisher come calling, I haven't seen one for ages. Chasing him is going to keep you fit LOL.
16 Sep, 2009
Hello Gee and DoctorBob, I never thought for one minute that he would be still there when I returned with the camera.
I need someone with a good camera to sit and wait for him, there will be plenty of tea and biscuits going.
That blue flash is breathtaking isnt it Bob.
16 Sep, 2009
Yes beautiful Dawn. I was only joking, since my cataract ops I don't even need glasses.
16 Sep, 2009
OK Bob, now your showing off, lol.
16 Sep, 2009
As if I would !!!!
16 Sep, 2009
Ha ha, you know I only joke too.
16 Sep, 2009
Brilliant Dawn....They are so elusive you were very lucky and the blue flash in the ACTION SHOT is brilliant.. Lovely blog.....x x
16 Sep, 2009
Your right Maureen, I wonder if this was a younger one as he seemed less shy, I cant believe I trekked all the way to the house and back without frightening him.
16 Sep, 2009
As you know Dawn often ask about your kingfisher ..difficult to get such a shot when you see them unexpectedly .The good thing is they often return to a favourite perch so that post will be ideal.
Johns list gets longer as you need a little hide by your lake ..what a thrill as for Sparrowhawks Jane goes mad if try to photo them dont sit there its after the collared doves !
17 Sep, 2009
You're right Ray, I'm sure if I sat and waited in a hide, lol, with a good camera on a tripod I would get some cracking shots, just need more time, money for a camera and hide and a little patience
18 Sep, 2009
Dawn you lucky ,lucky girl .. I have never seen a King fisher .. what a sight ! I hope you will see it a lot more often now that it has found your little oasis of paradise :o) x
21 Sep, 2009
Hi Amy, yes I'm thrilled. If you pop over and see me and wait long enough, you will see him :-)
Its been visiting for a few years now but we've not seen him all summer, so it was nice to have him back again.
21 Sep, 2009
How nice that you got the photo, kingfishers are lovely birds. My hubby is a keen fisherman and he recently got a photo of one too. Like you say, you have to be quick to catch them.
Sandra :o)
25 Oct, 2009
Hello Labdancer, Welcome to GOY. Yes, they are very beautiful birds, I saw him again yesterday briefly. Your husband did well to get a photo, how lovely.
25 Oct, 2009
Amazing picture Dawn,you did well to catch him, so fast, I'd never seen one before until a couple of weeks ago me and OH went for a walk with the dog by the canal and spotted one diving into the water then flying off, so fast though, just a flash of bright blue,
13 Nov, 2009
They are an amazing sight, arent they Simbad. Like you say, a flash of blue and they are gone. I really need to sit by the pond and try and get a clear photo.
13 Nov, 2009
Oh Dawn what an exciting moment for you,so pleased ..well done
15 Nov, 2009
Thanks Deida, I love to see him, so stunning.
15 Nov, 2009
excellent dawnsaunt i live near an old canal and im lucky to glimpse one never mind getting a shot of it well well done
10 Dec, 2009
Thanks Vineman, I know what you mean, they are very shy :-)
11 Dec, 2009
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lol dawn can just see you crouched trying to get that camera quick, as a child i always thought they were quite big but realised after seeing a program on them how small they are for a fishing bird,, bet you were made up seeing him again, so quick to, think a good camera is on your xmas list , hint hint john hehehhe,x
16 Sep, 2009