Adoons's Profile

About me
I am a retired teacher, we live in British Columbia Canada on a lovely island called Gabriola. I'm married, love road cycling, kayaking, golf (sheers madness) & a full contact gardener (heh, heh!!) Ok my husband helped me removing the giant NZ Flax. Gardening is a passion. We live in a very mild climate here on the coast.
I have a big garden that keeps me on my toes, a love for Japanese maples & Hostas. I also have a smaller veggie garden. I put a automatic watering system in 4 yr. ago that free up my time considerably. (Harry installed the valves for me.)
I am 66 yr. old , full of vim & vigor. My motto is: bring it on, I have to handle it.
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Joined in Oct 2008
Country: Canada
Province/Territory: B.C.