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Totally agree, Blue and Yellow especially with scent is the bees knees.


Andrew, I seem to recall the advice on the packet was temps need to be at least above 10 for the nematode to work. However, we must be getting that by now I should think.


Here in Dorset at the moment there is hardly a week goes by without another bit of the South coast crashing into the sea! Not because of volcanoes, just erosion and the wettest winter on record. Spring is just as wet so far!


Oh, wouldn’t that be lovely?


Thanks Kate…if only we had a little bit of sunshine eh?


That’s a beautiful hummingbird! The hummingbirds have nested and all the babies have flown away. Beginning of January the hummingbirds build their nest here, and by mid-February the babies are gone.


Incredible colors!


Absolutely beautiful daffodils! We don’t see many here, but sometimes I’lll see them blooming in early January.

On photo - Little surprises.


Very beautiful flowers! Is it apple blossoms?


Lovely to see the blossom Kate. I drove into Scunthorpe yesterday and noticed so much wild white blossom through the woodlands. Then a whole bank of cowslips had been planted by the council...:))


I love tulips and these are gorgeous Kate.

On photo - Tulips 🌷


One of our apple trees is about to flower Kate.


I know, right? 😂

It should grow very well once I put it outside in a few weeks. Most crotons need a lot of diffused sun to grow well. Plus, indoors crotons attract so many bugs.


Thanks Balcony....


I'm pleased you're over the nasty virus, Rose!!!! In time to enjoy the beautiful colour in your garden too.
The camellia is definitely an all rounder, looks pretty perfect with a perfect price!


Thanks Sheila and Linda. This chap has a mini orchard and it's looking so pretty at the moment. He has lovely Spring flowers underplanted here too.
So pleased we're into Springtime finally!!!! Plus its going to be warmish this weekend!


Thanks Rose! This chap is in Lincolnshire. I'm hoping I can.grow some next year, I'm not too far away from him, about 26 miles.

On photo - Fritillary


Linda, I've always liked fritillary, I ought to get some myself.

On photo - Fritillary


Definitely Sheila! I must agree.

On photo - Fritillary


Thanks Chris, I took a pic yesterday, in a patients garden. I'd love to have them, must look at this for next Spring.

On photo - Fritillary


If weed seeds are germinating, the soil temperature is above 5C


Thanks ladies, I will pass on your lovely feedback! They ate glowing brightly in a patient's back garden.

On photo - Tulips 🌷


I love your Acers, Lincs! Such a lovely collection you have there! 👍


The painter certainly did some really sloppy work on your Croton! 🤣 But I hope it grows well for you!


You have made a really nice Easter tray, Klahanie! Very original, too! 👍


Driving past cows is a skill you need to develop quickly. Terceira is the only island with this problem. I've been to several others, and they keep their cows out of the streets.

A lot of the quakes are not felt, measuring below 2.0 on the scale. There was one recently that caused some of the rock walls lining the streets to be damaged.

I am waiting on a new member of the Iris group to flower - Neomarica. The buds are forming, but it is taking a long time.


You have some gorgeous plants and I think I would be very nervous living where you do.
Hopefully it won't ever affect you.
I too love to see the cows but it must be a nuisance if you want to get past them.