Garden Cut Backs
By annella
I’m having a good cut back all around the garden this year to let in more light and clear up what was becoming a jungle. I have taken lots of photos as I go round and will do a blog soon but thought you might like to see Sunday’s effort when my daughter’s partner and his friend offered to help.
This Conifer seemed to have become huge overnight and was taking light from the front of the house. Danny, Rob, Jamie and a little help from Riley
Some time later and down to the stump which will be levelled and used as a pot stand. We all mucked in and it didn’t really take too long but thank goodness for the shredder! Little Riley loved every minute of it :o)
30 Apr, 2014
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No they all seemed to be happy just playing with the power tools Olive!
30 Apr, 2014
Boys and their toys eh and little Riley starting so young too lol :O) now you have started something he will be wanting a chainsaw for Christmas. lol. :O) He is growing up so fast.
30 Apr, 2014
He is into anything that you can plug in already...the hoover being his favourite :o)
30 Apr, 2014
lol :O) love it :O)
30 Apr, 2014
Well, that answers one of my facebook questions! Brilliant! How lovely of them to offer to help. Could do with a bit of that around here!
30 Apr, 2014
Lol Karen, they just wanted to use the shredder so were happy when I offered them the tree! Derek was happy too as it's one off his list now ;O))
30 Apr, 2014
You will certainly notice the difference in light without that Conifer - I see the lad on the left in the first photo was wearing open toed sandals - hmm - could have been a nasty accident with all those power tools around! I would have loved to have helped - love using hedge trimmers and shredders - ok I know I'm a bit odd! :o)))
30 Apr, 2014
I'm the same Shirley! Jamie stayed out of the way with the shredder so was quite safe :o)
30 Apr, 2014
30 Apr, 2014
I bet your happy thats gone Annella, I had 3 in my front garden plus the huge tree, what a relief when the tree surgeon took them out, I planted them as well lol..
30 Apr, 2014
Let there be light! What a huge difference that will make - I wonder what effect it will have on the surrounding plants too.
Loving Riley getting stuck in - my son had thing for the hoover and iron when he was that age, sadly, not so much now!!
30 Apr, 2014
I didn't even recognise Jamie Annie! He looks a lot like you these days doesn't he? So grown up now!
30 Apr, 2014
Much better now,Annie..I worry about you,when you say you are going to prune :o) Glad to see your 3 helpers,plus a half ,are working well together !Lol..xx
30 Apr, 2014
Brill job. Young, enthusiastic muscle power soon gets the job done, incl. Riley ;)
30 Apr, 2014
Now I could do with a crew like that Annella, do you hire them out ,LOL, I have huge conifers near my bottom pond and have gradually been cutting one of them out to allow some light to filter across the bottom pond and lawn, its taking me years as I only do it in easy stages...
30 Apr, 2014
Looking good but it was quite a task to get rid of it I bet! I love the new space that has been created- well done everybody involved!
30 Apr, 2014
I have a lovely photo of Jamie standing next to the tree when we first moved in. Jamie was about 7 and taller than the tree then. Karen he has changed his hairstyle and is 6ft now.
Bloomer, be afraid!!!
1 May, 2014
Yes, I noticed the's very 'teen' isn't it! :))))
1 May, 2014
We could do with that team too, Annella. There are 3 or more huge conifers at my Mum's which need to come down but we don't have the tools. Your garden is going to love all that extra light. So sweet to see Riley helping too.
1 May, 2014
Well done Lads & Riley! If they fancy a trip up the M1,I can find them plenty of pruning to do! Think my spruce is the next thing to go, we've started on the Mahonia but we can soon stop lol!:-)
1 May, 2014
Riley's other Grandad is a gardener too so between us we will have him well trained :o)
2 May, 2014
it'll make so much difference
3 May, 2014
Lucky you Annella, it's going to look great:-)
4 May, 2014
What a difference a day makes, and a
4 May, 2014
looking forward to the next lot of Photos, much more light now it is surprising how fast they can grow.
6 May, 2014
Recent posts by annella
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8 Jun, 2017
- Sunset on 23.06.15
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- Cut Backs 2014
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- The side garden this morning
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- 2001 & 2014
15 Jul, 2014
- A very 'Happy Belated Birthday' Karen
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Oh wow what a huge difference that is going to make to the daylight getting into your home and your lovely garden. :O) Great job done well done everyone, isn't it nice to have such willing helpers. :O) did you have to cook sunday lunch for them all Annie?
30 Apr, 2014