Bodger99's Profile

About me
To paraphrase Alcholics Anonymous - my name's Mike and I'm a plantaholic, (and before you ask, I've no personal experience of AA!).One major difference between me and many of the other plantaholics on this site I suspect - my garden is really small. It only measures about 45' x 27' and is overlooked by my patio of 23' x 12' and I'm the proud possessor, (if that's the right word), of over 200 plants.
I've taken a photo of my garden for you to see.
Another possible difference between me and most of you is that I don't actually do any gardening as such - I'm a wheelchair user who's very lucky to have a gardener who's on the same wavelength.
[If you don't know where Stanmore is, it's on the outer edge of NW Greater London. For those who do know it and fancy a cuppa and a look round my garden, send me a private message.]
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Joined in Jul 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: Stanmore, Middlesex