Tidying up still!
By Gee19
Well, I gave up waiting for a crisp bright day to finish clearing up my garden. There was a slight flurry of snow early on Sunday morning but you could count the snowflakes as they fell.
Then followed rain, rain and more rain. This morning was a different story however and I begrudged having to go to help collate our Parish Magazine first thing! That job done, I came home and plugged the leaf blower into the circuit breaker (health & safety conscious today, more about that later!.) The machine is quite heavy but has little wheels at the front which helps a great deal. I could do with being a little bit taller (5 foot nothing makes lots of things more difficult than they should be!). Within 10-15 minutes my garden was transformed from a a soggy wet leaf mess to leafless tidiness. I wizzed round like a witch on a broomstick, sucking up between plants, across gravel, over the lawn and down the front garden path. Good job the gate was shut or I might have ended up down the road and on to the M20!
No more back-breaking raking for me. This is better than i-pods, mobile phones and HD TV (whatever that is!)
Only one problem – the machine is a bit noisy but all the wildlife gradually crept and flew back when it was switched off and I eventually stopped shuddering as I walked and the deafness wore off after an hour or so, so no problems there!
I promised them all that now that all the trees were leafless I wouldn’t use the machine anymore this year and I gave extra rations for bravery. I have 4 bags of lovely leaf-mould-to-be standing down the end of the garden and I feel that I have taken a giant step for 5 foot nothing women!
Right, now confession time. The reason I am being so health and safety conscious is that yesterday I had a rather ‘accident prone’ day. I climbed, with the use of a step stool, onto my kitchen side (to put the tumble dryer hose out the window!) and forgot which way the steps were facing when I climbed down! Fortunately my kitchen is not very wide so I did a beautful backward lunge and bounced against the sink unit a couple of times before sitting down in Chloe’s water bowl, completely unhurt but rather damp in the rear. Shortly afterwards I put the potatoes on to boil but (yes you’ve guessed) I switched the wrong ‘ring’ on and burnt the oven cloth (which I had carelessly left at the back of the cooker). I thought the potatoes smelt funny but no harm done, just a scorch mark (or two). I know these things come in threes (so they say) but I am hoping that taking my TV remote control out shopping with me instead of my mobile phone, counts as one. Didn’t realise until I came home and couldn’t find the remote control but noticed the phone on the side! Why do they make these things so similar? If this slight difficulty doesn’t count as one, I wonder what will happen at bowls tonight?
25 Nov, 2008
More blog posts by Gee19
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Great blog.
Any advice on leaf blowers from anyone, please.
My neighbour's tree just gets bigger and bigger each year, and all her leaves fall in my back garden.
Are the blowers expensive ? Are they heavy ?
Do they blow or do the vacuum ?
Do you have to be accident-prone to use one?
I don't look like a witch. Will that be a problem ? :o)
25 Nov, 2008
Brilliant blog Gee - love the little wren shot as such active elusive little birds not easy to capture well done .
Shouldnt laugh at your misfortune but think its ok when only pride hurt, the image of you trying to remove that water bowl will stay for a while ! The TV remote and the phone my indoor phone looks similar and often pick up the remote to answer.
Assume your bowls must be indoors - hope so to protect you from people like me.Once lived in a house next to an outdoor bowls club renovating it I thought I would throw old carpet out of bedroom window.
The old foam had disintegrated into dust and as the carpet hit the ground this huge black cloud drifted over bowls club depositing its sooty substance over everyones crisp white clothing !
25 Nov, 2008
TT - I've got my serious head on now! The machine I have blows and sucks (some even mulch the leaves). The prices vary from about £29 - £100+. They are quite heavy and being short does make it more difficult to get the nozzle at the right angle. Looking like a witch is an advantage as nobody is brave enough to complain or comment on strange behaviour!
BB - Yes, my bowls is indoors - safe from carpet-throwing neighbours! Nothing untowards happened as I played tonight and my team won both games. I did spill my drink when I got home but now that's mopped up and Chloe's dried off, all is well again. That is definitely the 3 mishaps. Tomorrow will be perfect.
25 Nov, 2008
Enjoyed this amusing blog Gee, and your photo's are great. Isn't it funny how these things do come in 3's and you just know after the first that something else will happen. I recently broke a glass mixing bowl and just had 'that feeling'. Later that day I dropped a drinking glass and then that night whilst washing up, a glass saucepan lid!
As BB said, well done on capturing the wren, one has started to visit my bird feeding area but I have not managed a photo. I have taken several only to find on looking at them that he/she was not there! Hopped on without me realising, so well camouflaged.
26 Nov, 2008
LOL. You write such funny blogs I have to read them several times. I enjoy them.
Glad you didn't injure ( sorry about spelling ), your typing finger so you can write some more blogs for us. ! :o)
26 Nov, 2008
Really enjoyed your blog, but glad you did'nt hurt yourself, things happening in three's are always happening to me.
26 Nov, 2008
I wonder if everyone thinks good things happen in threes.
Or is it just threes on bad things ???
Thanks for the info. on the amazing blower machines.
Could be something to have in the future. I'm taller than 5 foot nothing, so should be okay.
I've been giving some deep consideration to the backward lunge with somersaults, landing in Chloe's water bowl.
Gee19 ~ with this great training, you would be ideal for the GoY Wellie Olympics sport of high diving. Your sink unit bounces prove you would be awarded top marks for artistic impression. If you wish to announce this is your event on my Wellie blog, it might inspire others to look at your great blog here, to understand why you are so ideal for the Wellie High Diving event. :o)
26 Nov, 2008
Oh No! There is no way I can do heights and water!! I will have to decline your kind offer to take part in that event - I am sure there is something more suitable - I will have another look at your Wellie blog to see if there is something more fitting to someone of my stature and sensibilities!! :)
26 Nov, 2008
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LOL what a fantasic blog, Gee, nearly wet myself reading it, i really love the witchy pic, lol - reminds me of the ex-mother-in-law lol - but that's another story. i too have been out doing very simular in the blustery coldness over the last few days, and my garden like yours, is much improved, only thing is still have lots more to do!
25 Nov, 2008