An old friend in flower
By annella
This Iris was growing in my old Wilby garden when I moved in twenty three years ago and even with the first years of neglect due to my sad lack of gardening knowledge it still flowered every year around midsummer.
When I moved ten years ago I divided them and brought half with me and planted them in the bottom garden. They all flowered for the first couple of years but then gave up. Last year I dug them up and re-planted some in the front garden and some in pots till I can re-home them.
Yesterday after a seven year wait I saw my old friend in flower again, earlier than they used to but now they have a very sunny south facing spot.
I’m glad I didn’t give up, It was worth the wait
6 May, 2011
Previous post: The front garden in early May
Next post: 'Kashmir Purple' Another garden story
I didn't have a clue what it was 23 years ago Karen!! I suppose it's special because it was one of the first flowers I looked up in my book and managed to divide successfully. I still have all the plants I discovered there with the help of my mother in laws Readers digest book which she kindly donated to me :o))))
6 May, 2011
That's good news to see those in flower again :o)
6 May, 2011
Isn't it TT, and Annie and her Reader's Digest book confirms my theory that the best way to learn gardening is garden and get a couple of good books!
6 May, 2011
nice story and gorgeous glad you saved it and shared it..
i am puzzled though about the 23 years..surely you werent expected to understand much about gardening as a teenager!!!!!
6 May, 2011
Lol...Make my day Skip! You smoothie
6 May, 2011
What a player you are Skip! lol :)
6 May, 2011
beautiful flower
6 May, 2011
isnt it a lovely flower. glorious colour.
6 May, 2011
I love the gentle colour of this Iris....simply beautiful :)
6 May, 2011
its glorious are ahead of me..i have had some here for about ten years. each year i get one bloom the plant is realy healthy and now covers a huge area. i have come to realise its in the wrong place to flower. the corms are in the shade and its time to move them.i've ear marked a nice south facing spot for them. so fingers crossed...
6 May, 2011
I have some here both the lighter and dark blue ones, both were already in the garden when we moved in and that was in 1973, I have split them and spread them about amongst friends and family over the years but the main clumps are still in their original positions and pleased to say are flowering well this year, I`ve noticed over the years that mine seem to thrive on neglect and lack of water, they are my old faithfuls.....
6 May, 2011
They say patience is a virtue Annella - and the result is fabulous.
6 May, 2011
Hi Ann - What a lovely surprise for you - better late than never ?
6 May, 2011
A lovely story and a lovely flower, Annella, beautiful colour!
6 May, 2011
I have to add better late as well, we gardeners are patient souls are we not?
6 May, 2011
That's such a beaituful colour. I'm pleased for you :)
7 May, 2011
Fantabulous, lovely colour. A little hint for your irisses, give them some love in the Fall or Winter by fertilizing them so their combs?? grow healthy & robust for the Spring/Summer.
Did that for the first time this Winter & wow, they look spectacular. Also will not fall over like they sometimes do, will be strong enough. Try it.
10 May, 2011
Thanks Adoons
10 May, 2011
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Iris Foetidissima
£8.50 at Burncoose -
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What a lovely tale of discovery, disappointment and renewal!! I do love a good drama! lol...lovely Iris! :))
6 May, 2011