Green Footprints (this isn't what you think it is)
By AndrewR
Yesterday was dry so I was able to get some work done in the garden. Later I was painting a piece of trellis laid out on the grass with green wood stain. The local neighbourhood robin came and perched on the other end to see what I was doing – while the paint was still wet.
So if you see green footprints in your garden, blame my robin!
9 Sep, 2008
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lol that would be a brilliant logo bonkers
9 Sep, 2008
Wonder if she ll pick up on it ? suppose being your robin Andrew you have commercial rights.
9 Sep, 2008
LOL I like that very good . :o)
9 Sep, 2008
Spent all day trying to put the little green feet in the tiny wellies.
But it's such a great logo idea, I'll persevere.
Whatever the end result, it'll look better than that expensive logo they came up with for London.2012.
Stop press~
I'm trying to persuade new member 'Jimin' to be our team manager. He seems to have a sense of humour, AND we would get that super avatar. Manager Moe, that's what I would like. Any ideas of ways could tempt him?
(new para)
Jimin needs lot of advice on his barbecue area, so that might be a way to his heart. See what you can achieve. He doesn't know what to do with that part of his garden.
Photos on his blog.
Just watch out for his wife wielding her secateurs.
9 Sep, 2008
Robin with green feet in wellies. The mind boggles. What will Bonker's fertile imagination think of next! The blogs section is becoming the best source of entertainment I've found in ages.
9 Sep, 2008
Welcome back. Chrispook.
Nice that you can catch up with us in between your travels.
9 Sep, 2008
We very much approve of the tasteful hint of colour coordinaton. Green feet to match the same shade as the grass...... excellent!
Now, Bonkers, what shade of green for the wellies?
We suggest B.R.G (British Robin Green), as an alternative to British. Racing .Green.
We have previously owned several sports cars that were painted in B.R.G. Here we go.... another word association!
9 Sep, 2008
Bad news folks ~
Manager Moe is into GOLF, not an Olympic sport, so it's back to the drawing board for our team manager.
How about a team manager with very attractive green hair and Andrewr-design British Robin Green wellies... or even British Racing Green..... we might go faster.
Would you like the job Grenville ? We'd be delighted.
It's going to take someone such as yourself, with your vast wellie and gardening experience, to keep us all in control.
10 Sep, 2008
All your communications are BRG Grenville .Blogs Read Gladly .But watch out BRG = Bonkers Raises Grubs also.
Feel I must protest at the prospect of Grenville as Team Manager .Clearly this puts me at a distinct disavantage esp. if he teams up with Spritzhenry.I therefore intend to withdraw and concentrate on representing the Isle of Man in the 3 legged race.
The Isle of Man ? Where else should the venue be for TT (Terratoonie) races.
10 Sep, 2008
Don't blame me, BB, I haven't agreed to anything!
10 Sep, 2008
BB ~
I don't think you can get out of this by laying any blame on Spritz or Grenville.
Truth is you wanted to carry a flag, and the three-legged one was your only option.
Please to know you are still with us, as part of our international team, along with your special TT endorsements.
10 Sep, 2008
Now Bonkers you surely appreciate that Spritz and myself would represent the South West in any events?
10 Sep, 2008
Make that three for the South West team Grenville - I am a Devon lad. Born and grew up in Exmouth - that's why magnolia grandiflora 'Exmouth' has such a prominent position in my garden
10 Sep, 2008
If Grenville Team manager then sure to put me through a Dope test and fail me. Feel that ,as dopes go,I have consistently shown that I should pass. What else I have to do ?
Currently in training listening to old Rolf Harris records.
10 Sep, 2008
Well done Andrew you are with us!
Bonkers ......It will be a written test with practical aptitude assessments.So fear not!
An after thought.......why are we digressing from your original story Andrew?
It's all Bonkers fault again!
10 Sep, 2008
There's room on my horse for two, sport...
Laptop broke this morning.
You can read all about how I fixed it
on Irish's blog. Very technical solution.
When your computer breaks,
I'll come and mend it by taking it for walk
and talking to it nicely. No charge.
Have you noticed the title of this blog :
'It isn't what you think it is'
I wonder what GoY members think it IS.
The mind boggles.
This team manager thing :
Nobody wants the job.
Are we that much trouble ?
BB. will you and I have to stop the medication for fear of dope tests ?
My vote is still for Grenville, though he looks rather stoney-faced in that photo.
But the green hair is so wonderful...
How about it Grenville ?
I'll post the announcement straight on
the Wellie blog.
Only about 75 comments there so far,
so it needs a bit of input.
.....I'm Jake the peg, diddle, diddle diddle...
10 Sep, 2008
Thanks Terratoonie for the vote of confidence. I graciously accept. Iv'e got a wicked sense of humour really!
( I dont think I would have survived for 35 years in the teaching profession if I was too dire especially working with 4 to 11 year olds.)
Now..... will I have a Chairperson's job specification please and a gold badge of office entitled and inscribed 'The South West Gardeners' Mafia (U.K division)' ?
And how about Spritz - a role for her.... just to irritate Bonkers?
10 Sep, 2008
Grenville :
That's brilliant.Welcome aboard.
I'll work out Team Manager's duties and post these on the Wellie Olympics blog. A lot of thought will be needed for your managerial responsiblities. I'm sure a badge of office can be arranged. Maybe something with a robin in green wellies would justify our hijacking Andrew's blog, by returning it to the original theme ? Or, not.
The GoY Olympians will be delighted with your acceptance.
What do you suggest for Spritz?
The David Beckham role is still vacant.
ie. stand on a bus and kick something into the crowd.
Some years back, one of my tasks was to hand out the grants to Cambridge University students, so, Greville, I think we have something in common....
Though I don't have your nice green hairdo .....
10 Sep, 2008
Where we supposed to go with a blog about a robin with green feet? Im sticking to my Olympic motto - give me a daft idea and I ll run with it.
10 Sep, 2008
Many thanks.Terratoonie. I am quite overwhelmed! I think Spritz would welcome a role as well. The team logo of a Robin wearing green wellies sounds very eye- catching and innovative.How about consulting Spritz regarding her potential role? I look forward to an update!
10 Sep, 2008
Well, Spritz :
You recently survived a day at a Garden Show which I likened to successfully negotiating a dog agility course.
You're obviously fit. In tip top condition.
Just what the team needs.
If you have a sport in mind, please post on Wellie Olympics blog. ( unless it's something involving robins, in which case, Andrewr will be glad to have your comment here )
10 Sep, 2008
It's going to have to be 'mud-plodging'. I will post the details on the more relevant blog, as we seem to have ignored the poor robin for a long time. I think, however, that someone should alert Bill Oddie about the rare Lesser Green-footed Robin seen in Berkshire, don't you?
10 Sep, 2008
I'll warn Bill to look out for the robin on Autumn watch, Winter watch, Spring watch, Summer Watch, Night watch, and Day watch.
Some years ago I was photographed with Bill at a reception to which we were both invited.
So he's sure to remember me.
LOL and more LOL
10 Sep, 2008
Andrewr ... you should have have your camera with you, but then that may have turned green : )
11 Sep, 2008
Very Funny Story Andrewr :) I bet the little Robin looks rite COOL :) lol
15 Sep, 2008
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Well Andrew at least you had the good sense to use green wood stain on grass. Ill look out for robin with green feet - wearing wellies ? Could be Terratoonies logo for Olmpic wellie team.
9 Sep, 2008